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McDonald's Employee Shot Multiple Times


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Interesting case. I'm sure the employer is arguing that the scope of coverage probably did exist when he was defending the customer, but that the scope of employment ended when the aggressor left the store and was neither in the time or place of employment. What if the "employee" followed him for five blocks? for two days? Not a clear case by any means and probably an interesting one for the Workers Comp board and maybe a court to decide.

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McDonald's Shooting Victim Seeks Worker's Comp


"We've denied this claim in its entirety, it's our opinion that Mr. Haskett's injuries did not arise out of or within the course of his employment," a portion of the statement reads.



Another way oof looking at this is to say the employer is stupid ... their damages are capped and regulated within the workers' comp system. If the guy enters into a lawsuit against McDonalds the sky is the limit. Not to mention the dude was at work doing his job at the time of the shooting. Seems lame to me to say that protecting a customer was outside of his work duties.

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Another way oof looking at this is to say the employer is stupid ... their damages are capped and regulated within the workers' comp system. If the guy enters into a lawsuit against McDonalds the sky is the limit. Not to mention the dude was at work doing his job at the time of the shooting. Seems lame to me to say that protecting a customer was outside of his work duties.

Tort action against Mickey D's? Probably not going to be successful. Mickey D's didn't bring the aggressor into the store, didn't direct the employee to intervene, didn't authorize him to pursue the perp. I don't see a remedy against the employer.

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Let us remember that the shooter was just 27 years old...young and stupid. How many of us did stupid things when we were young?

What? I'm 25 and I know its wrong to beat women and to shoot people. I'm guessing you were joking.

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Tort action against Mickey D's? Probably not going to be successful. Mickey D's didn't bring the aggressor into the store, didn't direct the employee to intervene, didn't authorize him to pursue the perp. I don't see a remedy against the employer.

Mickey Ds makes horrible torts. Those apple thingies aren't worth a nickle.


Regarding the kid...he did a very courageous thing. If right is right he'll get comp.

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Tort action against Mickey D's? Probably not going to be successful. Mickey D's didn't bring the aggressor into the store, didn't direct the employee to intervene, didn't authorize him to pursue the perp. I don't see a remedy against the employer.



Hard to know based on the limited facts we have been exposed to. Problem from a financial standpoint for McD's is that it also costs you a boatload just to defend your position.

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Does ML have an alibi? He probably just had the munchies and the damn B word wouldn't give up her big mac. Then the damn employeee (who was probably a canadian) got all up in his face. It wasn't his fault he was packing heat in a bad part of town, the employee shoud have known. Since he was in ML's face and denying him his munchies no way the canadian wanna-be should get a dime from the bitches.


Talking about dimes, sh-- ML wants to know where his dime is. The punk ass pigs took his stash.

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Does ML have an alibi? He probably just had the munchies and the damn B word wouldn't give up her big mac. Then the damn employeee (who was probably a canadian) got all up in his face. It wasn't his fault he was packing heat in a bad part of town, the employee shoud have known. Since he was in ML's face and denying him his munchies no way the canadian wanna-be should get a dime from the bitches.


Talking about dimes, sh-- ML wants to know where his dime is. The punk ass pigs took his stash.

:lol: thank you crayonz

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Wilson says his client has recently returned to work to pay bills.


If he's well enough to work, no need to pay him comp.

Not really. It sounds as if he has some $300,000 in medical bills, and may have a permanent partial disability that might be compensable. He is pretty much out of luck if he doesn't get compensation, but the case of the Buffalo school teacher a few years back who was assaulted on her way into school is also one where comp was denied. These are tough cases.

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Not really. It sounds as if he has some $300,000 in medical bills, and may have a permanent partial disability that might be compensable. He is pretty much out of luck if he doesn't get compensation, but the case of the Buffalo school teacher a few years back who was assaulted on her way into school is also one where comp was denied. These are tough cases.



Different set of facts - in the case this thread is based on the guy was already into his shift. Not sure of the facts in the situation you reference but longstanding pattern supported in case law holds that commute into work (or back home) is in no way compensible. Given that she was a teacher she likely had a fixed start time to her day. Would be easy to argue not in the course and scope of work if assualt took place prior to this start time.

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Does ML have an alibi? He probably just had the munchies and the damn B word wouldn't give up her big mac. Then the damn employeee (who was probably a canadian) got all up in his face. It wasn't his fault he was packing heat in a bad part of town, the employee shoud have known. Since he was in ML's face and denying him his munchies no way the canadian wanna-be should get a dime from the bitches.


Talking about dimes, sh-- ML wants to know where his dime is. The punk ass pigs took his stash.



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