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The Oscars


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I have it on in the background...what on earth is Hugh Jackman doing?


There is only one person who can get away with doing a song about movies at the Oscars, and his name is Billy Crystal.


Boy, if the rest of the show is anything like this, it's really gonna suck this year. I've even lost interest, and as a pop-culture nut, I never thought I'd say that.


A side note: someone said on another message board that if Mickey Rourke doesn't win for Best Actor, we'll know it's rigged, for the following reason: Rourke stated a few weeks back that he defended former President Bush's actions over his handling of the 9/11 aftermath.


So if the Bush Boogeyman isn't around for Hollywood to kick, do they take it out on Rourke?

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Penelope Cruz wins Best Supporting Actress. That makes one more person Tom Cruise dated who has won an Oscar, since he's still batting .000.


By the way, who wrote the opening number? What a bunch of crap.


Never thought I'd long for the days of Rob Lowe and Snow White, but it's starting to happen.

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A side note: someone said on another message board that if Mickey Rourke doesn't win for Best Actor, we'll know it's rigged, for the following reason: Rourke stated a few weeks back that he defended former President Bush's actions over his handling of the 9/11 aftermath.


So if the Bush Boogeyman isn't around for Hollywood to kick, do they take it out on Rourke?


That's a dumb statement, because most of the country supported Bush after 9/11 and the invasion of Afganistan. But then he blew it with Iraq.


The tribute to the supporting actresses with the former winners onstage was a nice touch.

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That's a dumb statement, because most of the country supported Bush after 9/11 and the invasion of Afganistan. But then he blew it with Iraq.


The tribute to the supporting actresses with the former winners onstage was a nice touch.


Just posting what I saw. I do agree that Iraq was a mistake.

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A side note: someone said on another message board that if Mickey Rourke doesn't win for Best Actor, we'll know it's rigged, for the following reason: Rourke stated a few weeks back that he defended former President Bush's actions over his handling of the 9/11 aftermath.


So if the Bush Boogeyman isn't around for Hollywood to kick, do they take it out on Rourke?



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I have it on in the background...what on earth is Hugh Jackman doing?


There is only one person who can get away with doing a song about movies at the Oscars, and his name is Billy Crystal.


Boy, if the rest of the show is anything like this, it's really gonna suck this year. I've even lost interest, and as a pop-culture nut, I never thought I'd say that.


A side note: someone said on another message board that if Mickey Rourke doesn't win for Best Actor, we'll know it's rigged, for the following reason: Rourke stated a few weeks back that he defended former President Bush's actions over his handling of the 9/11 aftermath.


So if the Bush Boogeyman isn't around for Hollywood to kick, do they take it out on Rourke?

Well let's think about that. Mickey Rourke did defend Bush, and who wins the Oscar for Best Actor; Sean Penn.

A man who hates Bush, loves Hugo Chavez, admires Fidel Castro, wants a communist society, and thinks all the soldiers in Iraq are just killing innocent civilians. Add in the fact that he played a gay politician, and it sounds like Rourke had no chance whatsoever.

I really thought Rourke would win, and if he did'nt Frank Langella would be next in line, just goes to show you that politics do play a major factor in the winners.

BTW Penn can go ^_^ himself. Just because people voted yes on Proposition 8 in California, does not make them haters and evildoers.

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I actually thought tonight's Oscars were very good. Hugh Jackman did a great job. He was a very entertaining host, a lot better than what we have seen lately. I liked how they handed out the awards in groups, instead of spacing it out over long periods of time.

Having former winners come out and announce the acting categories was a great idea, but I wished they would have shown the clips from the films that the actors were in.

The funniest moment of the night was Ben Stiller. Hilarious stuff.

Also you have to give a lot of credit to the production team, the Oscars were not overly long this year.

Overall a good job.


It's just to bad that the Academy continues to ignore brilliant films like The Dark Knight & Wall-E.

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Well let's think about that. Mickey Rourke did defend Bush, and who wins the Oscar for Best Actor; Sean Penn.

A man who hates Bush, loves Hugo Chavez, admires Fidel Castro, wants a communist society, and thinks all the soldiers in Iraq are just killing innocent civilians. Add in the fact that he played a gay politician, and it sounds like Rourke had no chance whatsoever.

I really thought Rourke would win, and if he did'nt Frank Langella would be next in line, just goes to show you that politics do play a major factor in the winners.

BTW Penn can go ^_^ himself. Just because people voted yes on Proposition 8 in California, does not make them haters and evildoers.


Yeah, because you're allowed to have your opinion but Sean Penn is a bastard for having his. Have you even seen Milk? What makes you think he didn't deserve the award?

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Yeah, because you're allowed to have your opinion but Sean Penn is a bastard for having his. Have you even seen Milk? What makes you think he didn't deserve the award?



I have seen both films, and think the right guy won, between the two. I love Mickey Rourke, he was one of my favorite actors of all time, at one point. He was great in "The Wrestler", but I dare say, there are a number of actors who could have pulled that role off to the same effect. Penn was excellent in "Milk". For me, it really has nothing to do with politics. I think Penns' job was bit more difficult than Mickey's. I would have liked to see Rourke win, mainly because he likely won't get too many opportunities to do a lot of other types of roles.

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I didn't see Milk, but wasn't surprised in the least that Penn won. He's a unbelievable actor. I don't think I've ever seen him in a bad part. From what I saw all of the major award winners were spot on. Slumdog was easily the best and most impressively done picture of the year.


I will however, agree with Mark. The Oscars are very political and if you or your movie is pro-gay, pro-Europe, pro-left wing politics, you stand a far better chance of winning an award.

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Yeah, because you're allowed to have your opinion but Sean Penn is a bastard for having his. Have you even seen Milk? What makes you think he didn't deserve the award?


In my opinion, his best role was Jeff Spicoli. The movie was a bunch of crap according to Diane Feinstein (who became mayor after the shooting and is now a Senator). She said that it made it look like Dan White killed Milk because he hated gays. In fact, he and Milk were friends that had lunch together often. He killed Milk and the Mayor because they wouldn't give him his Fire Department job back after he lost his Board of Supervisors seat.

I heard Feinstein say this herself on the radio. Her office was betwen Milk's and the Mayor's and she was the first one to Milk after the shooting.

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I have it on in the background...what on earth is Hugh Jackman doing?


There is only one person who can get away with doing a song about movies at the Oscars, and his name is Billy Crystal.


Boy, if the rest of the show is anything like this, it's really gonna suck this year. I've even lost interest, and as a pop-culture nut, I never thought I'd say that.


A side note: someone said on another message board that if Mickey Rourke doesn't win for Best Actor, we'll know it's rigged, for the following reason: Rourke stated a few weeks back that he defended former President Bush's actions over his handling of the 9/11 aftermath.


So if the Bush Boogeyman isn't around for Hollywood to kick, do they take it out on Rourke?

Boy..how could someone conceivably NOT defend President Bush for the wonderful way he handled 9/11 and the aftermath in Iraq? Especially given the stellar way he handled Katrina and the economy while defending us from being invaded by Iraqis. idn't Bush get rated between lincoln and washington in that recent poll by historians?


Oh...wait a minute .... the other board....hmmmmm ^_^

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I didn't see Milk, but wasn't surprised in the least that Penn won. He's a unbelievable actor. I don't think I've ever seen him in a bad part. From what I saw all of the major award winners were spot on. Slumdog was easily the best and most impressively done picture of the year.


I will however, agree with Mark. The Oscars are very political and if you or your movie is pro-gay, pro-Europe, pro-left wing politics, you stand a far better chance of winning an award.

Saw Milk, saw the wrestler, sas the Vistor and Frost Nixon and Benjamin Button Penn was the best actor.

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In my opinion, his best role was Jeff Spicoli. The movie was a bunch of crap according to Diane Feinstein (who became mayor after the shooting and is now a Senator). She said that it made it look like Dan White killed Milk because he hated gays. In fact, he and Milk were friends that had lunch together often. He killed Milk and the Mayor because they wouldn't give him his Fire Department job back after he lost his Board of Supervisors seat.

I heard Feinstein say this herself on the radio. Her office was betwen Milk's and the Mayor's and she was the first one to Milk after the shooting.


They became friends in the movie, too. And no, they don't make it look like Dan White killed Milk because he hated gays. Did you watch the film? They make it very clear that White felt betrayed by Milk for his lack of political support after they became friends, and that White eventually became unstable. I guess Diane Feinstein isn't very good at interpreting movies.


Besides, they don't hand out the Best Actor Oscar for historical accuracy. Do small inaccuracies cheapen the acting job he did?

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...I will however, agree with Mark. The Oscars are very political and if you or your movie is pro-gay, pro-Europe, pro-left wing politics, you stand a far better chance of winning an award.


Everybody knows you never go full retard.


What do you mean?


Check it out. Dustin Hoffman, 'Rain Man,' look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Counted toothpicks, cheated cards. Autistic, sho'. Not retarded. You know Tom Hanks, 'Forrest Gump.' Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon and won a ping-pong competition. That ain't retarded. Peter Sellers, "Being There." Infantile, yes. Retarded, no. You went full retard, man. Never go full retard. You don't buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2001, "I Am Sam." Remember? Went full retard, went home empty handed...

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