Lt. Dan's Revenge Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Something needs to be done about this bullsh*t. I don't even know what, just something.
Beerball Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Bullpen said: I think I answered his rhetorical question just fine, thank you. No need to basically reiterate what I said. perhaps I'll protest you! somebody say somethin? All I see is blah blah blah blah.
Lt. Dan's Revenge Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Bullpen said: I think I answered his rhetorical question just fine, thank you. No need to basically reiterate what I said. perhaps I'll protest you! Oh no! Someone answered the same question that I did, with an answer that I have deemed to be similar. Why would that jerk reiterate my statement!?!?!? Grow up.
Beerball Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 KnockOut30 said: Oh no! Someone answered the same question that I did, with an answer that I have deemed to be similar. Why would that jerk reiterate my statement!?!?!? Grow up. No chit KnockOut! I deem my answer more better than his too and not nearly similar in content.
MattyT Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009
The Dean Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 KnockOut30 said: Something needs to be done about this bullsh*t. I don't even know what, just something. While I despise everything these idiots stand for, and think they stretch the 1st Amendment to the limits, when they protest at these funerals, I don't think we really need to do anything, officially, about them. Every time they demonstrate, they make fools of themselves and let others know what idiots they are. People have a right to act like idiots, as long as they aren't violating the rights of others. Now, I can understand a law limiting how close to the ceremony/church/grave/etc they can congregate, in order to keep the peace, but you can't stop morons from espousing their moronic beliefs. Like Tom, I wouldn't cry if someone picked off a few of these subhumans with a high-powered rifle, or filled tranquilizer darts with the HIV virus and let loose on these scumbags. But, if someone gets caught doing this fine service, he/she will have to answer to authorities, IMO...and that's OK, too. Sometimes you have to take on for the team. Better yet, be smart about it, and don't get caught.
Lt. Dan's Revenge Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Beerball said: No chit KnockOut! I deem my answer more better than his too and not nearly similar in content. I just love it when people, including Bullpen for about two posts, are having a serious conversation about something like this and all of a sudden it turns into a 5th grade contest of competetive banter.
tennesseeboy Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 I suspect they may not want to do that. This ain't the superpolite South or West...its Western New York. They are liable to be pulling chicken wings out of their anuses.
Lt. Dan's Revenge Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 The Dean said: While I despise everything these idiots stand for, and think they stretch the 1st Amendment to the limits, when they protest at these funerals, I don't think we really need to do anything, officially, about them. Every time they demonstrate, they make fools of themselves and let others know what idiots they are. People have a right to act like idiots, as long as they aren't violating the rights of others. Now, I can understand a law limiting how close to the ceremony/church/grave/etc they can congregate, in order to keep the peace, but you can't stop morons from espousing their moronic beliefs. Like Tom, I wouldn't cry if someone picked off a few of these subhumans with a high-powered rifle, or filled tranquilizer darts with the HIV virus and let loose on these scumbags. But, if someone gets caught doing this fine service, he/she will have to answer to authorities, IMO...and that's OK, too. Sometimes you have to take on for the team. Better yet, be smart about it, and don't get caught. I agree. And I would be curious to know if there are in fact any laws that restrict how close/demonstrative groups like this can be in a setting like a funeral/memorial service. It's just mind boggling to me that there are people who can sleep at night after essentially ambushing people who are grieving over the loss of loved ones that same afternoon.
buckeyemike Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Don't let the bastards get you down. Or you will not be happy. Unless you want to take a potshot at them. Christianity is not like that. Heaven is for them, they say...hell is for Everyone else. But read the Scriptures some time. All have sinned and come short of God's Glory See, if you read between the lines, you'll feel better.
PastaJoe Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 What they don't seem to understand is that God is punishing America with their own presence.
Bullpen Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 MattyT said: Dammit I know Matty and I'm going to to add something semi-useful here. (I think... ) The charlatans from the Kansas Welcome wagon have been trying to disrupt military funerals out here in Colorado for troops from Fort Carson (including one I attended last summer for a neighbor). A local biker club composed of many vietnam and desert storm/shield vets formed a human/motorcyle wall around the cemetary and church to shield the family and other attendees from Westboro's venom. It seemed to work pretty well too, because they haven't bothered coming back out here to "protest" for at least a 8 to 10 months. Perhaps some civic-minded folks in WNY can do something similar... let's hope.
Chandler#81 Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Bullpen said: Dammit I know Matty and I'm going to to add something semi-useful here. (I think... ) The charlatans from the Kansas Welcome wagon have been trying to disrupt military funerals out here in Colorado for troops from Fort Carson (including one I attended last summer for a neighbor). A local biker club composed of many vietnam and desert storm/shield vets formed a human/motorcyle wall around the cemetary and church to shield the family and other attendees from Westboro's venom. It seemed to work pretty well too, because they haven't bothered coming back out here to "protest" for at least a 8 to 10 months. Perhaps some civic-minded folks in WNY can do something similar... let's hope. Great idea, but 21 degrees is hardly Harley weather. Maybe just a human shield around the perimeter.
MattyT Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Bullpen said: Dammit I know Matty and I'm going to to add something semi-useful here. (I think... ) Good did well. I was wondering how long before someone mentioned the Patriot Guard Riders. Awesome group of individuals.
shrader Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 MattyT said: Good did well. I was wondering how long before someone mentioned the Patriot Guard Riders. Awesome group of individuals. And they do the same thing all over the country, right?
MattyT Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 shrader said: And they do the same thing all over the country, right? Yup. Don't know if they do other things besides military funerals though.
Bullpen Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 MattyT said: the Patriot Guard Riders. Awesome group of individuals. THAT'S THEM!!! I just couldn't think of the name. As a side note, I ran into a group of them later on that summer at a local watering hole after playing golf (me golfing, not them) I sent over a couple pitchers of beer and soda and told them thanks for what they did at my neighbor's funeral. It still gives me chills to think about driving out of the cemetary that day and seeing them all lined up along the perimeter. Better men, I'm not sure I've met yet.
SageAgainstTheMachine Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 These people are f*cking with the wrong city. I can almost guarantee you one of them is going to get seriously hurt, possibly killed, and I really don't have much of a problem with that. That's how messed up they's the one time in my life I found myself sympathizing with Sean Hannity.
The Dean Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Bullpen said: Dammit I know Matty and I'm going to to add something semi-useful here. (I think... ) The charlatans from the Kansas Welcome wagon have been trying to disrupt military funerals out here in Colorado for troops from Fort Carson (including one I attended last summer for a neighbor). A local biker club composed of many vietnam and desert storm/shield vets formed a human/motorcyle wall around the cemetary and church to shield the family and other attendees from Westboro's venom. It seemed to work pretty well too, because they haven't bothered coming back out here to "protest" for at least a 8 to 10 months. Perhaps some civic-minded folks in WNY can do something similar... let's hope. Outstanding! For events the Westboro Church is likely to protest, but which these patriot riders are less likely to attend, how about a mass human shield made of homosexuals, transvestites and transgender persons, dressed in their full glory (maybe some bondage gear...leather is always a nice touch), to trow kisses and sprinkle glitter on the protesters? For WNY, a brigade of SUV's filled with hockey players (amateur and professional) in full gear might do the trick.
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