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This thread = :lol: So what are we all saying? Really?


1. There's no way that one idiot chopping off heads, anybody's head for any reason = an indictment of their religion any more than it is an indictment of what color shirt they were wearing when they did it. OK.


But, I think what everybody's missing here is: degree. Christianity comes nowhere near Islam in terms of DEGREE of violence that is literally proscribed in it's "book". Notice I said Christianity, not Judaism. Hanging the Old Testament around the necks of current, believing, practicing, reasonable Christians is a weak argument at best, completely retarded at worst because the old stuff is largely in the Koran as well, so your argument goes nowhere. You didn't think old Mohammed didn't know how to "borrow" things, did you? I mean come on, the guy started out as a pirate after all.


Bottom Line: crazy people chopping off heads is not an indictment of Islam any more than OJ is an indictment of football, but, acting like Christianity = Islam in terms of the degree of violence that is literally proscribed in the instruction manual, and de-valuing violence that is happening RIGHT NOW by raising things that happened 700 years ago, or 5 years ago, is just plain stupid. And thus ends the Christianity All Time = Crazy Islam of Today argument.


All I needed to see was a poor little 8 year-old boy getting his arm run over by a car for "stealing"(find the link yourself, it's disgusts me) with plenty of a-hole adults around cheering it on, to know that something is definitely f'ed up in these currently Sharia-run countries. We are talking about real evil here, please refrain from fooling yourself, or worse, attempting to fool others.


2. For the last time: one person's bad behavior is never justified by a different person's bad behavior, unless we are talking about imminent self-defense. Liberals, here's what started you on this track: Bill Clinton getting a bj in the oval office was ridiculously bad behavior. THE END.


Stop going around in life excusing bad behavior from "your team" by trying to talk about somebody from "the other team" because you feel the need to extend Clinton's lie/argument. Put the shovel down. It's stupid. Stop treating us like idiots. We know he screwed you over, and we don't hold it against you/your ideas. It's not your fault, it's his. This will never go away as long as you keep propagating it. Accept the reality that Clinton was an idiot for doing it and move on, you'll feel better and so will everyone else. It's literally painful to see this endless extending of the "but...but little Republican Johnny did something bad, too, but completely unrelated to what little Democrat Billy did" excuse, and therefore knowing that every point you will eventually make always has to be in line with that excuse. Again, it's boring and stupid.


Recent extension of excuse: The Blago mess. Hey, if Bill Clinton can end up being another "victim" why can't Blago? You can't say he didn't try the "Clinton defense". And all he is doing is unfairly making liberals look bad, once again, feeding Hannity/Limbaugh, etc. But, it worked for old Billy, why not Blago? Hey it was worth a shot, right? :lol:

And what exactly is wrong with these foreigners? Personally, I've relished every opportunity I've had to spend outside the US.


Can't drive. Can't speak English. Can't take care of their yards. Can't put their garbage out without it spilling all over the neighborhood. Have too many cars and monopolize the spare parking. I never said anything bad about spending time outside the US. The problem I have is that they come here, but they don't try to become Americanized like our ancestors did. All they want to do is come here, make the money, and still act the way they did in their homeland, with complete disregard for anyone around them.

I don't believe you have ever writen any thing that didn't


So she writes a great post about the seriousness of the problem with abuse of women and the only thing you can do is take a cheap shot. Since you made that cheap shot at her instead of making a comment about the article it seems that you don't give a crap about the suffering of women. That's how it comes across to me. JMO



Many good things come out of religion. Faith can help one through tough times and it helps to comfort when the end is near.


The problem is that once one commits that first act of intolerance and expects everything to be slanted towards their religion, it can truly make a mess.


We hate them, they hate us........both sides have the same thoughts and feelings towards the other- one side needs to step up and stop the circle of violence- but doing that takes guts. Thats why people like Ghandi and Dr. Martin Luther King were the heroes that they were




I don't believe it. Once every 21 days? I have a very hard time believing only 18 women die from domestic violence every year.


That does seem awfully low. It might be 2.1 days and just written wrong there.


I don't support Muslims, nor do I support Christians or Jews. I support human beings- many of which are not deserving of it. At it is neither liberal nor conservative.


By the way- the story about the Nazis that helped people to escape from concentration camps- it is true. The world isn't as black and white as you would believe.


If I told you I was muslim, would it make you think any less of me?




This article should help teach those who believe all Muslims are terrorists against Christians and Jews.


"I will notify the IRIB (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) to respect the rights of religious minorities in its programs." Iran is said to be housing the largest Jewish community in the Middle East outside Israel, with the diaspora currently numbering around 25,000 in the country.


Mo'tamed, in his remarks, adverted to the founder of the Islamic Revolution late Imam Khomeini's support for the Jewish community in Iran.


"We distinguish between the Jewish community and the Zionists; the Jewish community and other communities which live in Iran belong to this nation and Islam treats them in the same manner which it treats others," the MP quoted Imam Khomeini as saying once.


Tehran does not recognize the state of Israel, maintaining its 'moral and political support' for freedom-seeking movements in the occupied territories.



* Cast terror in the hearts, smite the neck and cut fingertips of unbelievers->VIII.12

* Smite the neck of unbelievers->XLVII.4

* Severe Punishment for atheists->X.4 ; V.10 ; V.86

* Severe Punishment for non-believers->XXII.19-22 ; LXXII.23, XCVIII.6





Muslims are a bunch of animals as far as I'm concerned.


Yes, pick a small portion of Muslims to make sweeping generalizations. I guess you can't see the foolishness of such thinking.



The internet is a wonderful place to learn about about religion. All Muslims are violent people and are coming after you- maybe evil is the word. All Muslims strictly follow Sharia Law......whatever


No, no it's true if you close your mind eyes and ears.



I'm not proud. If it weren't for cheap shots, I wouldn't have any. :bag:


Hey cheap shots will get you just as drunk as expensive shots. Well that's my experience. :w00t:

There are several reasons we make it a point to keep politics off the rest of the boards.

You are one of them. :lol:


Yet you let some of those people start political threads on the other boards then arbitrarily delete posts of a political side you dont like. Got it. Thanks.


Hypocrite. :lol:

Yet you let some of those people start political threads on the other boards then arbitrarily delete posts of a political side you dont like. Got it. Thanks.


Hypocrite. :lol:

I don't care if it somebody's neocon/shrub blahblahblah or somebody's lefty/liberal blahblahbah. I think they're both idiots and clean them when I see them.

I don't care if it somebody's neocon/shrub blahblahblah or somebody's lefty/liberal blahblahbah. I think they're both idiots and clean them when I see them.



Thanks for cleaning me. I feel refreshed. :lol:

Yeah, but no-one cares what you think anyway. Responding to a purely rhetorical question proves that you are too dull to engage in a real, rational conversation.


Says the nitwit who hoped I meet a Muslim bigoted against Italian Americans on a street in Islamabad and fight to the death.

It's all bullschit anyway. Nothing good ever comes of religion, the direct cause of most of the war and suffering in the world today. People NEED to believe - it's really as simple as that. Whether your particular flavor started 2,000 or 10,000 years ago doesn't really matter. Whether your religion causes fewer atrocities than another doesn't make it any more valid. It's all crap and the world would be better off with more rational people and fewer religious nuts.


I love getting lectured about blanket staetments, narrowmindedness and bigotry from people who makes statements like this.

Can't drive. Can't speak English. Can't take care of their yards. Can't put their garbage out without it spilling all over the neighborhood. Have too many cars and monopolize the spare parking. I never said anything bad about spending time outside the US. The problem I have is that they come here, but they don't try to become Americanized like our ancestors did. All they want to do is come here, make the money, and still act the way they did in their homeland, with complete disregard for anyone around them.

Like the students who live next door to me, which party and blast their stereo from midnight to 4 am.....yep, thats perfectly normal.

I don't care if it somebody's neocon/shrub blahblahblah or somebody's lefty/liberal blahblahbah. I think they're both idiots and clean them when I see them.


Thats !@#$ing funny.

Can't drive. Can't speak English. Can't take care of their yards. Can't put their garbage out without it spilling all over the neighborhood. Have too many cars and monopolize the spare parking. I never said anything bad about spending time outside the US. The problem I have is that they come here, but they don't try to become Americanized like our ancestors did. All they want to do is come here, make the money, and still act the way they did in their homeland, with complete disregard for anyone around them.


Dude, that stuff is not exclusive to foreigners. There are PLENTY of inconsiderate neighbors from right here in the US. And as for the not speaking English thing, it sounds to me like you don't really want to be spending much time with them in the first place, so it shouldn't bother you.

Many good things come out of religion. Faith can help one through tough times and it helps to comfort when the end is near.


The problem is that once one commits that first act of intolerance and expects everything to be slanted towards their religion, it can truly make a mess.


We hate them, they hate us........both sides have the same thoughts and feelings towards the other- one side needs to step up and stop the circle of violence- but doing that takes guts. Thats why people like Ghandi and Dr. Martin Luther King were the heroes that they were

Well, you listed one which is insignificant when compared to the bad. I'll stand by my original statement.


Believing in Santa Claus used to make me feel good when I was a kid.

Well, I'm ready to condemn all religion, including Islam. All religious debate essentially boils down to "My imaginary friend is the only REAL imaginary friend." Yes, I suppose it gives comfort to some people and there are folks out there who have been motivated by their religion to do amazing things. On the other hand, it has caused A LOT more divisiveness than it has caused good. There are Muslim people who think all Christians and Jews should die. There are Christians who believe all Muslims and Jews should die. There are Jews who believe all Christians and Muslims should die. At it's core, it is nothing more than a vicious cycle of hatred. Religion, throughout history, has been the largest factor separating the cultures of the world from unity. How could you consider it a good thing.


Here's what I believe; Anybody who considers themselves superior to another race because they believe in the correct "God" is a freaking idiot. Anybody who categorizes an entire group of people as animals (I'm looking at you BuffalOhio) is a hate-mongering asshat who wouldn't get into heaven. If it existed.

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