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Is there any truth to the rumor, apparently confirmed in recent videos, that Joe Biden IS President Obama's personal valet? If not, he gives new meaning to the concept of hover craft.

Is there any truth to the rumor, apparently confirmed in recent videos, that Joe Biden IS President Obama's personal valet? If not, he gives new meaning to the concept of hover craft.


You complete DC Tom.

Is there any truth to the rumor, apparently confirmed in recent videos, that Joe Biden IS President Obama's personal valet? If not, he gives new meaning to the concept of hover craft.


Did you ever know that you're my hero? You are the wind beneath my wings.


I think Biden is actually Walter, Jeff Dunham's grumpy old man dummy.

I saw a picture of him at the Obama Porkulus bill signing and they sure looked the same.

I think Biden is actually Walter, Jeff Dunham's grumpy old man dummy.

I saw a picture of him at the Obama Porkulus bill signing and they sure looked the same.

It would be so much better if you avoided coming across like Rush Jr. by at least slightly changing up the wording of his most oft-used catch phrases. Do you regularly doctor shop for hillbilly heroin too?


What else what would you call that bill?. It sure isn't a stimulus bill and is full of pork. I thought that was a perfect title for it.

What else what would you call that bill?. It sure isn't a stimulus bill and is full of pork. I thought that was a perfect title for it after hearing Rush tell me to refer to it as such.

Fixed. :censored:

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