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  Booster4324 said:


Youtube link where a satirist pretends to flirt with Phelps Jr.



I have never laughed at anything Michael Moore has made until I ran across this:


  Buffal0 Bill5 said:
Thank you. I am a Christian, and I fear that too many people think these whack jobs are representative of what I stand for. As Mike said "all have sinned", so although I may believe that something someone does is wrong, I also believe that each individual is worthy of dignity and respect. A funeral is a time for dignity, respect, and to keep your mouth shut. I do not believe that you were correct in stating that Hannity would approve of these nitwits protesting funerals if they were the funerals of gay civilians. Although he is very much to the right, I think he understands that a funeral is never the place.



I don't suggest that Hannity would approve of the protests at the funerals of gay civilians, but I doubt he would make an issue of it. I also doubt the Patriot Guard would make an effort to show up to protect the funerals of civilian gays. I obviously hope that I am wrong, about that.

  BuffaloBill said:
I have never laughed at anything Michael Moore has made until I ran across this:




I'm not a huge fan of Moore, either, but that was funny.


And, while I respect the actions of the Patriot Guard at military funerals, I'd respect them even more if they showed up at funerals like this one.


One thing to keep in mind about the nuts from Westboro is they thrive on this sort of attention. They want people to go nuts so they get in all the newspapers and TV. Plus I bet you don't know that several sons of this nutjob pastor are lawyers who go after anyone who "denies their right to free speech." So the best way to deal with vermin like this is to simply ignore them.



  PromoTheRobot said:
One thing to keep in mind about the nuts from Westboro is they thrive on this sort of attention. They want people to go nuts so they get in all the newspapers and TV. Plus I bet you don't know that several sons of this nutjob pastor are lawyers who go after anyone who "denies their right to free speech." So the best way to deal with vermin like this is to simply ignore them.





I agree. In fact, I believe the reason they protest at military funerals is they know that will draw attention. If they simply focused their attention on the funerals of gay civilians, most would simply ignore it. I would guess that many posters here wouldn't have an issue with them (or at least be moved enough to post about it), except for their participation at military funerals.

  BuffaloBill said:
There is something fundementally wrong with you if you are willing to protest at the funeral of fallen service people and a memorial to innocent people killed in a tragedy. I do not care if you are against the war ... it is your right in America to say so but to smack the family of a fallen service person in the face by doing something like this at a moment that is already horrible enough for them is nothing short of cruel and sick.


Find another F'in way to protest if you must. They are just attention grabbing idiots. May they experience some of their own medicine some day.


They aren't against the war. They are against gays who they believe are responsible for all the deaths of soldiers, catastrophe victims and any other high profile deaths they can spew their venom at. In one of the Youtube links the pastor says they like high profile stuff, "Like if the Presidents mother died." :P


  tennesseeboy said:
I suspect they may not want to do that. This ain't the superpolite South or West...its Western New York. They are liable to be pulling chicken wings out of their anuses. :lol:


Extra hot and spicy! Don't forget the blue cheese! I'm not saying this will happen but it could happen. Let's say that God finds out where they are staying in Buffalo and slashes the tires of all their vehicles so they can't get to the memorial service. God works in mysterious ways. Just sayin. I'm getting over a stroke in Rochester and so I couldn't do the lords work but hopefully God will contact the hearts of some Buffalonians. :worthy:


  Booster4324 said:


Youtube link where a satirist pretends to flirt with Phelps Jr.


:lol::censored: "He's just got such a firm buttocks"



  Buffal0 Bill5 said:
Thank you. I am a Christian, and I fear that too many people think these whack jobs are representative of what I stand for. As Mike said "all have sinned", so although I may believe that something someone does is wrong, I also believe that each individual is worthy of dignity and respect. A funeral is a time for dignity, respect, and to keep your mouth shut. I do not believe that you were correct in stating that Hannity would approve of these nitwits protesting funerals if they were the funerals of gay civilians. Although he is very much to the right, I think he understands that a funeral is never the place.


I don't believe Hannity would approve I just think it wouldn't even get a nano second of his concern.



  BuffaloBill said:
I have never laughed at anything Michael Moore has made until I ran across this:



That's awesome. "The furtherest we've ever been is San Fransisco"


"How was the food?" :lol:



  The Dean said:
I don't suggest that Hannity would approve of the protests at the funerals of gay civilians, but I doubt he would make an issue of it. I also doubt the Patriot Guard would make an effort to show up to protect the funerals of civilian gays. I obviously hope that I am wrong, about that.


I agree, but the Patriot Guard is about military funerals. I believe they'd be there for gay soldiers too.

  BuffaloBill said:
Bullpen - ran across this video of the Patriot Guard riders when I was doing a little research on the so called christians of the Westboro "church."


Wow, thanks for sharing Bill... I'm going to have to get after that cleaning lady, she definitely isn't cleaning the dust up in my office. It seems particularly bad this morning. :censored:


  Buffal0 Bill5 said:
Thank you. I am a Christian, and I fear that too many people think these whack jobs are representative of what I stand for.


I don't think people believe they represent anyone really... I certainly don't at least.


  The Dean said:
I would guess that many posters here wouldn't have an issue with them (or at least be moved enough to post about it), except for their participation at military funerals.


For once Dean, I truly hope you're wrong about this. (I hope you understand my meaning).


*Ahem, putting on rose-colored glasses* I like to believe that most of us here have the moral decency to see that no matter what funerals they protest, what they are doing is stupid and reprehensible.

  Bullpen said:
For once Dean, I truly hope you're wrong about this. (I hope you understand my meaning).


*Ahem, putting on rose-colored glasses* I like to believe that most of us here have the moral decency to see that no matter what funerals they protest, what they are doing is stupid and reprehensible.



I hope I am wrong about that, too.

  The Dean said:
I agree. In fact, I believe the reason they protest at military funerals is they know that will draw attention. If they simply focused their attention on the funerals of gay civilians, most would simply ignore it. I would guess that many posters here wouldn't have an issue with them (or at least be moved enough to post about it), except for their participation at military funerals.


Most wouldn't even have the opportunity to ignore it. They wouldn't get any press at all. Really, when I see issues like this one pop up, it just strengthens my negative feelings towards the majority of the media. People despise the actions of the Westboro baptists, so let's give them a stage to take their act to the next level. :censored:


People can say what the want about this "church", but they are very smart people and they know exactly what they're doing. But then again, I guess the media does as well (ratings).

  shrader said:
Most wouldn't even have the opportunity to ignore it. They wouldn't get any press at all. Really, when I see issues like this one pop up, it just strengthens my negative feelings towards the majority of the media. People despise the actions of the Westboro baptists, so let's give them a stage to take their act to the next level. :censored:


People can say what the want about this "church", but they are very smart people and they know exactly what they're doing. But then again, I guess the media does as well (ratings).


The media is just a reflection of what people WANT to see reported. If the MSM didn't think that people found the WBC interesting (which we do), they wouldn't show it.

  Just Jack said:
They're from Kansas. This is Buffalo. How much snow is left on the ground? Maybe a "little" snowball fight will "suddenly" happen and they'll be "caught in the middle".


Preferably they'd use snowballs from snow that fell on a pile of rocks and broken glass.

  Buffal0 Bill5 said:
I also believe that each individual is worthy of dignity and respect. A funeral is a time for dignity, respect, and to keep your mouth shut.


This is obvious to all decent people.


When I posted last night, I did so from my Instinct phone, which only allows 200 characters and I couldn't post everything that I wanted to say:


Four of the Phelps children are estranged from the rest of the family, primarily because of the abuse that they took from the patriarch. That leaves nine nitwits. All of whom have been abused physically.


Fred Phelps is now in his late 70s and apparently suffers from dementia. That's why Shirley is the spokesperson.


I think they honestly believe that they are the "Chosen", that everyone else is apostate and will be punished by a vengeful creator.


I believe in a God of mercy. I cannot put this any more succintly: The Westboro Baptist Church god (note the little "g") is not the God I serve.


I would love to see someone punch Fred Phelps right in the jaw, so he would have to take in liquids for a while, but as several have stated here, that is exactly the type of attention they crave. Some people thrive on what they see as "persecution".


That ain't persecution. Go ask a Christian woman from Somalia who has been raped (because of her faith) and has had to flee for her life what persecution is. And BTW, I use the exact same argument for Christians who claim they have been persecuted in the United States for their faith.


Everyone knows that the Phelps family is nuts, but nobody seems to know how to deal with these people. And I use the term "people" loosely.

  SageAgainstTheMachine said:
The media is just a reflection of what people WANT to see reported. If the MSM didn't think that people found the WBC interesting (which we do), they wouldn't show it.



Sage ATM (just turned you into a cash dispensing machine :sick: ) - I hear you but the media is more about entertainment and ratings today then they are about reporting facts and letting people think for themselves. After my initial reaction to this post yesterday (which was nothing short of complete disdain for these idiots that make up the Westboro "church") I decided to do a little research on them via the internet last night. It does not take long to understand they are a very small fringe, hate group that has, unfortunately, been very effective in getting their message out. Clearly one of the ways they do this is by being exceptionally controversial in what they do.


The thing that is most sad for me is that we (the public) can tune these idiots out - or turn the tv off - but the families of the fallen maybe can't when they have to see or hear these idiots at a funeral of their loved one. I can only name one act or set of actions more despicable than spewing hate towards a deceased person's family at a funeral - the rape of children. The family is already in their most vunerable state. I am happy to see 38 states are trying to pass laws putting some reasonable distance between the protests and the funeral.


Let's hope their message continues to make them looklike the idiots they actually are.

  RayFinkle said:
Apparently folks from Kansas don't know much about Buffalonians if they think they'll be apble to pull sh*t like this off "peacefully".


Westboro Church says it will protest at Flight 3407 memorials



I knew Alison Des Forges - a truly remarkable woman who accomplished more in 5 minutes than these hate mongers will in their combined lifetimes.


I am glad I unable to attend the memorial service for her - I don't know that I could take some spotlight-grabbing dumbasses from impacting a memorial service for someone who did so much for Buffalo and the world - the woman truly was a saint.

  buckeyemike said:
That ain't persecution. Go ask a Christian woman from Somalia who has been raped (because of her faith) and has had to flee for her life what persecution is.



The irony of the situation is that they are protesting the funeral of Alsion Des Forges, someone who dedicated her life to human rights and protecting the rights of the persecuted in central Africa.

  The Avenger said:
I knew Alison Des Forges - a truly remarkable woman who accomplished more in 5 minutes than these hate mongers will in their combined lifetimes.


I am glad I unable to attend the memorial service for her - I don't know that I could take some spotlight-grabbing dumbasses from impacting a memorial service for someone who did so much for Buffalo and the world - the woman truly was a saint.


And you can bet that's why they chose her funeral. It will cause the most outrage, and that's what these attention whores thrive upon.

  buckeyemike said:
Everyone knows that the Phelps family is nuts, but nobody seems to know how to deal with these people. And I use the term "people" loosely.

Not very Christian of you, Mike. :beer:

  Just Jack said:
Any updates? On the news here they showed the memorial services, but no mention of the protesters.


Both of these services are set for today, Sunday - we'll see what happens.

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