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NFL vs NHL players


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I remember reading that a couple years back. Weird story, especially the stuff about the agent's influence over the kid and other players.


ANyway, the point wasn't that NHL players are angels or that they never get into trouble. Just that in comparison to their NFL brethern, NHL players are (generally speaking) in less trouble and tend not to get arrested as much. For every Danton story there are probably three or more NFL players accused of something as bad or worse (Rae Carruth, Ray Lewis and Pacman Jones come to mind in this case).


Sorry for pissing in your cornflakes BM... I just don't agree with you, there are many factors why a lot of what happens in the NHL doesn't come to light... One big one is that nobody really cares in mainstream sports outside of Canada. I am sorry for being blunt, but it is the truth. Who really cares if a hockey player acts unprofessional... Sometimes you even see it on the actual ice itself. Name one football player that was actually charged with a crime WHILE PLAYING THE GAME ITSELF.


All I am doing is making the assertion that professional players are on par with other professional players of different sports and how they act... We see what is happening with the Habs... Just imagine if this was the New York Yankees or the Minnesota Vikings (oh wait, it kinda happened with the Vikes)... It (the Habs) is gonna be a non-story because nobody cares or some will just take the apporach: "Boys will be boys." :lol::lol:


I am sure you are concerned about this development with the Canadiens? Of course you probably think it is all over-blown and it is the media's fault... These poor Russian boys are victims of their own fame... Nothing but "party boys" acting like gangsters. :sick::)


IMO, hockey is one of the worst sports that breeds certain defects in the players. I am not the naive one BM. I am looking at all players with an open mind. Sorry if it seems like I am just attacking the NHL, that is not what my argument is about. I am just not explaining myself correctly and you are the one getting overly sensitive about me calling out the NHL in the same light as the NFL. I know how much you like the NHL and glorify it... I am sorry for bringing it down to the nasty NFL level. :lol:

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IMO, hockey is one of the worst sports that breeds certain defects in the players. I am not the naive one BM. I am looking at all players with an open mind. Sorry if it seems like I am just attacking the NHL, that is not what my argument is about. I am just not explaining myself correctly and you are the one getting overly sensitive about me calling out the NHL in the same light as the NFL. I know how much you like the NHL and glorify it... I am sorry for bringing it down to the nasty NFL level. :sick:

This stuff is simply BS that couldn't be further from the truth, and frankly, adds nothing to the debate. It's not a matter of "you not explaining yourself correctly," it's a matter of you simply being wrong (again). Yes, hockey players have been charged for on-ice stuff. Yes, hockey players have been arrested and have associated with unsavory characters. But yet again, you ignore the OP for the sake of disagreeing.


I'll repeat it for the last time - the whole point of the OP was that generally speaking, hockey players conduct themselves much more professionally and hold themselves to higher standards than football players. I'm looking at it from the standard of arrests and embarrassing behavior, and in those areas the NFL is the "winner" by a long shot. Maybe there are factors like differences in media scrutiny and coverage, but it still doesn't change the fact that NFL players get into trouble on a large scale.


I'm out after this one, because arguing with you is the same as arguing with wall or a small child - you take a contrarian position just for the sake of being disagreeable, then cover your ears and stamp your feet until other people realize the futility of debating with you.

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This stuff is simply BS that couldn't be further from the truth, and frankly, adds nothing to the debate. It's not a matter of "you not explaining yourself correctly," it's a matter of you simply being wrong (again). Yes, hockey players have been charged for on-ice stuff. Yes, hockey players have been arrested and have associated with unsavory characters. But yet again, you ignore the OP for the sake of disagreeing.


I'll repeat it for the last time - the whole point of the OP was that generally speaking, hockey players conduct themselves much more professionally and hold themselves to higher standards than football players. I'm looking at it from the standard of arrests and embarrassing behavior, and in those areas the NFL is the "winner" by a long shot. Maybe there are factors like differences in media scrutiny and coverage, but it still doesn't change the fact that NFL players get into trouble on a large scale.


I'm out after this one, because arguing with you is the same as arguing with wall or a small child - you take a contrarian position just for the sake of being disagreeable, then cover your ears and stamp your feet until other people realize the futility of debating with you.



No you are wrong (Blue). You are obviously swayed by emotion and your love of the NHL, you can't see correctly. Stop putting the NHL on a pedestal. Stop being swayed by your personal emotion. See things for what they really are.


Again... We can just agree to disagree. There is no difference except that the NFL happens to be huge by NHL standards.


The game is bigger in one league, that doesn't mean the game is any better or worse with regards to players acting unprofessional. Even you can see this, you just refuse to.


You can have the last word if you want... I am through with you and your stereotypes.




Hang in there BM...

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No you are wrong (Blue). You are obviously swayed by emotion and your love of the NHL, you can't see correctly. Stop putting the NHL on a pedestal. Stop being swayed by your personal emotion. See things for what they really are.


Again... We can just agree to disagree. There is no difference except that the NFL happens to be huge by NHL standards.


The game is bigger in one league, that doesn't mean the game is any better or worse with regards to players acting unprofessional. Even you can see this, you just refuse to.


You can have the last word if you want... I am through with you and your stereotypes.




Hang in there BM...


It's not a stereotype to say that folks who grew up poor in the inner city (like many NFL players) are generally not as well behaved as folks who grew up in the quiet suburbs of Canada or the Northern US (like many NHL players). That's just common sense.

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