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So what you're telling me is that you think you know how to best spend your money right? See several of you are finally getting it. :thumbsup:

No, I'm telling you that it's a good thing to help someone out if you can, because hoarding your money or spending it all on yourself isn't the only way to look at things or live your life.

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No, I'm telling you that it's a good thing to help someone out if you can, because hoarding your money or spending it all on yourself isn't the only way to look at things or live your life.

So not wanting to give up my money to a faceless bureaucracy in Washington for whatever "Program of the Day" that's in vogue is now "hoarding my money" or "spending it all on myself"? How very honest. :thumbsup:

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No, it's not, dumb ass.

I wouldn't expect you to be honest if it were. And you, of all people, know I'm not a dumbass. Someone with your gift for the written word can do much better than a 5-word, inappropriately punctuated sentence.


But it's nice to know I can still piss you off at my leisure. :thumbsup:

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No, I'm telling you that it's a good thing to help someone out if you can, because hoarding your money or spending it all on yourself isn't the only way to look at things or live your life.


And the best way to encourage that behavior is to reduce the allowable deduction for charitable contributions for the people who make the vast majority of such donations? Brilliant.

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So not wanting to give up my money to a faceless bureaucracy in Washington for whatever "Program of the Day" that's in vogue is now "hoarding my money" or "spending it all on myself"? How very honest. :thumbsup:

Where did I say anything about you? I thought it would be hoarding my money and spending it all on myself if I didn't help out. You don't have to help. :lol:

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I wouldn't expect you to be honest if it were. And you, of all people, know I'm not a dumbass. Someone with your gift for the written word can do much better than a 5-word, inappropriately punctuated sentence.


But it's nice to know I can still piss you off at my leisure. :thumbsup:

You are a dumb ass for just assuming something you know absolutely zero about. Normally, you're not a dumb ass. And normally I don't call you a dumb ass. But when you're a dumb ass, you should be called a dumb ass. :lol:

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You are a dumb ass for just assuming something you know absolutely zero about. Normally, you're not a dumb ass. And normally I don't call you a dumb ass. But when you're a dumb ass, you should be called a dumb ass. :lol:

I wasn't assuming anything, which is why I used "likely" - because so many similar stories exist right now. Like I'm going to miss a chance to smack the bureaucracy. Please.


And I've been called worse by more important people. Bring it on, bastard. :thumbsup:

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great thread.


Big f'ing deal - what's a few extra percent on $250k? $7500 - boo hoo.


$600 a month is a lot of money, and as many have said already - $250k in NYC, Boston, LA or a lot of places doesn't make anyone rich by any means. They surely aren't poor, but they aren't always swimming in money.


Big Cat - You have a LOT to learn, and you really don't get it. You make comments about those jerks who throw away money on top shelf liquor - (and I think this is where a lot of the hatred comes from. People picture every "rich person" as a dickhead in a suit and a private jet grabbing girls asses. )


Whether or not someone is a jerk - spending a lot of money is a GREAT thing. Guess who the $14 gin and tonic helps? It helps that jerk bartender. It helps that jerk girl doing the liquor promotions making $15 an hour. It helps that jerk immigrant busboy who sends money back to his family. It helps the jerk liquor delivery man. It helps the jerk who cleans the bar. It helps the jerk who saved his money and became a liquor distributor.


Go ahead and ask anyone of those people which they would rather have - an exra $60 per month that they will be getting under Obama, or a bunch of rich jerks out spending their money.



It is so easy to say "big deal, who cares about those guys". But when does it end? If 39% isn't a big deal, why not 41% - it's only 2 measly percent.


Charities are going to get CRUSHED under this plan. Amusingly, our vice president - who is very excited to spend our money rather than let us spend it and give it away gave a whopping $3,000 to charity over the past 10 years. I honestly can't even fathom that.

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I just gave someone $70,000 to save their house that I might not get back. So don't tell me about sending a check.

Take that $70,000 and give it to Nancy Pelosi to do as she pleases, then come back and tell us what a good guy you were in desperate times.


There's a difference between doing something because you CHOSE to do it and doing it because you were MADE to do it. There's a difference between helping someone you KNOW you can help and just giving up your income in hopes it doesn't end up helping a Nancy Pelosi special interest.


That's what I mean by "blind love." You love this president so blindly, you can't tell the difference between helping someone you know needs it and helping anyone the government thinks needs it.

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Take that $70,000 and give it to Nancy Pelosi to do as she pleases, then come back and tell us what a good guy you were in desperate times.


There's a difference between doing something because you CHOSE to do it and doing it because you were MADE to do it. There's a difference between helping someone you KNOW you can help and just giving up your income in hopes it doesn't end up helping a Nancy Pelosi special interest.


That's what I mean by "blind love." You love this president so blindly, you can't tell the difference between helping someone you know needs it and helping anyone the government thinks needs it.

Chef brought my personal finances into the thread. He asked if I would have no problem giving away my money to the government for the greater good if I made over 250K, and I said yes. Because I personally would have no problem with it. Then he said why not send a check or is it different if it is my money. And then I simply said I already did give someone 70K when it was my money. And I had no problem with that either. I know the difference between being forced and volunteering, thank you. I already said I had no problem with either.


It's okay to be cheap, LA. It's okay to spit on the poor and people who don't make as much as you. Seriously. People do it all the time. I know you can sleep soundly knowing you don't want to help the government or the man on the street or your friends and business partners, only yourself. I understand that. It's almost human. Again, not everyone is a good person. :D

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Chef brought my personal finances into the thread. He asked if I would have no problem giving away my money to the government for the greater good if I made over 250K, and I said yes. Because I personally would have no problem with it. Then he said why not send a check or is it different if it is my money. And then I simply said I already did give someone 70K when it was my money. And I had no problem with that either. I know the difference between being forced and volunteering, thank you. I already said I had no problem with either.


It's okay to be cheap, LA. It's okay to spit on the poor and people who don't make as much as you. Seriously. People do it all the time. I know you can sleep soundly knowing you don't want to help the government or the man on the street or your friends and business partners, only yourself. I understand that. It's almost human. Again, not everyone is a good person. :D

Your blind love has you absolutely batshit loony. You have no idea what my family does to help the poor, or the man on the street, or my friend, or my neighbor, or my business partner. And to insinuate that we piss on these people only further exposes you as the know-nothing, Obama-loving Pelosi-muncher who spends more time standing in judgement of what you don't understand than taking the time to know better.


You have no idea the number of hours donated to help people, or the number of dollars donated to worthy causes, but suffice it to say they completely and utterly eclipse that of your beloved VP, Plugs Biden.


But because you don't see it...because you can't account for it...because we don't feel the need to tell you about it, in your eyes, we clearly do nothing.


Blind love. It's a dangerous thing.


Hate to leave for the night, but I have to walk the neighborhood and go piss on the poor.

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