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  The Dean said:
Maybe there is a need for that network, after all.

Give me a year free of jihads, suicide bombers, beheadings and death threats to all infidels and I'll be glad to change my mind about Muslims.

  Fan in San Diego said:
Give me a year free of jihads, suicide bombers, beheadings and death threats to all infidels and I'll be glad to change my mind about Muslims.



That you judge all of Islam by the acts of those on the lunatic fringe, speaks volumes. Do you judge Christianity by those who used it to lynch Blacks, for years, in the USA? Do you judge Christianity by the evangelists who beg for our money, cheer the 911 incident, run sites like this, etc?


Since we live in a country that is primarily Christian, we see the whole spectrum of good and bad, and understand that it isn't the religion that makes these sick fuc#ing wackos the way that they are. They simply use their religion as their excuse to be morons. But, since we don't have a lot of day-to-day interactions with Muslims (not to the extent we do Christians and Jews), we get our impression of them from the media...and that usually focuses on the unusual/dangerous/etc. You cold probably go ahead and conclude that Islam has their share of sick, stupid douchebags that use their religion to justify their moronic acts, too.

  The Dean said:
That you judge all of Islam by the acts of those on the lunatic fringe, speaks volumes. Do you judge Christianity by those who used it to lynch Blacks, for years, in the USA? Do you judge Christianity by the evangelists who beg for our money, cheer the 911 incident, run sites like this, etc?


Since we live in a country that is primarily Christian, we see the whole spectrum of good and bad, and understand that it isn't the religion that makes these sick fuc#ing wackos the way that they are. They simply use their religion as their excuse to be morons. But, since we don't have a lot of day-to-day interactions with Muslims (not to the extent we do Christians and Jews), we get our impression of them from the media...and that usually focuses on the unusual/dangerous/etc. You cold probably go ahead and conclude that Islam has their share of sick, stupid douchebags that use their religion to justify their moronic acts, too.



Well put. You definitely have some class Dean.

  The Dean said:
That you judge all of Islam by the acts of those on the lunatic fringe, speaks volumes. Do you judge Christianity by those who used it to lynch Blacks, for years, in the USA? Do you judge Christianity by the evangelists who beg for our money, cheer the 911 incident, run sites like this, etc?


Since we live in a country that is primarily Christian, we see the whole spectrum of good and bad, and understand that it isn't the religion that makes these sick fuc#ing wackos the way that they are. They simply use their religion as their excuse to be morons. But, since we don't have a lot of day-to-day interactions with Muslims (not to the extent we do Christians and Jews), we get our impression of them from the media...and that usually focuses on the unusual/dangerous/etc. You cold probably go ahead and conclude that Islam has their share of sick, stupid douchebags that use their religion to justify their moronic acts, too.


Eloquent words for sure there Dean. But they ring hollow, when entire countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, etc., have Muslim dominated cultures and governments that support terrorism, mass destruction of Israel, USA and anyone who supports them. Exports terror and war against the west, is more than a fringe element. It is a main stream psychotic danger that has to recognized and dealt with to avoid destruction. To me it has the face of a Muslim and I will call them out as such until years of peace have eliminated the stigma of nutjobs.

  Fan in San Diego said:
Give me a year free of jihads, suicide bombers, beheadings and death threats to all infidels and I'll be glad to change my mind about Muslims.


Jihad refers to the inner struggle that a Muslim endures to improve his society and improve his personal relationship with Allah. How do you toss the sacred practice of jihad in with suicide bombings and beheadings?

  SageAgainstTheMachine said:
Jihad refers to the inner struggle that a Muslim endures to improve his society and improve his personal relationship with Allah. How do you toss the sacred practice of jihad in with suicide bombings and beheadings?



Because he appears to be ignorant to the matter.

  The Dean said:
That you judge all of Islam by the acts of those on the lunatic fringe, speaks volumes. Do you judge Christianity by those who used it to lynch Blacks, for years, in the USA? Do you judge Christianity by the evangelists who beg for our money, cheer the 911 incident, run sites like this, etc?


Since we live in a country that is primarily Christian, we see the whole spectrum of good and bad, and understand that it isn't the religion that makes these sick fuc#ing wackos the way that they are. They simply use their religion as their excuse to be morons. But, since we don't have a lot of day-to-day interactions with Muslims (not to the extent we do Christians and Jews), we get our impression of them from the media...and that usually focuses on the unusual/dangerous/etc. You cold probably go ahead and conclude that Islam has their share of sick, stupid douchebags that use their religion to justify their moronic acts, too.


Nice link to godhatesfags, and speaking of morons:


Ahmadinejad rejected accusations that he has denied the Holocaust actually happened, but argued for more research to be conducted on the subject.


"I'm not saying that it didn't happen at all," he said. "I said, granted this happened, what does it have to do with the Palestinian people?"


He used his 30-minute speech to repeat Tehran's insistence that its nuclear programme was focused on meeting the country's electricity needs.


Washington says Iran is seeking to produce nuclear weapons.


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"The countries that feel threatened ... should prepare for defence, and even counterattack"


Adolfo Talpalar, Stockholm, Sweden


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"We do not believe in nuclear weapons. Period. This goes against the whole grain of humanity," Ahmadinejad said.


During the question-and-answer session he denied that homosexuals were persecuted in Iran.


"In Iran we do don't have homosexuals like in your country. In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I do not know who has told you we have it," he said, sparking laughter from the audience.

Some, however, were not amused.


"This is a sick joke," said Scott Long of Human Rights Watch, saying Iran tortures gays under a penal code that punishes homosexuality between men with the death penalty.


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  Fan in San Diego said:
Eloquent words for sure there Dean. But they ring hollow, when entire countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, etc., have Muslim dominated cultures and governments that support terrorism, mass destruction of Israel, USA and anyone who supports them. Exports terror and war against the west, is more than a fringe element. It is a main stream psychotic danger that has to recognized and dealt with to avoid destruction. To me it has the face of a Muslim and I will call them out as such until years of peace have eliminated the stigma of nutjobs.


You truly don't know what you're talking about. I feel sorry for you. It's because of people like you, AND THEM, that make this world a horrible place. The only difference is they are a heck of a lot crazier than you, maybe it's because some of these people are more desperate than you, hungrier than you, less educated than you, they have less civil liberties than you, some are being illegally occupied... I can go on and on.


The fact of the matter is you probably never had a muslim friend and your parents never had any either. You don't know these people so how can you tell everyone what these people are all about?


I have news for you. I'm a Palestinian-American, muslim. Born and raised in Buffalo, New York and have visited Palestine on numerous occasions. I never met a terrorist or even been approached by one, for that matter. When I visit Palestine you might be shocked to know that Arabs actually have parties, barbecue's, go to amusement parks, have get-togethers to watch the big football games, soccer to you folks. They also have struggles paying bills and making ends meet, trying to raise their children, share laughs and so on and so forth. We're more a like than you'll ever know.


I know that I'm just wasting my time telling you this because your mind has already been made up. Your bigotry is deep rooted and it's not your fault. Their hate for the US is the same. Deep rooted hate that's been passed on from generation to generation. It's not their fault either. That BS is stronger than most. But there are millions of people with their eyes wide open and that number will continue to grow, but the hateful way of thinking will never die. It really is a shame.


I'll tell you this, I don't agree with terrorists, Zionists, extremists and I especially do not like extremist governments that are to blame for all of this mess and I love everyone else. I have friends of all different types of races, creeds and colors. I love The USA and Palestine. I love visiting other countries and enjoy some of their traditions. It's so much better to live life with your eyes wide open.




BTW. I'm not condoning anything but, what have some of those countries that you have mentioned done to us that's so bad? Are some of these countries trying to obtain nukes? Sure, wouldn't you try too if you had oil and you wanted to protect your nation if and when the world starts to run out of that particular resource? I know I would.





Oh, I almost forgot. Time to address the issue of this douche bag that beheaded his wife. This dude will get his. He's a scumbag POS. But that wasn't no muslim thing, that was the internationally known, crazy ass husband losing his mind thing. Happens all the time. Funny thing is, we never hear what religion he is when it happens to non-muslims.

  Fan in San Diego said:
Eloquent words for sure there Dean. But they ring hollow, when entire countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, etc., have Muslim dominated cultures and governments that support terrorism, mass destruction of Israel, USA and anyone who supports them. Exports terror and war against the west, is more than a fringe element. It is a main stream psychotic danger that has to recognized and dealt with to avoid destruction. To me it has the face of a Muslim and I will call them out as such until years of peace have eliminated the stigma of nutjobs.



You need to gather info from other sources besides the news... I personally know and am friends/acquaintances with 300+ Egyptians over the last 10 years. Not one of them was a jihadist/terrorist. The people you read and hear about on TV are "radical muslims" just like we have radical christians and radical americans. Their terrorists are equivalent to our gang members who kill randomly for initiations. Or people who walk into a hospital and blow people away. Or people who walk onto school campus and mow people down....The sludge of society basically, and to group all muslims as terrorists is simply uneducated.

  The Dean said:
That you judge all of Islam by the acts of those on the lunatic fringe, speaks volumes. Do you judge Christianity by those who used it to lynch Blacks, for years, in the USA? Do you judge Christianity by the evangelists who beg for our money, cheer the 911 incident, run sites like this, etc?


Since we live in a country that is primarily Christian, we see the whole spectrum of good and bad, and understand that it isn't the religion that makes these sick fuc#ing wackos the way that they are. They simply use their religion as their excuse to be morons. But, since we don't have a lot of day-to-day interactions with Muslims (not to the extent we do Christians and Jews), we get our impression of them from the media...and that usually focuses on the unusual/dangerous/etc. You cold probably go ahead and conclude that Islam has their share of sick, stupid douchebags that use their religion to justify their moronic acts, too.


Nice post. :lol:


Oh and FiSD didn't you wish an entire state dead?


JIHAD- According to scholar John Esposito, Jihad requires Muslims to "struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society."[3][4] Jihad is directed against Satan's inducements, aspects of one's own self, or against a visible enemy.[1][5] The four major categories of jihad that are recognized are Jihad against one's self (Jihad al-Nafs), Jihad of the tongue (Jihad al-lisan), Jihad of the hand (Jihad al-yad), and Jihad of the sword (which can involve combat against non-Muslims)(Jihad as-sayf).[5] Islamic military jurisprudence focuses on regulating the conditions and practice of Jihad as-sayf, the only form of warfare permissible under Islamic law, and thus the term Jihad is usually used in fiqh manuals in reference to military combat.


yea "peaceful" right :lol: i've heard death to infidels one too many times...

  drinkTHEkoolaid said:
JIHAD- According to scholar John Esposito, Jihad requires Muslims to "struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society."[3][4] Jihad is directed against Satan's inducements, aspects of one's own self, or against a visible enemy.[1][5] The four major categories of jihad that are recognized are Jihad against one's self (Jihad al-Nafs), Jihad of the tongue (Jihad al-lisan), Jihad of the hand (Jihad al-yad), and Jihad of the sword (which can involve combat against non-Muslims)(Jihad as-sayf).[5] Islamic military jurisprudence focuses on regulating the conditions and practice of Jihad as-sayf, the only form of warfare permissible under Islamic law, and thus the term Jihad is usually used in fiqh manuals in reference to military combat.


yea "peaceful" right <_< i've heard death to infidels one too many times...



I don't think you know what an infidel is. I don't condone the killing of anyone and I also believe everyone is entitled to their own beliefs but, some Muslims do look down on atheists more than anything else. And that's what an infidel is, a non-believer. If Islam was such a hate mongering religion than tell me why Muslims are permitted to marry Jews and Christians?






Infidel (literally "one without faith") is an English word meaning "one who doubts or rejects central tenets of a religion or has no religious beliefs", especially in reference to Islam.[1][2][3][4][5]


In Christianity the term was traditionally used by the Roman Catholic Church to refer to one who did not believe in the divinity of Jesus, knowingly held beliefs that contradicted Catholic dogma, or one who had not been baptized,[6][7] or by Christians in general to describe non-Christians or those perceived as enemies of Christianity, including Muslims.[4][8] Current English speaking Catholic ecclesiastical usage however distinguishes between non-Christians and non-believers (persons without religious affiliations or beliefs).[7]


The Arabic word kafir (literally the one who "covers", in the sense of hiding) is the Muslim term for an infidel.[9][10] The term technically applies only to atheists and polytheists and to those who subscribe to faiths other than Christianity, Judaism and Zorastrianism.[4][11][12] In common use, however, the term is also applied to Christians, especially in English fiction and poetry.[13]

  b.harami98 said:
I don't think you know what an infidel is. I don't condone the killing of anyone and I also believe everyone is entitled to their own beliefs but, some Muslims do look down on atheists more than anything else. And that's what an infidel is, a non-believer. If Islam was such a hate mongering religion than tell me why Muslims are permitted to marry Jews and Christians?






Infidel (literally "one without faith") is an English word meaning "one who doubts or rejects central tenets of a religion or has no religious beliefs", especially in reference to Islam.[1][2][3][4][5]


In Christianity the term was traditionally used by the Roman Catholic Church to refer to one who did not believe in the divinity of Jesus, knowingly held beliefs that contradicted Catholic dogma, or one who had not been baptized,[6][7] or by Christians in general to describe non-Christians or those perceived as enemies of Christianity, including Muslims.[4][8] Current English speaking Catholic ecclesiastical usage however distinguishes between non-Christians and non-believers (persons without religious affiliations or beliefs).[7]


The Arabic word kafir (literally the one who "covers", in the sense of hiding) is the Muslim term for an infidel.[9][10] The term technically applies only to atheists and polytheists and to those who subscribe to faiths other than Christianity, Judaism and Zorastrianism.[4][11][12] In common use, however, the term is also applied to Christians, especially in English fiction and poetry.[13]


I feel ya, my friend, but don't waste your breath on these people. I've learned that those who do not use logic refuse to have logic thrown upon them. Nothing you say can change their mind.

  SageAgainstTheMachine said:
Jihad refers to the inner struggle that a Muslim endures to improve his society and improve his personal relationship with Allah. How do you toss the sacred practice of jihad in with suicide bombings and beheadings?

Because you see the word Jihad and attacks against the west all the time. I guess you dont watch the news or read the newspapers or journals. I'll attach a link later when I get the chance.

  Fan in San Diego said:
Because you see the word Jihad and attacks against the west all the time. I guess you dont watch the news or read the newspapers or journals. I'll attach a link later when I get the chance.


I'm well aware of the way that the American media has butchered the meaning of the word. I was just trying to make a point.

  Fan in San Diego said:
I cant believe all of the people defending/arguing these crazy mofo's on this board. I guess you are just trollers who love to argue. Sorry not buying in.


Not defending the crazy mofo's, we're defending all of the innocent people that you paint as crazy with your oversized brush.

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