MarkyMannn Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 C.Biscuit97 said: Again, many of us did a lot of dumb things when we were 22. Well I'm more than double 22, and in all those years I never carried a concealed weapon and I never ran from he scene of a hit & run. Especially in that accident, at the time, how did he not know that maybe he killed her. Sure later we found out otherwise, but at the instant of the accident?
Ed_Formerly_of_Roch Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 How's that any different than anything else reported? Already back in December we all heardd about the Ill governor. Should not a word been said until he was impeached? Even then he wasn't convicted in court, so should nothing still been said. Should perspective cabinet nomminees not be named until they are voted in? Should there be no mention of the election until after Election day?? Alot of talk on Mike and Mike this morning about not believing A-Rod's latest disclosures. Granted, many people could argue that should be the way things are handled (wait until after the fact), but they're not. While I'm not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with Sully and Hamilton, they are just doing their job. You make decisions based on what you know at the time. As you learn more, you can change your opinion, but at any given point in time you go with what you know. In this case, I think their conclusions aren't too far off, if at all. MRW said: Here's my problem with the situation. These guys will not sit back and let events unfold. They have to go out and fan the flames against Lynch. Even granting that he's been dumb and immature, does he get a chance to change his behavior? Especially in a case like this where there is no victim? Are these media figures reporting on what happens or shaping the narrative? Frankly I don't know these guys from Adam so the fact that they think Lynch is a bad guy means jack to me.
VOR Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 KarlFromEarthCrisis said: He was obviously stone cold sober, obviously. It's not about what's "obvious," it's about what you can prove through evidence. No one saw him drinking or admitted to serving him drinks. Given his history of bringing his own alcohol into bars, you'd think that bar owners/wait staff would be vigilant about that happening again because they can lose their liquor license.
C.Biscuit97 Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 VOR said: It's not about what's "obvious," it's about what you can prove through evidence. No one saw him drinking or admitted to serving him drinks. Given his history of bringing his own alcohol into bars, you'd think that bar owners/wait staff would be vigilant about that happening again because they can lose their liquor license. Here's the thing about that charge. Lynch was in Buffalo shortly after he was drafted and brought Hennessey into the bar because they didn't serve in at the Chip Street bars. He got kicked out a few bars. Silly, yes, but hardly earth shaking behavior. At the same time, I have good knowledge that some of the same bars have no problem inviting Lynch to stay well past closing time to "party." I guess he could use better judgment but if I was 21 or 22, I would have trouble saying no to these temptations too.
Bufcomments Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 C.Biscuit97 said: Again, many of us did a lot of dumb things when we were 22. Now imagine if you were famous and had millions of dollars. Lynch doesn't seem like a bad guy. However, I think he is very influenced by others. He needs to cut off the leeches before he destroys a promising NFL career. right on Hell when i was 22 I could be seen puffing on somethang in somebodys car also but I learned from my mistakes and i"m sure Marshawn will as well. You mention he has to cut off the leeches...yea that maybe true But its a very hard thing to cut off your boys...some of them helped to get you where he is today. He and Mike Phelps made the mistake of smoking weed in public and they got caught. If you think the cops were not following his actions while he was in town need to wake up and smell the coffee. I believe his rights were voilated but thats another post Thousands of people do it but they are not rich and famous so the cops dont care about them They have already made 35,000 dollars of this "investigation" and I use that term tongue in cheek Marshawn has to realize that he is a target of law enforcement and has to act correctly in public or they will continue to take money out of his bank account
Chandler#81 Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 VABills said: Yet you had no problem with the media doing that to Bush for 8 years. Never happened on Foxnews..
Poland Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 DonInBuffalo said: Has any Buffalo professional athlete come anywhere close to this standard in an entire career, much less two years: - Reportedly numerous incidents of being thrown out of downtown bars for carrying his own bottle into the bar. - Ran over someone's mailbox, but wasn't charged because the owner didn't press charges. - Hit a pedestrian injuring her and drove away. - Smoked pot with friends in a car parked on a public street, with a loaded unregistered gun somewhere inside the car. The Buffalo media is "killing" Lynch because he's earned that right. It's become tragically obvious that he makes stupid decisions and doesn't learn from his mistakes. It's not just that he makes stupid decisions, he's just stupid, period. Which is why this doesn't suprised me at all. If you ever listen to this lynch 'talk' is becomes immediately clear that he's barely functional. His IQ has to be somewhere south of 80. The fact that isn't being discussed much is that lynch isn't that good of a running back to begin with. He isn't even the best runner on the Bills.
C.Biscuit97 Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Poland said: It's not just that he makes stupid decisions, he's just stupid, period.Which is why this doesn't suprised me at all. If you ever listen to this lynch 'talk' is becomes immediately clear that he's barely functional. His IQ has to be somewhere south of 80. The fact that isn't being discussed much is that lynch isn't that good of a running back to begin with. He isn't even the best runner on the Bills. Where you go to school again? Because I bet Lynch went to a better one.
Endzone Animal Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Marshawn is the victim of a society that judges rather than empathizes...same goes for the poor moslem who beheaded his wife. Sure people make a mistake or two, but don't we all make mistakes? Look, we have to realize that people grow up differently, with different kinds of friends, different economic situations and different types of cultures. Why must we be so hard on people for simply being human? We should stop being so critical of others who aren't perfect and learn how to support people who are vulnerable to making unfortunate choices. We should take this unwelcome situation and turn it onto an opportunity to learn about making the world a better place. Compassion stops crime, not an unforgiving public that enjoys tearing people down. It's time for us to all unite in support of Marshawn, and any others who find themselves making imperfect decisions, until the entire world realizes that we all can make humanity better one hug, one pat on the back, one tussle of the hair, and one smile at a time.
Poland Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Ramius said: Good post. Even taking into account last year's situation, both incidents with Lynch can be explained away by simply being young and stupid. Toss in a whole mess of $, and that complicates the situation. Maybe with all that money he should hire someone to think for him. He should get a spokesperson too, the guy can barely talk.
Poland Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 C.Biscuit97 said: Where you go to school again? Because I bet Lynch went to a better one. Did you go to school?
ieatcrayonz Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Poland said: Did you go to school? I don't know if he did. Which is why this doesn't suprised me at all.
Fan in Chicago Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Endzone Animal said: until the entire world realizes that we all can make humanity better one hug, one pat on the back, one tussle of the hair, and one smile at a time. Nicely done.
MRW Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Endzone Animal said: Marshawn is the victim of a society that judges rather than empathizes...same goes for the poor moslem who beheaded his wife. Yep, Lynch and the guy who beheaded his wife, exactly the same. That's exactly what everyone's saying. Why not bring in Hitler while you're at it?
Endzone Animal Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 MRW said: Yep, Lynch and the guy who beheaded his wife, exactly the same. That's exactly what everyone's saying. Why not bring in Hitler while you're at it? Hate will get you nowhere.
TheLynchTrain Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Endzone Animal said: Hate will get you nowhere. hate is baggage. Life is too short to be pissed off all the time.
jax bill backer Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 first of all paula hamilton knows absoulutley nothing about football.... he should stick to hockey... Anyways about lynch who cares if he gets introublle really what does it mean to you... really are you sad that now your kids cant follow in his footsteps.... marshawn lynch is trhe best player we had in 7 years.. seriously name somone we have had better
Lori Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 DrDankenstein said: very true. considering the market, within the Buffalo media you have 2 types of people. Reporters who are starting out and trying to make a name for themselves so they can move to a bigger market, and who will therefore try to write the most ridiculous garbage. Or reporters who have come from a bigger market, have failed, are bitter, and pissed they are in Buffalo. These guys just dont give a sh-- about anyone and will try to bring anyone down so they feel better about themselves. At least thats the way most of them read to me. bull sh--. Mark Gaughan's been on the Bills beat since 1988, Allen Wilson since 1999, and Gaughan is so well respected among his peers that he's next in line to become president of the Pro Football Writers of America. I'm not sure about John Vogl because his bio isn't on the News site, but Rod McKissic is the only person of the 12 shown there who hasn't been at the paper for at least 10 years (he "only" has eight), and McKissic, Wilson, Sullivan, and Milt Northrup are the only ones who didn't either grow up in Buffalo, attend college here, or both. Northrup's been in Buffalo for 42 years, Wilson and McKissic used to work for papers in Rochester, and Sully was hired as a columnist after covering an NBA beat in NYC. So who came here from a bigger market besides Sully, who moved for a better job, and McKissic, whose paper in Cincy no longer exists? And who's looking to move to one? Especially in this climate, when writing for The News -- a Guild shop with no layoffs and only voluntary buyouts (which nobody in sports has taken, last I heard) -- might just be one of the safest newspaper jobs left in the entire country? Or do they stay in Buffalo for the same reason as so many people in other industries -- it's home, and believe it or not, they actually LIKE it here? Take your potshots at the columnists, if you like. If they're entitled to have opinions, then you're certainly entitled to disagree. But you're smearing some good people with that wide brush.
DonInBuffalo Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 jax bill backer said: first of all paula hamilton knows absoulutley nothing about football.... he should stick to hockey... Anyways about lynch who cares if he gets introublle really what does it mean to you... really are you sad that now your kids cant follow in his footsteps.... marshawn lynch is trhe best player we had in 7 years.. seriously name somone we have had better I can think of about 10 off the top of my head. Drew Bledsoe, Ruben Brown, Travis Henry, Eric Moulds, Sam Adams, Terrence McGee, Takeo Spikes, Brian Moorman, Jason Peters, Aaron Schobel were all Pro Bowl selections.
San Jose Bills Fan Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Lori said: bull sh--. Mark Gaughan's been on the Bills beat since 1988, Allen Wilson since 1999, and Gaughan is so well respected among his peers that he's next in line to become president of the Pro Football Writers of America. I'm not sure about John Vogl because his bio isn't on the News site, but Rod McKissic is the only person of the 12 shown there who hasn't been at the paper for at least 10 years (he "only" has eight), and McKissic, Wilson, Sullivan, and Milt Northrup are the only ones who didn't either grow up in Buffalo, attend college here, or both. Northrup's been in Buffalo for 42 years, Wilson and McKissic used to work for papers in Rochester, and Sully was hired as a columnist after covering an NBA beat in NYC. So who came here from a bigger market besides Sully, who moved for a better job, and McKissic, whose paper in Cincy no longer exists? And who's looking to move to one? Especially in this climate, when writing for The News -- a Guild shop with no layoffs and only voluntary buyouts (which nobody in sports has taken, last I heard) -- might just be one of the safest newspaper jobs left in the entire country? Or do they stay in Buffalo for the same reason as so many people in other industries -- it's home, and believe it or not, they actually LIKE it here? Take your potshots at the columnists, if you like. If they're entitled to have opinions, then you're certainly entitled to disagree. But you're smearing some good people with that wide brush. While I feel the sportswriting at the News is pretty mediocre, your post was excellent and well-researched. Good job. I would also say though that Dr Dankenstein did say "at least that's the way they read to me" so he was allowing that it was an opinion of his and not a fact.
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