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I suppose this is a lamp but here it goes. The past few months Ive been constantly out of breath. Not just out of shape out of breath but something more. Heart beating like mad. No wind. My family has a history of blocked arteries so I would have bet a large some of money a visit too the O.R was in the near future. They checked out my heart. Np. Then did this radioactive solution test to check for clogged arteries. To test they also gave me this scary drug that stressed my heart for 3-4 minutes which was scary as hell. Really thought I was gonna die as they told me not to close my eyes. All that checked out well. NPs. So my blood tests come back the same day as I did this artery testing(5 hours in all) and I have a message on the machine when we get home telling me to come in I need a blood infusion!! WTF? Red blood cells way down. Crap. End up having to go to the ER for this and was down there for 10 hours(2pm-12am) getting to units of blood. Scared $h1tless at this point. So more blood tests and finally they want me to go to a blood specialist a few days later and she tells me she wants to do a bone marrow biopsy. Sigh. Ok I do it but it takes 8 days for the results to come back. Of course those 8 days are pure hell. Mind going every which way wondering what the hell is going on. Finally the day comes to find out the results and I was kinda dazed. Really need a shot of vodka or tequila to settle me down but I can't even do that because another doctor diagnosed me with a fatty liver and doesn't want me to drink for three months, if ever.

She tells me I have Hairy Cell Leukemia and my heart sank. Cells in your bones that suppress red blood cells and cause the lack of oxygen in my system. Extremely rare at 2% of all leukemia patients. They don't know what causes it. The thing is with this particular disease is that it is highly curable. In fact, up to 95% success rate with 7 day shot of chemo! So I had to get a pick line put in on Friday. Another 2 units of blood on Saturday and I get some sort of pump put on the pick line for the chemo. I'm so glad it's only 7 days!

I really wish I was not in this situation but when I think of all the much nastier things it could have been I am very thank full. After the chemo is done I have to go in 3 times a week for blood tests and it tapers off after a month or so I believe.


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I suppose this is a lamp but here it goes. The past few months Ive been constantly out of breath. Not just out of shape out of breath but something more. Heart beating like mad. No wind. My family has a history of blocked arteries so I would have bet a large some of money a visit too the O.R was in the near future. They checked out my heart. Np. Then did this radioactive solution test to check for clogged arteries. To test they also gave me this scary drug that stressed my heart for 3-4 minutes which was scary as hell. Really thought I was gonna die as they told me not to close my eyes. All that checked out well. NPs. So my blood tests come back the same day as I did this artery testing(5 hours in all) and I have a message on the machine when we get home telling me to come in I need a blood infusion!! WTF? Red blood cells way down. Crap. End up having to go to the ER for this and was down there for 10 hours(2pm-12am) getting to units of blood. Scared $h1tless at this point. So more blood tests and finally they want me to go to a blood specialist a few days later and she tells me she wants to do a bone marrow biopsy. Sigh. Ok I do it but it takes 8 days for the results to come back. Of course those 8 days are pure hell. Mind going every which way wondering what the hell is going on. Finally the day comes to find out the results and I was kinda dazed. Really need a shot of vodka or tequila to settle me down but I can't even do that because another doctor diagnosed me with a fatty liver and doesn't want me to drink for three months, if ever.

She tells me I have Hairy Cell Leukemia and my heart sank. Cells in your bones that suppress red blood cells and cause the lack of oxygen in my system. The thing is with this particular disease is that it is highly curable. In fact, up to 95% success rate with 7 day shot of chemo! So I had to get a pick line put in on Friday. Another 2 units of blood on Saturday and I get some sort of pump put on the pick line for the chemo. I'm so glad it's only 7 days!

I really wish I was not in this situation but when I think of all the much nastier things it could have been I am very thank full. After the chemo is done I have to go in 3 times a week for blood tests and it tapers off after a month or so I believe.


Sorry to hear about this. All the best Dante....and keep us informed.

I really wish I was not in this situation but when I think of all the much nastier things it could have been I am very thank full. After the chemo is done I have to go in 3 times a week for blood tests and it tapers off after a month or so I believe.




Get well .. you'll be in thoughts and prayers. Hopefully the worst is behind you. Sometimes not knowing is worse than dealing with what is in front of you.


Wow, sorry to hear about this Dante. You're in my thoughts. Attack this with a vengance and strength like you've never shown before. Please keep us updated... peace.

Sorry to hear about your news but at least they are giving you positives with it as well. Good luck to you during this time.


Positive?? He said he may never be able to drink again. I don't see anything positive in that at all.


Just kidding you Dante. Get well from your new neighbor.


glad to hear that things are ok...'funny' you brought this up today, as i was watching an episode of "Scrubs" last nite and they mentioned hairy cell leukemia....didnt know such a malady existed....now work on getting that liver in shape so you can have that tequila or vodka shot to celebrate


Dante, this obviously sucks, but you have the right attitude, I think. It could be much worse.


Keep a positive attitude and try not to worry too much (I know that's not easy, but it does no good).


To help you out, I am going to have that shot that you aren't allowed to have. We'll show 'em!

I suppose this is a lamp but here it goes. The past few months Ive been constantly out of breath. Not just out of shape out of breath but something more. Heart beating like mad. No wind. My family has a history of blocked arteries so I would have bet a large some of money a visit too the O.R was in the near future. They checked out my heart. Np. Then did this radioactive solution test to check for clogged arteries. To test they also gave me this scary drug that stressed my heart for 3-4 minutes which was scary as hell. Really thought I was gonna die as they told me not to close my eyes. All that checked out well. NPs. So my blood tests come back the same day as I did this artery testing(5 hours in all) and I have a message on the machine when we get home telling me to come in I need a blood infusion!! WTF? Red blood cells way down. Crap. End up having to go to the ER for this and was down there for 10 hours(2pm-12am) getting to units of blood. Scared $h1tless at this point. So more blood tests and finally they want me to go to a blood specialist a few days later and she tells me she wants to do a bone marrow biopsy. Sigh. Ok I do it but it takes 8 days for the results to come back. Of course those 8 days are pure hell. Mind going every which way wondering what the hell is going on. Finally the day comes to find out the results and I was kinda dazed. Really need a shot of vodka or tequila to settle me down but I can't even do that because another doctor diagnosed me with a fatty liver and doesn't want me to drink for three months, if ever.

She tells me I have Hairy Cell Leukemia and my heart sank. Cells in your bones that suppress red blood cells and cause the lack of oxygen in my system. Extremely rare at 2% of all leukemia patients. They don't know what causes it. The thing is with this particular disease is that it is highly curable. In fact, up to 95% success rate with 7 day shot of chemo! So I had to get a pick line put in on Friday. Another 2 units of blood on Saturday and I get some sort of pump put on the pick line for the chemo. I'm so glad it's only 7 days!

I really wish I was not in this situation but when I think of all the much nastier things it could have been I am very thank full. After the chemo is done I have to go in 3 times a week for blood tests and it tapers off after a month or so I believe.



Hairy Cell Leukemia!! Are you Italian?? :P


No offense Dante but you're a lucky man. When people told me I was a lucky man for my mini stroke it sounded kinda crazy but they're right. They found this hairy problem of yours early and it's 95% curable. Don't let these morose jack assess get you down. It isn't time for a pity party it's time to go to work on this and the most important thing is to keep your spirits up and keep laughing. When it comes to cancers laughter is the best cure. Imagine Beerball in his underwear. :wallbash: OOps! Bad example. If you have a DVD of the Giants/Pets* Super Bowl watch that and keep rewinding and watching the part where Bellysick storms off the field in a hissy fit! That'll tickle anyone but a Pets* fan's funny bone!


I had a bone marrow biopsy too and man those hurt like :blink: on a hot plate. For me I had to lie on my stomach while they stuck a huge needle into the bone just above my ass! Not something I'd want anyone to have to go through. Not even a Pets* or Poorpiss fan! Is that how they did it for you? I found out through that though that I'm big boned and not just a fat ass!


You're gonna be fine no more :( and a lot more :doh: . Learn to cherish this time. People are going to treat you like you're the King of the world. Milk it. After you're cured you'll be right back to being the same jack ass they always thought you were. Especially use it on the wife for ummmmmm.... well you know. ;)


So I have a ton of sympathy for you dude but not a speck of pity. After all this is being written bye a guy who had skull surgery at age 8, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma since age 39, a seizure disorder his whole life and a mini stroke recently. Believe me, I'm a wimp and if I can get through all of that crap you can easily beat this.


When you go for chemo treatments take a funny book, I liked the Darwin Awards books and the David Letterman top ten books. They're easy to put down if you have to because they aren't novels. If you have a laptop that plays DVD's get some very funny DVD's and play them while getting your chemo treatments. If you have headphones it might be a good idea to take those too. Hopefully, the nurses at your treatment center will be as great as mine were. They always kept our spirits up and laughing! If they don't do that where you go then do it yourself.


Also, don't be afraid to pick up Mary Jane. She'll make you feel a lot better after the chemo treatments, not that I'd know that for sure. :P


Good luck dude! You only need 5% with this crapola!


God Bless Dante. Hang tough, stay as positive as you can and when you need to blow off some steam just send Steely a really blistering PM, that's what everyone else does.

God Bless Dante. Hang tough, stay as positive as you can and when you need to blow off some steam just send Steely a really blistering PM, that's what everyone else does.


I doubt he's Pre-Menstrual you jack-ass!


No alcohol? What, does that include beer?


Holy crap Dante. Glad they got the diagnosis sorted out and you are on the mend. Good luck.


The blessing is at least they were able to identify the problem relatively quickly and it is treatable with a high success rate. If you would have had a serious problem with the ole' ticker, things could have been much worse. Keep us updated!

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