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Two outta three ain't bad.


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I'm happy as hell about these two moves. I wanted to see Kelsay cut too, but you can't win 'em all I guess. Some people were worried about the lack of cuts, well here they are.


The Bills were already well under the cap and now they have more room. The Bills seem posied to make a splash in free agency. With rumours that the Giants have now joined the Skins in pursuing Haynesworth, hopefully we will too!


Go Bills.

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It's worth something to have veteran leaders...if they don't cut the mustard, put them on the bench (which he will be next season I think), but there's no point just cutting him.


Yeah, he has value to the team and that defense. He is not as bad as he is made out to be...he isnt going to confuse any for Bruce Smith, and he is over paid IMO, but he is still solid and would be great off the bench.

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I'm happy as hell about these two moves. I wanted to see Kelsay cut too, but you can't win 'em all I guess. Some people were worried about the lack of cuts, well here they are.


The Bills were already well under the cap and now they have more room. The Bills seem posied to make a splash in free agency. With rumours that the Giants have now joined the Skins in pursuing Haynesworth, hopefully we will too!


Go Bills.



Actually the should cut kelsay and schoebel and get som fresh young legs in their to rush the passer. Especially since it appers that schoebel is a play away from season ending surgery.

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