C.Biscuit97 Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Ramius said: Good post. Even taking into account last year's situation, both incidents with Lynch can be explained away by simply being young and stupid. Toss in a whole mess of $, and that complicates the situation. I will say this is the last time I'm willing to give him that pass though. If he doesn't learn from this now, he is hopeless. But it is really dumb to convict a guy before a court has.
DIE HARD 1967 Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 I don't believe there is anyone in Buffalo that believes Ralph does care about the situation. One phone call to Russ Brandon and the guy will be dumped to the highest bidder
BuffaloBill Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Steely Dan said: Carrying his own bottles of beer into a bar!!?? Man that's cheap. At least my friends would get drunk outside before going into a bar. Perhaps the issue is that Lynch is just not bright enough to figure out how to do these things without getting caught. If he is nothing else he is a moron. Why jeapordize your career by doing something as stupid as smoking pot in a car on a public street. If you must do it go to the privacy of your own home and have fun there. (Not that it is any more legal _ just not likely to get caught).
billsfreak Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Trader said: Marshawn Lynch is killing Marshawn Lynch. That might be one of the shortest posts I have seen on this board, but probably the most accurate.
Lurker Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 buftex said: So, listening to GR, both Jerry Sullivan, and Paul Hamilton There's your problem. There are enough 'drunks on barstools' at TSW, why partake of anything spewed by those stiffs...
Lurker Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 DonInBuffalo said: - Reportedly numerous incidents of being thrown out of downtown bars for carrying his own bottle into the bar.- Ran over someone's mailbox, but wasn't charged because the owner didn't press charges. - Hit a pedestrian injuring her and drove away. - Smoked pot with friends in a car parked on a public street, with a loaded unregistered gun somewhere inside the car. What a "public enemy" list that is...
Gordio Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Ramius said: Big shock that the buffalo media is going after Lynch. He refused to talk to them for what, 6 months or something? The media acts like a bunch of 12 year old girls who didn't get invited to so-and-so's birthday party when an athlete wont give them what they want. They get all pissy throw a fit. The buffalo media has a huge axe to grind with Marshawn. What are they supposed to do? Sweep it under the rug, pretend it never happened? Welcome him with open arms at training camp this year even though he does not talk to any of them because they had the nerve to suggest last year that he was wrong by running down some canadian Sweat Hog that had one too many whiskey sours on the chip strip? Honestly, some of you guys are such homers.
Captain Quint Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Gordio said: What are they supposed to do? Sweep it under the rug, pretend it never happened? Welcome him with open arms at training camp this year even though he does not talk to any of them because they had the nerve to suggest last year that he was wrong by running down some canadian Sweat Hog that had one too many whiskey sours on the chip strip? Honestly, some of you guys are such homers. But at the same time, the Buff media acts like this is shocking news or that it doesn't happen everyday, in every sport, on every team. Everyone knows the difference between right & wrong, we don't need Sullivan to spell it out and add his comments like he "should be in jail" or "cut from the team". Anyone with half a brain knows that he isn't going to jail and he isn't getting cut. Who really cares what happens outside of the football field? How is anyone's life affected by this incident besides Marshawn? Sure there are 1,000,000 what if's, but the reality of the situation is that nobody got hurt. Now everyone respond with the "but next time things could be different" posts. Of course next time could be different! Again, the reality of the situation is that this will be swept under the rug, he'll pay a fine, maybe get suspended for a game or two, and probably have another great season. Honestly, all I care about is that he has another great season. Anyone who takes personal offense to this is fooling themselves about why they follow the Bills.
PTS Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 My fiancee met ESPN's Merril Hoge at a corporate function last August and after his speaking engagement she went up to him to ask him what he thought about the Bills chances that season. He pretty much dismissed her question, instead he couldn't stop talking about what a thug Marshawn Lynch is and how glad everyone at CAL was when he turned pro. He didn't deny he was a great running back but he said he's going to cause nothing but problems off the field. Something tells me this won't be the last time Lynch is in the news for all the wrong reasons.
Gordio Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Captain Quint said: But at the same time, the Buff media acts like this is shocking news or that it doesn't happen everyday, in every sport, on every team. Everyone knows the difference between right & wrong, we don't need Sullivan to spell it out and add his comments like he "should be in jail" or "cut from the team". Anyone with half a brain knows that he isn't going to jail and he isn't getting cut. Who really cares what happens outside of the football field? How is anyone's life affected by this incident besides Marshawn? Sure there are 1,000,000 what if's, but the reality of the situation is that nobody got hurt. Now everyone respond with the "but next time things could be different" posts. Of course next time could be different! Again, the reality of the situation is that this will be swept under the rug, he'll pay a fine, maybe get suspended for a game or two, and probably have another great season. Honestly, all I care about is that he has another great season. Anyone who takes personal offense to this is fooling themselves about why they follow the Bills. I could care less too. But with that being said the media is just doing their job. They are paid to make a story out of this & get the most mileage out of this. BTW, that is an awesome avatar. Jaws was one of my favorite movies of all time.
Ramius Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Gordio said: What are they supposed to do? Sweep it under the rug, pretend it never happened? Welcome him with open arms at training camp this year even though he does not talk to any of them because they had the nerve to suggest last year that he was wrong by running down some canadian Sweat Hog that had one too many whiskey sours on the chip strip? Honestly, some of you guys are such homers. They are *supposed* to be professionals. It is one thing to discuss a situation and give your opinions. Its another thing to completely assault someone because you have a grudge against them. It is entirely possible to discuss how Marshawn was being a dumbass out in Cali, and how he's made 2 bad decisions in the past year. They can question his character and his decision making. Its quite another to simply go after the guy because they don't like him. They shouldn't stoop down to the "he's a punk thug" type of level. But, i guess no more can be expected from most of the filth that infests Buffalo's media. And as was mentioned before, its not like this is an uncommon event. Players get arrested all the time for stupid crap.
DrDawkinstein Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Ramius said: They are *supposed* to be professionals. It is one thing to discuss a situation and give your opinions. Its another thing to completely assault someone because you have a grudge against them. It is entirely possible to discuss how Marshawn was being a dumbass out in Cali, and how he's made 2 bad decisions in the past year. They can question his character and his decision making. Its quite another to simply go after the guy because they don't like him. They shouldn't stoop down to the "he's a punk thug" type of level. But, i guess no more can be expected from most of the filth that infests Buffalo's media. And as was mentioned before, its not like this is an uncommon event. Players get arrested all the time for stupid crap. very true. considering the market, within the Buffalo media you have 2 types of people. Reporters who are starting out and trying to make a name for themselves so they can move to a bigger market, and who will therefore try to write the most ridiculous garbage. Or reporters who have come from a bigger market, have failed, are bitter, and pissed they are in Buffalo. These guys just dont give a sh-- about anyone and will try to bring anyone down so they feel better about themselves. At least thats the way most of them read to me.
300yrds Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 DonInBuffalo said: Has any Buffalo professional athlete come anywhere close to this standard in an entire career, much less two years: - Reportedly numerous incidents of being thrown out of downtown bars for carrying his own bottle into the bar. - Ran over someone's mailbox, but wasn't charged because the owner didn't press charges. - Hit a pedestrian injuring her and drove away. - Smoked pot with friends in a car parked on a public street, with a loaded unregistered gun somewhere inside the car. The Buffalo media is "killing" Lynch because he's earned that right. It's become tragically obvious that he makes stupid decisions and doesn't learn from his mistakes. First there was no pot smoking involved, only claim of pot smell, and "blunts" no smoke and nobody was reported as high 2nd has any Buffalo professional athlete -Told his fans to F*ck off after telling him nice game -Thrown beer on their fans -SH*t talked Buffalo before they got here -Made 12 year olds cry asking for autographs -Attempted to chase and beat up their own fans OH YEAH JIM KELLY...hes a role model/nice guy/ high character he is one of the biggest dicks to ever play here in Buffalo(maybe anywhere for that matter) but he comes on tv every once and a while and asks for money for Hunters Hope and talks about his love for Buffalo and the team Loved him as a QB but as a person way worse than Lynch
Gordio Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 300yrds said: First there was no pot smoking involved, only claim of pot smell, and "blunts" no smoke and nobody was reported as high 2nd has any Buffalo professional athlete -Told his fans to F*ck off after telling him nice game -Thrown beer on their fans -SH*t talked Buffalo before they got here -Made 12 year olds cry asking for autographs -Attempted to chase and beat up their own fans OH YEAH JIM KELLY...hes a role model/nice guy/ high character he is one of the biggest dicks to ever play here in Buffalo(maybe anywhere for that matter) but he comes on tv every once and a while and asks for money for Hunters Hope and talks about his love for Buffalo and the team Loved him as a QB but as a person way worse than Lynch Big difference. Kelly's teams were actually you know successful on the field. it is just the way society thinks. Fans are willing to overlook these types of things when their team is actually winning games. I am not saying it is right, just the way it is. I think point #1 & point #4 Thurman Thomas was actually accused of not Kelly. I was 12 years old Kelly's first season & I seen him at the Mall the monday after a loss. I went up to him, said "nice game Mr. kelly, do you mind if you sign this poster I just bought?" He shook my hand, said "thanks kid I appreciate that" patted me on the back & signed the poster. That is the only personal experience I had with Kelly & it was a positive one. He is still my favorite player of all time.
ieatcrayonz Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 buftex said: You are likely right. I was just surprised to hear this. Most of these guys stuck up for McGahee until the end, and frankly, I think Marshawns pattern is even a little more disturbing than McGahees. I think McGahees fall from grace in Buffalo was as much the product of thin skinned Buffalonians, as it was anything he actually did. I like Lynch, and Hamilton pointed out that he is very popular with his teammates. I think when they are saying he is a "bad guy" they simply mean he hasn't shown any signs of having learned any lesson from last offseason. So are you going to write McGahee's bastard children and tell them not to worry that daddy isn't around because at least he didn't hit a mailbox with his car and that would be really disturbing? And smoking pot in a car with friends is super disturbing according to Jerry Sullivan right? Granted pot is stupid and anyone who smokes it is wasting their own potential, but a lot of people do it. I'll bet the only reason Jerry Sullivan never smoked pot in his car with friends is because he didn't have any friends.
VABills Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Ramius said: They are *supposed* to be professionals. It is one thing to discuss a situation and give your opinions. Its another thing to completely assault someone because you have a grudge against them. It is entirely possible to discuss how Marshawn was being a dumbass out in Cali, and how he's made 2 bad decisions in the past year. They can question his character and his decision making. Its quite another to simply go after the guy because they don't like him. They shouldn't stoop down to the "he's a punk thug" type of level. But, i guess no more can be expected from most of the filth that infests Buffalo's media. And as was mentioned before, its not like this is an uncommon event. Players get arrested all the time for stupid crap. Yet you had no problem with the media doing that to Bush for 8 years.
VOR Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 The running over the mailbox and bringing his own alcohol into bars are jokes to even bring up. They say nothing except that he's immature and unsophisticated, but what young man, especially pro athlete, isn't? As for the hit and run, there was no proof that he was drunk or that he knew he hit her (and the cops even offered that alibi for him), and ultimately it was settled for a traffic ticket and not even a misdemeanor. You can claim this or that, but that and a quarter won't even get you a cup of coffee. Now in this case, he had a loaded gun. What does it say other than he was stupid for having a loaded gun and breaking a rule that was created to get violent criminals off the street? Does it make him a imminent threat to shoot someone? Versus if he had the gun unloaded in the trunk? If this were anyone without a history of violence, I'd say the same thing. Charge him with a misdemeanor and be done with it. If it happens again, throw the book at him.
Kingfish Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 VOR said: As for the hit and run, there was no proof that he was drunk or that he knew he hit her (and the cops even offered that alibi for him), and ultimately it was settled for a traffic ticket and not even a misdemeanor. He was obviously stone cold sober, obviously.
ieatcrayonz Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 KarlFromEarthCrisis said: He was obviously stone cold sober, obviously. Dude he hit a drunk Canadian Broad. The streets in Buffalo late at night are teeming with them.
MarkyMannn Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 C.Biscuit97 said: Again, many of us did a lot of dumb things when we were 22. Well I'm more than double 22, and in all those years I never carried a concealed weapon and I never ran from he scene of a hit & run. Especially in that accident, at the time, how did he not know that maybe he killed her. Sure later we found out otherwise, but at the instant of the accident?
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