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Ouch!!! Teen in serious condition after


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Dear God, when the link first started coming up, it showed that it was a Buffalo News link and I immediately thought to myself... "poor Beerball, another Silver Creek student practicing for the Darwin finals." :thumbsup:


I guess using gasoline wasn't such a HOT idea after all! :lol::lol::lol::doh::w00t:

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a friend of my son's is taking an algebra class at nite because he failed it already and needs it to graduate this year, he is a smart kid that just messed up a class...i don't think you should paint all students that take classes at nite are of lesser intellegence...they simply need to improve...not sure how old you are, but night school isn't like it used to be when i was a HS student in the late 70's early 80's...and why even bother stigmatizing someone who is taking night classes in order to graduate...i applaud anyone taking the steps needed to further their education....ok...off my soap box


What a surprise to see she was taking high school night classes hoping to graduate...I wouldn't expect someone of this intelligence to be a valedictorian
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Well, I'm just gonna go out on another limb here and say lighting ones head on fire trying to kill lice didn't lead me to believe that she was going to night classes because she messed up on math class. Chemistry, biology, health class are all possibilities however.


BTW graduated in 99

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I know...i just have this thing, when people 'mock' those that utilize the services available to them, someone else that reads the 'mocking' may not want to use those services that they may need because of the stigma associated with it....i am just being my usual overly sensitive self....don't take it as anything more than that.....i completely understood that the lighting of the head on fire, was the main point, not the night school thing.........and this coming from a republican..... :nana: , i just figure that if the services are there and you are truly in need of them, you should not feel embarrased to get the help or assistance you need....ok...once again...off my soapbox


Well, I'm just gonna go out on another limb here and say lighting ones head on fire trying to kill lice didn't lead me to believe that she was going to night classes because she messed up on math class. Chemistry, biology, health class are all possibilities however.


BTW graduated in 99

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Ok ok....when all is said and done, it got rid of the head lice. Good thing she didn't have crabs.


I hardly ever hand these out but this definitely deserves a :nana:



Well, I'm just gonna go out on another limb here and say lighting ones head on fire trying to kill lice didn't lead me to believe that she was going to night classes because she messed up on math class. Chemistry, biology, health class are all possibilities however.


BTW graduated in 99



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