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Bobby April - Special Teams Coach

Mark VI

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Seems to be a tad better.  ;) 


Hats off to Bobby April.



a tad...hell the guys is doing a GREAT job....minus Lindell's acc'y which he cannot fix...our special teams are top 3 in the league!!!

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I think he's one of the best in the business and with players like Clements, Moorman and McGee, I'm not surprised that the Bills ST's look as good as they do.

But I will say two things: I don't think we should underestimate the effect of TD finally having his hands free to fill out the roster from top to bottom.....and as good as it's been so far, I have no doubt that there's going to be a couple hair-ripping episodes before the season is out. April is a great ST's coach, but he also happens to be completely out of his mind (i.e. giving your punter/gunners authority to run fakes from thier own 20yrd line) and I can virtually guarantee you that at some point this season you're going to be staring wordlessly at the game wondering exactly what the hell that madman is doing now?! ;-)


minus Lindell's acc'y which he cannot fix


Ummmm, Lindell is hitting at a respectable 80%, and the only two kicks which he's barely missed this year were both long and into a stiff breeze.

Maybe we should actually wait for this guy to !@#$ up before we start ripping on him?



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