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In case there was any doubt.....


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has got to be Terrell Owens. I just saw his eyes welling up in tears, as he explained to Sal Palantonio, after todays' win over the Ravens, that "there is so much pressure on me every week, my past seems to come back to haunt me every week, sometimes I feel bad for this team (the Eagles) for all the attention I draw"...(I am ad-libbing some, but not much!). What a fuggin' self-serving jerk-off this guy is. In my book, today, he just finaly overtook Warren Sapp for title of king a-hole in the NFL. He is a great WR, we all know that, but I couldn't dislike an athlete more. I don't even have a problem with his post TD antics (I thought he Sharpie thing a few years back was kind of amusing, the Cowboys star thing was great, and even today's Ray Lewis dance didn't bother me), but it his victim stance that disgusts me so much. All of the "pressure" he perceives himself to be under is self-created, by his big, loud, stupid mouth...I wish to god Owens had gone to Baltimore. He and Ray Lewis deserve eachother. I am not an Eagles fan at all, but I got to admitt, I am a big fan of Donavan McNabb, I hate to see him finally get to the Super Bowl, and have to share the limelight with this classless jerk! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: TO!

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Sapp was seen on the sidelines screaming at his head coach today!   Hehehe



Thank You. I was just going to say that. Owens is a boy scout, next to Sapp. He should be thrown off the Raiders roster for that inexcusable display. It was all for the cameras.

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Rodney Harrison has them all beat in my book.  He's not a loud mouth, he just tries to injure people week in and week out.


He does do that.


Sour grapes I suppose, but I thought the play of the pats defense yesterday as the game was winding down was disgraceful. Cheap shots all around. A very classless loss for the patties.


As for TO...Don't like him, never have, but yesterday's taunting of Ray Lewis was classic. Lewis said he didn't see the dance. Problem is, the camers had him watching every shimmy. That was priceless!

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Lol....TO is a gamebreaker/playmaker. He's on a 7-0 squad. His success revolves largely around McNabb.


The guy breaks down and shows his weaknesses and you bash him. He shows his confidence by celebrating and you bash him. He puts up great numbers and you bash him.


No wonder he really doesn't give a crap what people think.

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Lol....TO is a gamebreaker/playmaker. He's on a 7-0 squad. His success revolves largely around McNabb.


The guy breaks down and shows his weaknesses and you bash him. He shows his confidence by celebrating and you bash him. He puts up great numbers and you bash him.


No wonder he really doesn't give a crap what people think.




I never said he wasn't talanted. I also said that I found some of his celebrating mildly amusing. But, I still say that he is a first class jerk...the epitome of the selfish, "look at me" athlete that he is. He says incredibly rude, crude and stupid things, and then turns around and blames the ever-ever present "evil media" (you know the same evil media that has made him into a larger than life character) for taking him out of context. I am sure as the playoffs roll on, we will see more of TO's crying, and claiming that he is misunderstood, blah, blah, blah...his act is really tiresome. When I made the origianal post, I wasn't aware of the Warren Sapp situatiuon in Oakland. In my book, it is a dead heat again....


OBTW, if TO doesn't really care what people think, why not just shut is fuggin' mouth, play football? If TO doesn't care what people think, why bother writing a book, telling everyone what he thinks?

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There two types of show-boats....The ones that time and time again come up with the big play(Owens)


Then there the ones that gets a 1st down on a 2nd and 8...throws up the 1st down sign and does alil dance then does nothing else the entire game(Shaw)




Bottom Line Owens is a playmaker and aslong as he is a playmaker he can do all the "ME" celebrating he wants....

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There two types of show-boats....The ones that time and time again come up with the big play(Owens)


Then there the ones that gets a 1st down on a 2nd and 8...throws up the 1st down sign and does alil dance then does nothing else the entire game(Shaw)

Bottom Line Owens is a playmaker and aslong as he is a playmaker he can do all the "ME" celebrating he wants....




Again, my point has been missed! TO is a great football player. TO is a show-boat, and a very talented one at that. I really don't have any problem with anything he does on the field. It is his crying (literally) that he is bieng misunderstood, taken out of context, and under "so much pressure every week that is sickening. It is all self inflicted, time and again. He says and does asinine things, to get his name out there, to get his endorsements, to sell books, and then acts like he is being victimized that the media (who he is using as his tool for self promotion) actually takes him to task, or asks him to explain himself. He can't have it both ways. It is what a lot of athletes don't seem to understand. If you can't stand the pressure, and you think it hurts yourself and your team sometimes (TO's words, not mine) than shut your stupid yap and just play football....Jerry Rice rarely has made a spectacle of himself, does anyone not know who he is? My point is, you don't have to be an a-hole to get headlines, and create an image for yourself. Christ, even Randy Moss seems to have learned this lesson. TO is one of the two best receivers in football, why can't that be enough for him? Because he is a selfish jerk, and shows no sign of slowing down in that area. I suspect that once his skills start to deteriorate, but his mouth keeps runnnig, his legacy will not be Rice-like (a classy guy who maybe held on a little too long) but that of a loathed superstar...... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: TO!!!

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