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Sportscenter sunday conversation


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I don't necessarily agree that vietnam was good or just, I just believe in backing my country and commander in chief and showing my support as an american just as I support and respect all of the troops who defend our lives every day.


So Kerry was a traitor??? I think he was a young man that saw horror and destruction and spoke out in public about it..nothing wrong with that, people didn't wanna face it..sweep it under the rug...I'm sorry but he has past the test to be CIC long before he got to Nov 1

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and the count will be upwards of 2200 deaths, and we will still be faced with yellow, green, turquois, whatever threats every other month. 


I take it you feel safer now that before, huh?


What a joke.



i'd be surprised if you stay a liberal for another 5-10 years steve

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typical anti-bush argument, focus on his speaking skills and not his actions, kinda like a flip-flopper I know  :)




Actually, after suffering two terms with GW as my governor, and a near 4 year nigthmare with him as president, I was impressed with Bush on SportCenter. It was the first time I have ever seen/heard him interviewed where he sounded at all logical or coherent. If you listen to what the two men were saying in the piece though, it was very consistant with what they both stand for. While Kerry said he was in favor of cities funding stadiums, as long as the franchise had some accountablitiy to the city, Bush consistantly took the position in favor of the owners.


Even a question on steroids, Bush (the same man who made this a national issue of presidential importance) again said we should reserve judgement, because his experience (a miserable experience for us fans, by the way) showed him that some of those baseball players were very talented, and we shouldn't just assume they are on steroids, until it is proven. Talk about flip-flops.


But, I give kudos to Bush in this puff-piece, he sounded like someone who actually had his own opinion and stated them well....but as Bush supporters will insisit, it is better to have strong conviction, even when you are wrong, than to change your mind...

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If I focused on his actions, I would point you to the 1100 dead American soldiers that lost their lives and yet we are still getting threats from the actual mastermind behind 9/11. Believe me, you'd rather have us "liberals" (and I'm surprised there's not a filter for that since you use it like a curse word) point out his terrible speaking ability that his awful actions as president.



If you want to play the numbers game ... 3,000+ innocents on 9/11.


President Bush said the world would hear us ... and they did. Don't be stupid and think he took his eye off the ball because there are troops ravaging everyday through all of the world looking for UBL. Terrorism is not just UBL, terrorism is everywhere.

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So Kerry was a traitor??? I think he was a young man that saw horror and destruction and spoke out in public about it..nothing wrong with that, people didn't wanna face it..sweep it under the rug...I'm sorry but he has past the test to be CIC long before he got to Nov 1





haha he went straight to the enemy and turned his back on his OWN country by denouncing their actions at the opposition of his OWN country's requests.


He made our country look weak. Imagine a french soldier coming over here and publicly denouncing the fact that france will not back the U.S.


We would look at france as a joke that cant handle their own citizens.

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haha he went straight to the enemy and turned his back on his OWN country by denouncing their actions at the opposition of his OWN country's requests.


He made our country look weak. Imagine a french soldier coming over here and publicly denouncing the fact that france will not back the U.S.


We would look at france as a joke that cant handle their own citizens.



I would be looking at France as a strong democracy who realizes the rights of any single person to register their complaints against their government publicly and peacefully without labelling them a traitor for doing so. I would support their taking a higher ground on the issue, rather than hiding behind their flag.

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and the count will be upwards of 2200 deaths, and we will still be faced with yellow, green, turquois, whatever threats every other month. 


I take it you feel safer now that before, huh?


What a joke.




this coming from a guy who spends his days on this forum.


21.2 posts per day????? How?


There is life beyond your monitor and keyboard.


Kerry's going to keep you safer? Riiiiight. Terrorist are praying to Allah for Kerry in office. He is a kinder, gentler American Infidel.

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Well you go to vietnam and then come back and tell us how we should have been involved over there...at least he went....where was George?, air national guard had no clue, Kerry-Hero, Bush -Coward...who do you think gets my vote..I served proudly for 20 years....Truth hurts in this country...Vietnam was wrong, just ask my brother that died there in 1969


Wouldn't that make it hard to ask him?

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I would be looking at France as a strong democracy who realizes the rights of any single person to register their complaints against their government publicly and peacefully without labelling them a traitor for doing so.  I would support their taking a higher ground on the issue, rather than hiding behind their flag.


Well I guess that's just the difference between you and the Viet Cong.

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I would be looking at France as a strong democracy who realizes the rights of any single person to register their complaints against their government publicly and peacefully without labelling them a traitor for doing so.  I would support their taking a higher ground on the issue, rather than hiding behind their flag.





It's a mindset like that which will end up witnessing or experiencing another dreaded terrorist attack. This isnt the 70's anymore, going against your government isnt "hip" or "cool", it's just plain stupid. In today's world you cannot show weakness, not with all of these madmen running around the globe.


This is the UNITED STATES, if we dont stay strong and as one, we will be picked apart.

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If you want to play the numbers game ... 3,000+ innocents on 9/11.


President Bush said the world would hear us ... and they did. Don't be stupid and think he took his eye off the ball because there are troops ravaging everyday through all of the world looking for UBL. Terrorism is not just UBL, terrorism is everywhere.


Are you kidding me..any president, democratic or republican would have said that...UBL didn't hear GWB. They didn't seem to hear in Asia, ask the Australians who lost family members...ask the terrorist in Spain didn't hear.....how many Marines were killed today in a car bomb 10 or 11 I believe..guess those insurgents didn't hear GWB...

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Are you kidding me..any president, democratic or republican would have said that...UBL didn't hear GWB.  They didn't seem to hear in Asia, ask the Australians who lost family members...ask the terrorist in Spain didn't hear.....how many Marines were killed today in a car bomb 10 or 11 I believe..guess those insurgents didn't hear GWB...


Nothing better than taking the side of criminals. Terrorism has been a problem throughout history and appeasement has always been the road to ruin.


It is always darkest before the dawn and your worm's eye few is convenient because it fits your ridiculous soundbyte politics.

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Nothing better than taking the side of criminals.  Terrorism has been a problem throughout history and appeasement has always been the road to ruin. 


It is always darkest before the dawn and your worm's eye few is convenient because it fits your ridiculous soundbyte politics.


I think Isolationism is the route to follow....lets go this alone

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I think Isolationism is the route to follow....lets go this alone


Thanks for proving my point. You have your head so far up Senator Kerry's ass you could probably tell me what he had for dinner 2 weeks ago - down to the spices he has digestive issues with.


Let's build a bridge to the world by alienating everyone that is currently cooperating with us - especially those who are doing it on the investigative level (which includes Germany and France). We'll do something like call them the "Coalition of the Bribed and Coerced". Then we'll pretend we're going to be a great statesman.


Of course, I don't get my news from the mass media.

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I don't consider Bush or Kerry an average guy. Kerry is a political machine and never speaks in a heart felt way. That's why so many people think he is more presidential. Bush tends to speak more from a personal stand point. Which is why he says a lot of stupid things, but its also why a lot of people tend to consider him an average joe.

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Thanks for proving my point.  You have your head so far up Senator Kerry's ass you could probably tell me what he had for dinner 2 weeks ago - down to the spices he has digestive issues with. 


Let's build a bridge to the world by alienating everyone that is currently cooperating with us - especially those who are doing it on the investigative level (which includes Germany and France).  We'll do something like call them the "Coalition of the Bribed and Coerced".  Then we'll pretend we're going to be a great statesman.


Of course, I don't get my news from the mass media.


Obviously...you get it out of Karl Rove's ass...see any polyps up there

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