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The Conservative Political Action Conference is going on in Washington.


Some of the presentations include:

-Al Franken and ACORN: How Liberals are Destroying the American Election System

-The Key to Victory? Listen to Conservatives

-Youth for Western Civilization Inaugural Reception

-Will Obama’s Tax Policy Kill Entrepreneurship?

-Will Congress Take Your Guns?

-How Many Crimes Did You Commit Today?

-The True Cost Of Global Warming Hysteria

-Threats to Our National Sovereignty

-Sarah Palin Unplugged on the Media Video Interview


Speakers include Ann Coulter, Ralph Reed, Rush Limbaugh, Steven Baldwin, and Phyllis Schlafly.




There will be the annual CPAC Straw Poll, in which conference attendees will vote on which politician should win the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. The results to be released on Saturday.


Here are the choices on the ballot: Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, former House speaker Newt Gingrich, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, and Undecided. There's also space on the ballot for a write-in-candidate.


Who is your choice, and who do you think would have the best chance against Obama?




Now I am trying to draw a mental picture of the SECURITY these people will want. Because I am sure THEY are sure that the evildoers are sitting in their villas in the mountains of Pakistan, taking note of this great opportunity to strike at the heart of America.

  PastaJoe said:
-Al Franken and ACORN: How Liberals are Destroying the American Election System



:nana: Al Franken, destroying American democracy. That's great...

  Cheeseburger_in_paradise said:
Ron Paul, hands down. Didn't know he was still a republican.


I heard him talk before one of the committee interviews with Bernanke and he was talking about capital vs credit. He was saying that issuing credit is not the same as raising capital which is what I've been saying all along. So we are to fix a credit issue by issuing more credit. That's like feeding a junkie morphine to get him off heroin.

  RkFast said:
I wonder how many of those tolerant lefties who cherish free speech so much will try to break in and disrupt the proceedings.


I doubt any, except maybe one idiot, will break in and try to disrupt the proceedings. There may be some outside exercising their right to free speech though I doubt it.

  RkFast said:
I wonder how many of those tolerant lefties who cherish free speech so much will try to break in and disrupt the proceedings.


??? That is free speech. Your posting confuses on so many levels.


Anyways.. am I to infer by your post that you oppose freedom of speech?

  Chef Jim said:
I heard him talk before one of the committee interviews with Bernanke and he was talking about capital vs credit. He was saying that issuing credit is not the same as raising capital which is what I've been saying all along. So we are to fix a credit issue by issuing more credit. That's like feeding a junkie morphine to get him off heroin.


Ron Paul's ideas are so straight forward and filled with such common sense, he is perceived to be a radical. The system we have now will never let him have a chance. Today, you must misrepresent yourself to get elected.

  RkFast said:
I wonder how many of those tolerant lefties who cherish free speech so much will try to break in and disrupt the proceedings.


They'd be better off leaving the Convention alone and letting them embarrass themselves with their radical rightwing statements. I wonder if they'll allow the media to cover, or will they be afraid to let the public know what is said.

  PastaJoe said:
They'd be better off leaving the Convention alone and letting them embarrass themselves with their radical rightwing statements. I wonder if they'll allow the media to cover, or will they be afraid to let the public know what is said.

Has anyone seen any protesters? I've not seen any mention of it. Winguts like to set up "free speech zones" and bust people for disagreeing with them ... I guess now that they are in them minority they can't do that any more. I can think of better things to do than waste my time picketing a gathering of goofballs.


What I DO find hilarious is how they have now painted themselves right into a corner ... They are now the party of Limbaugh. Much like they have over the years managed to make the word "liberal" mean something derogatory, the Democrats are promoting the idea that Rush Limbaugh, that bombastic drug addicted loser, is now "the voice of the GOP".


How many moderate, rational people will want to be associated with THAT?!


"Hoist with your own petard" is a term which comes to mind.

  PearlHowardman said:
Meanwhile, uh, the world economy is dissolving under the economic aegis of President Obama! That's what I'm paying attention to.

Meanwhile, uh, it's well documented that the economy under GWBush was dissolving starting back in December of 2007 when it turns out the recession started.


Maybe you should have started paying attention sooner.

  blzrul said:
Meanwhile, uh, it's well documented that the economy under GWBush was dissolving starting back in December of 2007 when it turns out the recession started.


Maybe you should have started paying attention sooner.

You mean the same way the liberals did when the economy started tanking at the end of the Clinton administration? You partisan apologists have really long memories. :thumbsup:

  DC Tom said:
:oops: Al Franken, destroying American democracy. That's great...


Even I admit, thats pretty !@#$ing stupid.


Good to see Rush clarified his "failure" comments. Only a liberal dunderhead genuflecting to his poster of Dear Leader wont understand it now.

  blzrul said:
Meanwhile, uh, it's well documented that the economy under GWBush was dissolving starting back in December of 2007 when it turns out the recession started.


Maybe you should have started paying attention sooner.


Remind me of how many days the market has gone up since The One and his wizards took control? I know...it's because the Congress is controlled by republicans. Wait, it's not? Or is it because of his awe inspiring policies? Mmm-Hmm. I see.

  RkFast said:
Even I admit, thats pretty !@#$ing stupid.


Good to see Rush clarified his "failure" comments. Only a liberal dunderhead genuflecting to his poster of Dear Leader wont understand it now.



He didn't need to, as the MSM took them out of context as they almost always do.

  Alaska Darin said:
You mean the same way the liberals did when the economy started tanking at the end of the Clinton administration? You partisan apologists have really long memories. :oops:


The single most humorous thing about the PPP is watching you repeatedly post things like this, while claiming to be non-partisan.


I'm just sayin'...

  RI Bills Fan said:
The single most humorous thing about the PPP is watching you repeatedly post things like this, while claiming to be non-partisan.


I'm just sayin'...

Almost as humorous as you following me around like a little puppy begging for attention. The problem with assclowns like you is you pretend that anyone who bashes your ridiculous political ideology is automatically a partisan for the other side. That, of course, is the reason America continues the inevitable spiral downward.


All hail.

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