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The Rev. Al Sharpton says a New York Post cartoon that appears to link President Barack Obama to a violent chimpanzee is "troubling at best."


The cartoon in Wednesday's Post by Sean Delonas shows a dead chimp and two police officers, one with a smoking gun.


The caption reads, "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill."


The cartoon refers to Travis the chimp, who was shot to death by police in Stamford, Connecticut, on Monday after it mauled a friend of its owner.


It links the chimp to Obama, who signed his administration's economic stimulus plan on Tuesday.


Sharpton called the cartoon offensive and divisive.


The Post had no immediate comment.

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He calls it troubling, huh?


Well considering the monkey was parodying CONGRESS, and not OBAMA, I call Sharpton !@#$ing STUPID.


CONGRESS writes bills, not the President you money swindling !@#$tard. And to think he ran for President!


Go away, you attention seeking whore.


Plus....even if was for Obama...didnt we just go through eight years of the President being called a "chimp"?


Oh....NOW thats bad.

I'm no Obama fan but on many levels the cartoon is simply stupid and yes racist. It was stupid for the post to publish it.


Agreed. I also found it somewhat disturbing.

I'm no Obama fan but on many levels the cartoon is simply stupid and yes racist. It was stupid for the post to publish it.


How the !@#$ is it "racist" when they arent talking about Obama or ANY black person, you nimrod???!!!??

How the !@#$ is it "racist" when they arent talking about Obama or ANY black person, you nimrod???!!!??



One , what does a dead chimp have to do with congress, Obama or the stimulus?


Two, in spite of your assertions that the chimp is linked to Congress it is more likely to be linked to Obama based on perception. It is no secret that in a very derogatory way African Americans have been called monkeys.


The whole cartoon is stupid ... even if you assume the chimp represents congress how are the events that took place in Stamford connected to the writing of the stimulus bill?


Should I also add in its lameness the cartoon is also likely to inflame the animal rights activists another group I can only assume you have an affinity for.


Instead of digging in without thinking about the situation put yourself in the shoes of another person, in this case an African American, that may be impacted by the perceived meaning of the cartoon.

One , what does a dead chimp have to do with congress, Obama or the stimulus?


Two, in spite of your assertions that the chimp is linked to Congress it is more likely to be linked to Obama based on perception. It is no secret that in a very derogatory way African Americans have been called monkeys.


The whole cartoon is stupid ... even if you assume the chimp represents congress how are the events that took place in Stamford connected to the writing of the stimulus bill?


Should I also add in its lameness the cartoon is also likely to inflame the animal rights activists another group I can only assume you have an affinity for.


Instead of digging in without thinking about the situation put yourself in the shoes of another person, in this case an African American, that may be impacted by the perceived meaning of the cartoon.



I have heard many people call rural, educationally challenged folks woodchucks. I wonder why that does not evoke the same response?

One , what does a dead chimp have to do with congress, Obama or the stimulus?


Nothing. It was a metaphorical link to a current event, which cartoonists do all day long.


Two, in spite of your assertions that the chimp is linked to Congress it is more likely to be linked to Obama based on perception. It is no secret that in a very derogatory way African Americans have been called monkeys.


The quote clearly says "WRITE THE BILL." If it said "now lets see him try to sign the bill" then youd have a point. It clearly pointed out who the dead chimp was suppossed to be...Congress.


The whole cartoon is stupid ... even if you assume the chimp represents congress how are the events that took place in Stamford connected to the writing of the stimulus bill?


They arent. It was a silly cartoon. There is no connection.


Should I also add in its lameness the cartoon is also likely to inflame the animal rights activists another group I can only assume you have an affinity for.


Oh no...lets not "inflame" anybody. Except white Christian Italian males. Them we can bash to all high hell, stereotype, call names, etc.


Instead of digging in without thinking about the situation put yourself in the shoes of another person, in this case an African American, that may be impacted by the perceived meaning of the cartoon.


If someone is "impacted" by a stupid cartoon, then itd call them a navel gazing window licker seeing three of four therapists between shifts at Wendy's.


Heres the deal...I dont give a sh-- about the actual cartoon. It was pretty effing stupid. The point is, if we are now in the territory of having to hold our tounges in regards to poking fun of the President, youre going down a real slippery slope. What has Bush been subject to? Clinton STILL gets sh-- for a lot of things. Remember Regan? Oh yeah...he was never the "victim" of this type of stuff. I could go back to WASHINGTON.


Lame cartoon or not. I dont care. What I DO care about is the thought/PC police kicking into high gear now. Id be against a lot of stuff becuase I got pissed at the crap thrown at Bush a lot. So I wouldnt then condone Obama gettign the same bad treatment. But thisis a cartoon that doesnt even SPEAK to him. So Come on.

One , what does a dead chimp have to do with congress, Obama or the stimulus?


Two, in spite of your assertions that the chimp is linked to Congress it is more likely to be linked to Obama based on perception. It is no secret that in a very derogatory way African Americans have been called monkeys.


The whole cartoon is stupid ... even if you assume the chimp represents congress how are the events that took place in Stamford connected to the writing of the stimulus bill?


Should I also add in its lameness the cartoon is also likely to inflame the animal rights activists another group I can only assume you have an affinity for.


Instead of digging in without thinking about the situation put yourself in the shoes of another person, in this case an African American, that may be impacted by the perceived meaning of the cartoon.

Sometimes I think these things get out of control. There is an old axiom that if you give enough monkeys enough typewriters one of them will eventually type out Romeo and Juliet. I don't think it was really aimed at congress or Obama any more than Trent Edwards pass in that Redskins game was aimed at Josh Reed.


Anyway, the reason Sharpton is pissed is because he did not get the analogy. Until me, no one in this thread even got it. The cartoonist is trying to say the bill was so stupid that you wouldn't need a lot of monkeys or typewriters, only one.


Anyway, that is dumb for many reasons:


1. While Romeo and Juliet is generally considered a work of art, random is random. It would be just as hard to type out the stimulus bill or the winning lottery numbers or losing lottery numbers as it would Romeo and Juliet which was a dumb story anyway.


2. That monkey was something like 200 pounds which is way above average which defeats the whole randonimity theory.


3. Typewriters aren't even used any more. People use computers now and even if a monkey could type on a typewriter, he might not be able to use a computer. First he would have to turn it on and then figure out which icon was the word processor. How in the hell is a monkey supposed to do that? Plus, most monkey cages do not even have power outlets.


Bottom line:


Not funny because writer is dumb.

Interpreted as racist because Sharpton is dumb.

Monkeys aren't totally dumb but they are unlilkely to flourish in a post typewriter world.

Oh no...lets not "inflame" anybody. Except white Christian Italian males. Them we can bash to all high hell, stereotype, call names, etc.


This was sarcastic ... are you devoid of humor?


If someone is "impacted" by a stupid cartoon, then itd call them a navel gazing window licker seeing three of four therapists between shifts at Wendy's.


Very empathetic of you


Heres the deal...I dont give a sh-- about the actual cartoon. It was pretty effing stupid. The point is, if we are now in the territory of having to hold our tounges in regards to poking fun of the President, youre going down a real slippery slope. What has Bush been subject to? Clinton STILL gets sh-- for a lot of things. Remember Regan? Oh yeah...he was never the "victim" of this type of stuff. I could go back to WASHINGTON.


Lame cartoon or not. I dont care. What I DO care about is the thought/PC police kicking into high gear now. Id be against a lot of stuff becuase I got pissed at the crap thrown at Bush a lot. So I wouldnt then condone Obama gettign the same bad treatment. But this is a cartoon that doesnt even SPEAK to him. So Come on.



Dude ... nowere in my comments did I suggest that the Post or any other media outlet should be restricted in expressing political opinions. I simply suggested that the cartoon could be interpreted as being racist and as such would be offensive to many people.


Given your apparent love for Bush I thought you might want to know that I voted for him and his father (both twice). Not to mention I also voted for Reagan.

I think people are reading to much into it. I personally don't think it was racist.

....and I personally don't care what Al Sharpton has to say about anything, anytime, anywhere.




A more accurate caption would be "They'll have to find someone else to represent Tawana Brawley?"



Really, Al...relevency passed you by years ago. Fade away like a reasonable human being already.

A more accurate caption would be "They'll have to find someone else to represent Tawana Brawley?"



Really, Al...relevency passed you by years ago. Fade away like a reasonable human being already.

Al Sharpton.....reasonable human being? In the same post? Yikes!

He calls it troubling, huh?


Well considering the monkey was parodying CONGRESS, and not OBAMA, I call Sharpton !@#$ing STUPID.

CONGRESS writes bills, not the President you money swindling !@#$tard. And to think he ran for President!


Go away, you attention seeking whore.


Plus....even if was for Obama...didnt we just go through eight years of the President being called a "chimp"?


Oh....NOW thats bad.


Uh-oh. I agree with something you said. :doh:



If you don't know the difference between calling a white person a monkey vs. a black person a monkey you need to get a clue.



A more accurate caption would be "They'll have to find someone else to represent Tawana Brawley?"



Really, Al...relevency passed you by years ago. Fade away like a reasonable human being already.


That's a horrible, mmmmph!, thing to say, Mmmmppphhh!, Tom how could you. Sorry I can't hold it in. :)

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