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need to ask y'all an opinion before i open my mouth and ruin a �

The Poojer

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When my father's company went out of business after he was there for 35 years, he was the warehouse manager (it was industrial supply) and was the last one on the payroll. The owner did the liquidation of barrels of chemicals, solvents, cleaning solutions, abrasives, etc. My dad got it all on the trucks, then cleaned everything out of the building that had accumulated in ~75 years there. Metal racks, filing cabinets, desks, chairs, you name it. We took an old 1 1/2-ton diamond safe home and he uses it to store his gun collection (all legal).


His old coworkers knew all this --- hell, he told them. To a man (and woman), they weren't pissed at him, they weren't even pissed at the company president. What's the use of blame? What, do you think if this guy hadn't left, CC would still be going strong!?! So, the liquidation is being conducted a little differently, necessarily b/c it's on a much larger scale... it's still a liquidation. CC is out of business. This is a fairly sizable life event for you, and a stressful time that's probably going to linger for several months. Dude is trying to work for some cash while a job is there b/c come July, who knows, where he moved to might close too. If you talked to him instead of projecting your feelings onto him as an explanation of his actions, for the average person, you'd probably find out that he's only human too. You're w/in rights if he's a grade-A *-hole --- and even at that, it's almost always better to just let the 'friendship' die of its own weight than to burn bridges for everyone to see the smoke --- but don't hate on a dude for doing a job while it's there.


What's done is done.

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While I understand your feelings in regards to your ex-company, have you walked a mile in your buddies shoes? He may have a reason for taking this job that just may be more important then hurting your feelings. We don't always know what's going on in the lives of even our best friends. Sometimes we make decisions in our lives that have nothing to do with anyone else. JMO

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I don't understand your position at all. If the company is going under anyway....I dont see the problem with a former employee working the 'clean up'.

Maybe there are some details I dont understand though...if thats the case pardon me

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thanks to all for their opinions..


Tcali, I wish I could put it in words better what I am feeling, but I really can't, it is just something that is really eating at me. I loved working at CC and the closing of it has really taken its toll on me, I almost feel as though someone died, may seem corny, but thats how I feel....I can't expect everyone to understand, but I think a few may have tapped into it....

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Where's the obligatory shiv post....? <_<


Gotta agree with everyone else here, Pooj - let it go. It's just a job -- that doesn't define the person.



Sorry, I just got here.


But, honestly, I really don't see the issue. Had he taken a job with a company that put yours our of business, then I'd understand, and possibly recommend "the shiv". But, it sounds like he saw this coming (hell, so did you, I think) and got out a few months early. Now he has a part time job with a company that is selling the remains of CC's inventory. I don't think that is ANYTHING like crossing the picket line. The company is gone, and he played no role in it (from what I can understand based on what you posted).


I don't think working for the liquidator is any different than working for the sign company that puts the new signs up, when the building is bought by another company. I think you are directing your anger and disappointment at the wrong person, to be honest.

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thanks to all for their opinions..


Tcali, I wish I could put it in words better what I am feeling, but I really can't, it is just something that is really eating at me. I loved working at CC and the closing of it has really taken its toll on me, I almost feel as though someone died, may seem corny, but thats how I feel....I can't expect everyone to understand, but I think a few may have tapped into it....

Hey Pooj- - whoever your next employer is will be lucky...You seem to take a lot of pride in your work.I can understand the emotions.

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poojer...ya gotta realize life doesn't revolve around ya buddy! Your friend probably has a family to feed and bills to pay and I doubt if your former employer had a litmus "disloyalty to Pooj" oath that your friend has to sign.


If a guy steals your girl, actually gets you fired, roots for the dolphins...shiv the mofo...but I think you'd be making a mistake laying sh-- on this guy.

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