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If you don't know the difference between calling a white person a monkey vs. a black person a monkey you need to get a clue.


Exactly. Everyone knows that blacks are monkeys and whites are honkey crackas.




I am not sure anyone knows what it's supposed to be - my first thought was that it was that chimp who attacked the woman and tore her face off...but what that had to do with the stimulus bill I couldn't say. So then I figured ok well he's saying that a trained chimpanzee could have written the bill...


It's really sort of a bad cartoon. Good thing for the cartoonist that there are reactionary idiots like Sharpton who suffer withdrawal if they aren't making public fools of themselves on a regular basis.


I imagine Obama, if he saw it, probably laughed,


And yes, Bush looked much more like a Chimp. A Smirking Chimp, to be exact.

Sometimes I think these things get out of control. There is an old axiom that if you give enough monkeys enough typewriters one of them will eventually type out Romeo and Juliet. I don't think it was really aimed at congress or Obama any more than Trent Edwards pass in that Redskins game was aimed at Josh Reed.


Anyway, the reason Sharpton is pissed is because he did not get the analogy. Until me, no one in this thread even got it. The cartoonist is trying to say the bill was so stupid that you wouldn't need a lot of monkeys or typewriters, only one.


Anyway, that is dumb for many reasons:


1. While Romeo and Juliet is generally considered a work of art, random is random. It would be just as hard to type out the stimulus bill or the winning lottery numbers or losing lottery numbers as it would Romeo and Juliet which was a dumb story anyway.


2. That monkey was something like 200 pounds which is way above average which defeats the whole randonimity theory.


3. Typewriters aren't even used any more. People use computers now and even if a monkey could type on a typewriter, he might not be able to use a computer. First he would have to turn it on and then figure out which icon was the word processor. How in the hell is a monkey supposed to do that? Plus, most monkey cages do not even have power outlets.


Bottom line:


Not funny because writer is dumb.

Interpreted as racist because Sharpton is dumb.

Monkeys aren't totally dumb but they are unlilkely to flourish in a post typewriter world.


Are you the deep thoughts guy from SNL?

Sorry to interrupt this rare and unusual stab at Bush on your behalf, but I'd beg to disagree. Obama has massive monkey ears.


But don't take it from me. Even Etta James thinks he has big ears. :lol:


And speaking of looking like a chimp...Etta James. I agree with evil B word dragon lady: Bush had great chimpanzee facial expressions. But he's got nothing on Etta James in that photo.


So when does Al's "fund raiser" to protest this cartoon/demand more minority hiring at newspapers/get out the vote...


...um, pay for another house, car, pay the mortgages on the rest of the houses that are about to be foreclosed on, pay all the "voluteer"/no payroll tax employees....


yeah, when does that start and where do I send my money? :lol: Dolts abound. But the Biggest Dolt award goes to the reporter who is either too stupid to realize they are part of Al's "personal fulfillment" marketing campaign, or too corrupt to care and is feeding him the story. Seriously, is anybody as phony as Al Sharpton? Pelosi is turning out to be a huge phony(ask the Pope), but Al has still got her beat. I am racking my brain trying to think of a Republican that is even close. I would say Karl Rove, but he pretty much tells you he is going to screw you = not very phony.


What disturbed me more was that the monkey was clearly dead with two bullet holes and a pool of blood.


That's what I found disturbing...maybe I should have clarified that. I didn't expect to see that out of a political cartoon.

When it comes to physically looking like an ape, nobody can beat Bobby Abreu. And no, I don't believe any of this is racist. Just observational.


Patrick Ewing


I think viewing the cartoon as racist makes the viewer racist. I saw it and thought an idiot wrote the stimulus, which most Post readers are conservative and would think that.

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