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I'll admit absolute crap might have been over the top, but he's ranked 16th in tackles for MLB or ILB. I think that's pretty poor for a projected first rounder that was a "steal" when we took him. DiGiorgio had 113 tackles in 07 and did it in 13 games. No I'm not saying Digiorgio should start but I think we should be expecting more from Poz.

You have to dig a bit deeper though O.J...


I'm not saying that you're right or wrong but consider this:


2008 Bills defense: 14th in points allowed, 14th in yards allowed, 971 plays against

2007 Bills defense: 18th in points allowed, 31st in yards allowed, 1047 plays against


So the defense improved immensely, and again I'm not necessarily saying it's because of Poszlusny but the other feature of this is that our defense had 76 fewer plays against...less tackle opportunities.


Personally I think he's a darn good player. As I've pointed out many times in the past I remember the dropoff for Ray Lewis after Tony Siragusa and Sam Adams left the Ravens.


Posz is no Ray Lewis but like any middle linebacker, he'll only be as effective as the guys in front of him.

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As far as addressing the actual subject of this post, I am optimistic by nature and feel optimistic about the Bills.


I've beaten to death the reasons elsewhere but need to mention them again:


Ralph's Hall of Fame induction and necessary ceremony

Bruce's Hall of Fame induction and necessary ceremony

50th Anniversary of the Team and season long festivities associated with it

Fan anger over the retaining of Dick Jauron

The hiring of one of the top college scouts in the NFL, Buddy Nix and the idea that he and Modrak will have more say in personnel and that Brandon and Jauron will have less


Irregardless of being an optimist, I feel these reasons give critical mass to the idea that the Bills will make a push this year.

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I've been a fan since the '60s...cheered through the good times (Super Bowls) and cried through the bad (Super Bowls) but, like virtually all on this board, there was always "hope" and the flame inside never flickered...


However, with me, something clicked following the Cleveland MNF game...something went off inside and left me with a feeling regarding this team that I've never experienced, even during the 2-14 years of '84-85 and at the end of Supe XXVIII against the Cowboys. Something went off, something more powerful than "Aw, the hell with 'em!" For there were hundreds of times I actually said it, after the Cleveland game, I could FEEL it.


Some may ask, then why do you continue to hang on to a Bills message board, and that's a good question. But something, and I can't put my finger on it, is missing, and the flame inside is perhaps now nothing more than a spark. Like some have said, maybe a big FA or starting 5-1 next year ( <_< ) may rekindle the flame...who knows. I just know right now, the despair I feel for our football team has never registered such depths.

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I'm sure I'll get slammed for posting this, but I cannot possibly be the only one who feels a bit hopeless entering the offseason. The FO has shown no signs of good decision-making in the past couple years apart from drafting Pos. While we were 7-9 a couple seasons ago, at least we appeared to be resilient. In its current incarnation I can't see this team being better than 8-8. Unfortunately, I can't say I hold on to much hope that we will bring in the right people to change that this offseason. This is the first time in a long time that I find myself struggling to see a silver lining with the Bills. I still support the team 100%, but I gotta admit it's frustrating. Anyone else with me here? Feel free to agree or call me a piece of Stevestojan for venting.


I find myself struggling to find a silver lining with our economy. I gotta admit it's frustrating. Anyone else with me here? Oh, EVERYONE agrees with me? Now there's a surprise.


OK, too sarcastic, right? Sorry. Well I say everybody just chill out and see what happens beginning March 1st. We might all think we're doomed, but then again, maybe the inner circle jerks will finally do some things right and put together a winning team next season. Crazier things have happened.

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