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Did I ever go? LMAO. When you live outta state part of the experience of Buffalo Bills football is Sundowner and Seuctions. So much so, that I could tell you about a time or two on many occasions where someone in our party was sitting right next to Eric Moulds or Pat Williams (Some other Bills as well on Sunday Nights) getting lap dances.


Have we ever gone. OF COURSE we've gone! I actually have an Eric Moulds rookie card, still in my car glove box from his agent that gave them out when Moulds was in the club.





That hilarious because a girl I date said that when she was in high school, herself and her friend were leaving the Galleria. Up rolls a big SUV and they get handed a Moulds' card with his phone number.


Moulds was trying to impregnate you. :thumbsup:

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Pure Platinum will always hold a place in my heart. its right in between the "classy" crowded places like Sundowner and the holes (pun intended) like Seductions.


i "married" a stripper from there one night when i was 19. went to one of those cheesy chapels in NF. no paperwork signed or anything, so it wasnt legit. its a much longer story than this, involving my high school football and lacrosse coaches. nice girl from vancouver, kept in contact with her a while but havent talked to her in a few years now that im out of the area.



That would have been a match made in heaven :thumbsup:

That hilarious because a girl I date said that when she was in high school, herself and her friend were leaving the Galleria. Up rolls a big SUV and they get handed a Moulds' card with his phone number.


Moulds was trying to impregnate you. :thumbsup:


I knew one of Mould's babby mamas.

Has to be outside of Clark County. Prostitution is illegal in the Vegas area, but it is legal in other parts of the state. The Reno/Carson City area is notorious for its brothels.

Well, they list it as being in Vegas I believe. It may be just outside then

Well, they list it as being in Vegas I believe. It may be just outside then



It's in Reno, I believe. At least according to their website.

Has to be outside of Clark County. Prostitution is illegal in the Vegas area, but it is legal in other parts of the state. The Reno/Carson City area is notorious for its brothels.

Little known but true fact. It doesn't help for Clark County that, as anyone who has been here knows, there are millions of little fliers/cards that are given out to people as they walk the strip that have girl's pictures on them and phone numbers. But all actual brothels are outside the county lines. The closest is in Pahrump, about 2 hours west, near the California stateline. Once when a friend was driving down here from Reno he stopped at this place: http://www.shadyladyranch.com/ - he walked in and got to look at the "lineup" - said he never wanted to do anything just wanted to see it, I believe it but we gave him sh-- for it still. Anyone looking for a prostitute while in Vegas is bound to wind up with one of these ladies - http://www.lvrj.com/news/39633407.html. Although they are certainly experienced, I wouldn't recommend it.....

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