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Patriots lose


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The Steelers had injuries too - this was the first game the Steelers played without pro-bowl NT Casey Hampton (their best defensive player) and their most experienced CB (Chad Scott).  Not to mention their starting RG was injured in preseason and they are using their 3rd string QB  :D


Great teams are supposed have depth and coaching which can account for and overcome key injuries.  You're admitting the Patriots are not one of those teams.  But - if the Patriots can stay healthy and injury free the rest of the year you may have a chance!


Seriously - I think its pretty hilarious to see Patriot fans now whining and making excuses about how they would have won if so and so wasn't injured - after being so arrogant for so long about how superior they were to all other teams - in depth/breadth of talent and coaching.  Guess maybe your team is a little more ordinary than you thought it was.



No ORDINARY team wins 21 games in a row. Even you should be able to see this.


As for the loss to the Steelers, it was just one of those games that every team in every era has.


Sure the loss of Dillon last minute negatively affected how the Pats gameplannned for this game (probably why they only attempted 6 runs all game) and the early loss of Law, coupled with the loss of their other starting corner, meant that they were playing backups at both starting spots against a team with two excellent wideouts in Burress and Ward. Not an easy chore, even for a team as good as the Patriots.

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(probably why they only attempted 6 runs all game)


But according to all you trolls, Marsha is the best QB of all time and the Pats could win even without a RB on the roster. Tommy boy is your hero and can do no wrong.


1 freaking loss and all you D-bags are whining and making ridiculous excuses for the 1 loss. Maybe the Pats just aren't as great as all of you think.

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No ORDINARY team wins 21 games in a row. Even you should be able to see this.


As for the loss to the Steelers, it was just one of those games that every team in every era has. 


Sure the loss of Dillon last minute negatively affected how the Pats gameplannned for this game (probably why they only attempted 6 runs all game) and the early loss of Law, coupled with the loss of their other starting corner, meant that they were playing backups at both starting spots against a team with two excellent wideouts in Burress and Ward.  Not an easy chore, even for a team as good as the Patriots.




Feel that sting big boy??? :doh:

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Bwhahaha!  The Bills lost Troy Vincent, Trey Teague, and Jonas Jennings during the game when they played the Pats, and it still took the closing moments of the 4th quarter and some of the WORST officiating this side of the "just give it to 'em" game for the Pats to escape with a win.  And too bad Brady was exposed for being as reliant on his defense and good offensive players around him.  You see not everyone believes that the Pats can play any players on offense and expect them to do well, just because Tommy Boy is throwing the football.


Great comeback. Two weeks from now the Bills will have the chance to make things right.

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Patriots got two tough road games with St. Louis and KC coming up with a cupcake game between those two.  This should tell us what kind of team NE has this year.


That 'cupcake' team currently has a longer winning streak than your beloved Pats, Boneman.....


:doh: ahahahhahaaahaaaaaaa......



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The officials were the reason you lost to the Pats?  Keep dreaming.


Yep, and you know it. The bogus RTP call on Fletcher on the FG drive, Givens' fumble just before the half on a TD drive (not the Fletcher return), and Dillon's fumble on the go-ahead TD drive that was saved by an erroneously quickly blown whistle meant 17 points for the Pats. Check the tape if you have any doubts. I won't even get into the cheap-shotting the Pats were allowed to get away with.

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The Patriots didn't just lose, they were completely and utterly destroyed on every part of the field. The Stillers just literally beat them up at every position. And I can virtually guarantee you that the Bills won't take an ass-beating like that any time this year.

I thought the Pat's biggest questionmark was going to be how they would deal with the loss of TED, but they'd managed to get by so far. But as soon as they came up against a team with a tough interior OLine (Faneca was outofhand on Sunday) they got sliced and diced in Ronco fashion.




It was over when Brady threw that horrible INT that was returned for a TD.

You apparently couldn't see it on TV, but that actually wasn't a bad ball. The turf in Heinz field has been among the worst in the league, pazrticularly when wet like it was after a lot Western Pennsyltucky rain on Saturday. As often happens with visiting teams, the WR who was Brady's target on the play slipped on his cut and hit the ground while Brady was in midthrow. Brady didn't have a good day and was a flustered as I've ever seen him (as early as the first play of their second possession, Tommyboy was already getting jumpy both on and off the field), but that pick wasn't on him.

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Yep, and you know it.  The bogus RTP call on Fletcher on the FG drive, Givens' fumble just before the half on a TD drive (not the Fletcher return), and Dillon's fumble on the go-ahead TD drive that was saved by an erroneously quickly blown whistle meant 17 points for the Pats.  Check the tape if you have any doubts.  I won't even get into the cheap-shotting the Pats were allowed to get away with.



Sure. Grassy knoll anyone?

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And for anyone thinking Ted Washington is the answer for why teams are running on the Pats, check out how he's doing in Oakland


I agree TED isn't the same guy he's been in the past. But what you guys are missing isn't this year's version of Ted, but last year's version of TED who was very good down the stretch and a monster in the postseason. Regardless of what he's doing now, you no longer have the TED you once had, and it's beginning to show.

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That 'cupcake' team currently has a longer winning streak than your beloved Pats, Boneman.....


:lol: ahahahhahaaahaaaaaaa......





Lori, the Patriots fear the Buffalo Bills almost as much as any Big Ten School fears Penn State...


Go UConn!

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I agree TED isn't the same guy he's been in the past. But what you guys are missing isn't this year's version of Ted, but last year's version of TED who was very good down the stretch and a monster in the postseason. Regardless of what he's doing now, you no longer have the TED you once had, and it's beginning to show.





Last year the Pats run defense was BETTER when Ted was OUT of action. When Ted got back the Pats run defense was worse.


Sunday's poor run defense can be attributed to having to play 3 plus quarters with backup CB's as starters and to having to play a mind boggling 43 minutes worth of defense (which caused them to become fatigued) because the Pats offense was so inept because they couldn't run the ball a lick.


The Pats run defense on Sunday was an aberration caused by the cumulation of key injuries.

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Sure.    Grassy knoll anyone?


Sorry but my "Zapruder film" shows incontrovertible evidence. And if you want to claim that I'm being a conspiracy theorist about zebra favoritism of the Pats, ask Plaxico Burress about that, or ESPN who did a piece on it after his comments. Oh and the Bills also lost thanks to losing 3 starters during the game, but the zebras didn't feel the need to NOT screw the Bills over anyway.

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You apparently couldn't see it on TV, but that actually wasn't a bad ball. The turf in Heinz field has been among the worst in the league, pazrticularly when wet like it was after a lot Western Pennsyltucky rain on Saturday. As often happens with visiting teams, the WR who was Brady's target on the play slipped on his cut and hit the ground while Brady was in midthrow. Brady didn't have a good day and was a flustered as I've ever seen him (as early as the first play of their second possession, Tommyboy was already getting jumpy both on and off the field), but that pick wasn't on him.


I didn't see the WR slip, but I thought all INT's were the sole fault of the QB? :D However I agree that Brady looked flustered from the get-go, and it looked like that pick was a panic throw from what I saw, receiver slipping or not. The loss of his RT was a big blow, as was the lack of a running game. However it just points out that Brady is no different in that he needs good players who do their jobs to be successful.

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Keep dreaming! Ted Washington was a force in NE. I think the Pats will bounce back, but they better get some corner help if Ty Law is out long term! Even Billy boy is worrying!




Last year the Pats run defense was BETTER when Ted was OUT of action.  When Ted got back the Pats run defense was worse.


Sunday's poor run defense can be attributed to having to play 3 plus quarters with backup CB's as starters and to having to play a mind boggling 43 minutes worth of defense (which caused them to become fatigued) because the Pats offense was so inept because they couldn't run the ball a lick. 


The Pats run defense on Sunday was an aberration caused by the cumulation of key injuries.


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