Gene Frenkle Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 RkFast said: His middle name is not Hussein....and no state head named "Piyush" was ever the sworn enemy of the United States with whom we recently fought two wars, you half-wit. The fact that you think this matters is funny (in a pathetic kind of way).
Gene Frenkle Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 RkFast said: Good to see youre ALREADY employing the tactics you screamed about others using WRT Jindal. At least your hypocritial stupidity is consistent across all areas. Turnabout is fair play, biatch!
blzrul Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 Wacka said: By the venom they get, the DNC nightmare opponents will be Palin/Jindal in 2012. That would be excellent. Particularly since Jindal's "rebuttal" got such a bad reception even from his own. Bring it, wingnuts.
KD in CA Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 Oh boy, is the looney left already trying to give Jindal the Palin treatment? Amazing how their hysteria continues unabated even with the Messiah-Nancy dream team running the show.
drnykterstein Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 KD in CT said: Oh boy, is the looney left already trying to give Jindal the Palin treatment? Amazing how their hysteria continues unabated even with the Messiah-Nancy dream team running the show. lol wat? If Palin was smart she'd give Jindal the Palin treatment, Alaska probably needs volcano monitoring worse than most states and he just bashed it on national TV on behalf of her party. Anyways glad to see your criticisms are so sophisticated that you can just put labels on everything. "Palin treatment", "Messiah-Nancy dream team". If you put a label on it, then you don't have to bother with actually understanding what it is. Oh.. here.
IDBillzFan Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 conner said: Alaska probably needs volcano monitoring worse than most states and he just bashed it on national TV on behalf of her party. Again, the issue isn't whether there is a need for volcano monitoring. The issue is simply "WTF does volcano monitoring have to do with creating jobs and stimulating the economy?"
DC Tom Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 LABillzFan said: Again, the issue isn't whether there is a need for volcano monitoring. The issue is simply "WTF does volcano monitoring have to do with creating jobs and stimulating the economy?" Or "Why couldn't this be put in the regular budget?" The House just passed another spending bill today...$410B. At this rate, Congress is going to balance the budget through the simple expident of moving all spending into supplemental spending bills.
drnykterstein Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 LABillzFan said: Again, the issue isn't whether there is a need for volcano monitoring. The issue is simply "WTF does volcano monitoring have to do with creating jobs and stimulating the economy?" What is the old adage? When the economy is bad, to fix it you pay people to dig holes and fill them back up. To stimulate the economy you have to spend money on something. I mean volcano monitoring is a bit more useful than a full hole, between that and the fact that it's an actual need that provides a safety infrastructure.. I'd say its worth a little bit of money. What would you have them spend money on? Money needs to be spent. Safety is a good place to spend it.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 conner said: Money needs to be spent. Uh, no it doesn't.
StupidNation Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 Gene Frenkle said: Turnabout is fair play, biatch! Actually it's low-life hypocrisy.
Kelly the Dog Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 KD in CT said: Oh boy, is the looney left already trying to give Jindal the Palin treatment? Amazing how their hysteria continues unabated even with the Messiah-Nancy dream team running the show. Even the looney right is abusing Jindal. That was a pitiful performance for a guy that I thought had a lot going for him. Bad timing for a bad speech that was very poorly delivered. Not a good sign.
IDBillzFan Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 conner said: What is the old adage? When the economy is bad, to fix it you pay people to dig holes and fill them back up.To stimulate the economy you have to spend money on something. I mean volcano monitoring is a bit more useful than a full hole, between that and the fact that it's an actual need that provides a safety infrastructure.. I'd say its worth a little bit of money. What would you have them spend money on? Money needs to be spent. Safety is a good place to spend it. One more time: how does this promote jobs and help the economy, which is what this entire stimulus package is about? How many jobs will be created? How many? Do you have any idea? Neither does the current administration.
Gene Frenkle Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 StupidNation said: Actually it's low-life hypocrisy.
Kelly the Dog Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 LABillzFan said: One more time: how does this promote jobs and help the economy, which is what this entire stimulus package is about? How many jobs will be created? How many? Do you have any idea? Neither does the current administration. The "entire stimulus package" is not at all supposed to be only about promoting jobs. That's about a quarter of it, and has been from day one. It was always, always, always supposed to do several things at once. Put money in people's hands soon with tax cuts and extending unemployment benefits, start some jobs soon, some jobs in the mid term and some in the long term that will eventually change the economy (the green jobs and alternative energy, etc.) It was also always, always, always designed to feature a lot of training and retraining of workers, and help education from pre-K to college which is almost one quarter of the package. The immediate jobs element of the package was always supposed to be about a quarter of it, if that.
Dan Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 LABillzFan said: Again, the issue isn't whether there is a need for volcano monitoring. The issue is simply "WTF does volcano monitoring have to do with creating jobs and stimulating the economy?" Obama has repeatedly stated that this bill will create or save an estimated 3.5 million jobs. I would put spending like this clearly in the "saving" jobs category, as opposed to creating. Granted it may create a couple, but certainly not many. These types of projects aren't nearly as wasteful as everyone seems to think. Money from something like this goes directly back into the economy in a variety of ways. Much of the work is probably through Universities, hence university overhead keeping administrators employed. Researchers are famous for using grant money to buy supplies, equipment, reagents, and so forth - they'll spend every dime they get; plus they'll hire/support Post Docs with the money. One thing is for certain, if you give someone $100 dollars for a research grant; they'll spend every penny of that - none of it goes into a bank or account. Granted we can argue should they be spending money on this particular research project? Should they be spending it as part of this bill and not some other bill? And so forth. But, I'm less worried about this kind of spending helping the economy than I am money to some governmental program. I guess everyone just assumes researchers and the industries that support them don't need an economic boost like the housing/auto industry does?
Dan Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 Kelly the Fair and Balanced Dog said: Even the looney right is abusing Jindal. That was a pitiful performance for a guy that I thought had a lot going for him. Bad timing for a bad speech that was very poorly delivered. Not a good sign. Interestingly, I was in LA last night with a very highly conservative republican watching the prez and then Jindal. Even he thought Jindal blew it. He was fairly disappointed when it was all said and done. It was a whiskey night needless to say.
gmac17 Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 i closed my eyes and thought i was listening to keneth from 30 rock. where did he get that inflection?
drnykterstein Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 LABillzFan said: Neither does the current administration. I'm sure they have some estimate. I would bet its something along the lines of "money put towards the project, minus equipment and overhead costs, divided by yearly salary". Edit: here LA, apparently in addition to jobs, volcano monitoring saves lives and protects property and loss of money through property damage.
Dwight Drane Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 gmac17 said: i closed my eyes and thought i was listening to keneth from 30 rock. where did he get that inflection? From watching Al Gore debate. "lockbox!"
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