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The Notorious G.O.P. going "off the hook"


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Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says his party is going to launch an "off the hook" public relations campaign that will update the GOP’s image by translating it to "urban-suburban hip-hop settings."


The new GOP leader told the Washington Times that the party’s defeat in states such as North Carolina and Virginia made it clear they needed a new approach.


“We need messengers to really capture that region — young, Hispanic, black, a cross section…” he said in an interview published Thursday. “We want to convey that the modern-day GOP looks like the conservative party that stands on principles. But we want to apply them to urban-surburban hip-hop settings.”


He added, jokingly, that “we need to uptick our image with everyone, including one-armed midgets.”


Steele described the new multi-platform PR offensive as “avant-garde, technically. It will come to [the] table with things that will surprise everyone — off the hook.” Asked whether that meant cutting-edge tactics, Steele demurred. “I don't do 'cutting-edge,’” he said. “That's what Democrats are doing. We're going beyond cutting-edge.”




I can't wait to see Eric Cantor getting a Vanilla Ice haircut and wearing the bling-bling in Congress.

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Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says his party is going to launch an "off the hook" public relations campaign that will update the GOP’s image by translating it to "urban-suburban hip-hop settings."


The new GOP leader told the Washington Times that the party’s defeat in states such as North Carolina and Virginia made it clear they needed a new approach.


“We need messengers to really capture that region — young, Hispanic, black, a cross section…” he said in an interview published Thursday. “We want to convey that the modern-day GOP looks like the conservative party that stands on principles. But we want to apply them to urban-surburban hip-hop settings.”


He added, jokingly, that “we need to uptick our image with everyone, including one-armed midgets.”


Steele described the new multi-platform PR offensive as “avant-garde, technically. It will come to [the] table with things that will surprise everyone — off the hook.” Asked whether that meant cutting-edge tactics, Steele demurred. “I don't do 'cutting-edge,’” he said. “That's what Democrats are doing. We're going beyond cutting-edge.”




I can't wait to see Eric Cantor getting a Vanilla Ice haircut and wearing the bling-bling in Congress.

And didn't he tell non-believers to "shove it" if they didn't like it? Well, that's one GOP plank that we're all used to.

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They've already had numerous run-ins with music groups using their songs without permission. Good luck in getting anyone in the hip hop music community to buy into what the GOP is selling.



yer rright. rapping about working for a paycheck, not demanding handouts, obeying the law, treating women good, not calling em 'hoes,and encouraging them to do the right thing EVEN WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING will never catch on in the inner cities.

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Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says his party is going to launch an "off the hook" public relations campaign that will update the GOP’s image by translating it to "urban-suburban hip-hop settings."


I didn't get any farther than that without saying to myself "Oh, this is going to turn out well." <_<

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It is kinda funny - as usual they're window dressing, spending their time and energy talking about what they're gonna do, instead of just doing it. Obama's team won because they just did it.


Well, when I lose my job and home, I'm gonna park my car in the 'hood and await their arrival.


And we thought that Karl Rove's rapping video was a fluke.

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Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says his party is going to launch an "off the hook" public relations campaign that will update the GOP’s image by translating it to "urban-suburban hip-hop settings."


Steele described the new multi-platform PR offensive as “avant-garde, technically. It will come to [the] table with things that will surprise everyone — off the hook.” Asked whether that meant cutting-edge tactics, Steele demurred. “I don't do 'cutting-edge,’” he said. “That's what Democrats are doing. We're going beyond cutting-edge.”




I can't wait to see Eric Cantor getting a Vanilla Ice haircut and wearing the bling-bling in Congress.



What a joke ... Steele has lost his mind and is about to take the GOP over the cliff. Truth though is neither major party is worth a <_<. There is little separating them now and this will only make it worse. Bottom line is that it is all about money and election funds. Steele should get smart and focus on positions that really return this country to strength. Both parties need to get off this kick of believing the Federal government needs to be bloated, in deep debt and interfering with every aspect of life in this country. Once a party in power figures this out we will all be better off.

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What a joke ... Steele has lost his mind and is about to take the GOP over the cliff. Truth though is neither major party is worth a :censored:. There is little separating them now and this will only make it worse. Bottom line is that it is all about money and election funds. Steele should get smart and focus on positions that really return this country to strength. Both parties need to get off this kick of believing the Federal government needs to be bloated, in deep debt and interfering with every aspect of life in this country. Once a party in power figures this out we will all be better off.

Plus he's probably scaring the @#$@$ out of all those pasty whitebread boys who think "soul" is the bottom of their shoes...

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This is quite possibly my favorite thread EVER.


The new administration has been tripping over itself since Day One. Spending our grandchildren's money. Passing out pork like a drunken sailor. Reneging on promises. Getting chastised by the Pope. Appointing tax deadbeats to cabinet posts, and even letting the VP admit that there's a 30% chance that they're going to get this completely wrong.


What do we hear?




Steele makes one comment and it's "Liberals Pile On A Comment" Day.


Truly priceless.:censored::P:lol:

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They've already had numerous run-ins with music groups using their songs without permission. Good luck in getting anyone in the hip hop music community to buy into what the GOP is selling.

Ah more repackaging of the same old, same old... Whatever!


I want more tax breaks for rich athletes... our new Republican constituency... Yeah!

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Is not"whitebread boys" racist and sexist?I love the double standard.Oh, I forgot "pasty" :sick: You are a real education.

I am white, so it's not racist? Boys is sexist? Maybe. What about cowboys? Is that sexist?


Would you like WASP better?


How about if I said "guys like you who probably cross the street when you see a black guy coming"?

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This is quite possibly my favorite thread EVER.


The new administration has been tripping over itself since Day One. Spending our grandchildren's money. Passing out pork like a drunken sailor. Reneging on promises. Getting chastised by the Pope. Appointing tax deadbeats to cabinet posts, and even letting the VP admit that there's a 30% chance that they're going to get this completely wrong.


What do we hear?




Steele makes one comment and it's "Liberals Pile On A Comment" Day.


Truly priceless.:sick::):lol:


You forgot to mention that financial markets TANK every time Obama or Geitner open their mouths.

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You forgot to mention that financial markets TANK every time Obama or Geitner open their mouths.


The markets tanked every time Bushes opened his mouth also this past year. The point is, the market place wants government out of their business and a return to free market principles.


And I don't want to here from you drones that is was the "free market principles" that got us into this mess in the first place because it's just not true.


This country was founded on limited government and free exercise thereof. Since Hoover and FDR, this country has been quite the opposite.


A return to market based reality with winners and losers driving the free market is what we need. Not a nanny state were the score doesn't matter and failure is rewarded.

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A return to market based reality with winners and losers driving the free market is what we need. Not a nanny state were the score doesn't matter and failure is rewarded.



Be careful what you wish for. The "losers" still have to be housed and feed, and with no roof over their heads and grub in their belly society becomes very tense.


Just saying. Do you really want to go back to those days? Do you have any idea what it would be like? You may have confidence that you would come out a "winner", but our past society had a very bad record for churning up and spitting out even the "winners."


And need I say... The "losers" can vote now.



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Be careful what you wish for. The "losers" still have to be housed and feed, and with no roof over their heads and grub in their belly society becomes very tense.


Just saying. Do you really want to go back to those days? Do you have any idea what it would be like? You may have confidence that you would come out a "winner", but our past society had a very bad record for churning up and spitting out even the "winners."


And need I say... The "losers" can vote now.



Fear mongering - it's not just a tool of the right.

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