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I'm also fortunate to live in a "nice" area but my situation was not hypothetical. I live on the golf course here and one night a couple Aboriginal kids decided to hop the fence and try and break in. Luckily my dog went nuts and they ran off. Fortunately I didn't have to resort to taking my weapon out of the safe and defend myself...but I was ready to. You never know. The old saying "better to have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have one." rings true.


You are living in dreamland if you think you think that someone wouldn't enter your house because you didn't provoke them. You seem to be affluent...that's reason enough. Hopefully you will never face my situation.



Swede -


Thanks for the thoughts. I hear what you say and I understand that I am in no way sheltered from the situation you faced. Glad to know that you and your family were completely unharmed.


To your point(s) I do understand this stuff can happen. When my wife was a child / adolescent she lived with her family in a home that was broken into three separate times. While she did not grow up "wealthy" (her background is solid middle class American) it was in a nice area. Fortunately they were never at home when it happened so their safety was not directly threatened. Her family was so upset by the situation they sold the house at a loss and moved a good distance away. I know how the situation impacts her even today.


I look forward to future exchanges. I kind of feel like this one is turning into a dead horse and it is probably time to move on. Be well and be safe.

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