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Um Uh Nurses in Trouble


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If they posted the X-ray without a name I don't see what the problem is?


When I worked at Strong a guy was brought in with an 18" dildo up his...ahem... His excuse was he was painting and fell off the ladder onto it. :nana:


1. He had to be painting nekkid.


2. It had to be standing on end next to the ladder.



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Exactly what were you searching for when you found that webpage?


Years ago there used to be a site called Cruel Site of the Day, which had a new weird web site every day. That was one of them. Also came across "Weird Foreign objects in Dog Feces" site that had storied abou dogs eating Barbie Dolls, cement, etc.


The guy now has a lefist web site at the Cruel Site location.

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