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Ads to continue to be more graphic and adult oriented


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For those with kids you may want to be aware of this. Ad sales being down overall have prompted the relaxation of standards around the display of what were once considered to be "adult" topics. There are to be more ads on internet, tv, radio and billboards hawking booze, sex related wares / services or even strip clubs.


As I have said in other posts I typically have a "to each their own" philosophy about this kind of stuff but I do feel for parents that are trying to keep it away from kids. Would be hard to explain why mommy or daddy was so intently watching the "go cheat on your spouse" dating service commercial. Not to mention the larger than life advertisement for your local strip club on your friendly neighborhood billboard.



LA Times Article

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That really stinks, IMO. I guess I'm a prude now, but I can't even stand some commercial I heard on the radio the other day promoting I believe a gym membership.......The whole commercial was talking about their package, and how bigger is better, and women love bigger packages, etc. It seemed so low class for a gym to do that.

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did you, by chance, get their number? I 'have a friend' that might want it ;)<_<


That really stinks, IMO. I guess I'm a prude now, but I can't even stand some commercial I heard on the radio the other day promoting I believe a gym membership.......The whole commercial was talking about their package, and how bigger is better, and women love bigger packages, etc. It seemed so low class for a gym to do that.
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That really stinks, IMO. I guess I'm a prude now, but I can't even stand some commercial I heard on the radio the other day promoting I believe a gym membership.......The whole commercial was talking about their package, and how bigger is better, and women love bigger packages, etc. It seemed so low class for a gym to do that.

I agree. Im no prude but it lowers us as a society. Classless.

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Ever stop to think that the only reason this is a problem is because the american society has decreed sex as this big taboo topic? Boobs are boobs. Big f'in deal. If our society wasn't so anal retentive about something so harmless as seeing a nipple, this wouldn't be a problem.


What causes the bigger problem? A billboard or ad with scantily clad women that an 8 year old sees and no one says a second word, or the same billboard where the parents freak out and try to block the 8 year old from seeing it and make a huge stink about it? An 8 year old seeing a nipple or boobs isn't a problem. Anal-retentive overbearing over protective parents are the problem.

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Ever stop to think that the only reason this is a problem is because the american society has decreed sex as this big taboo topic? Boobs are boobs. Big f'in deal. If our society wasn't so anal retentive about something so harmless as seeing a nipple, this wouldn't be a problem.


What causes the bigger problem? A billboard or ad with scantily clad women that an 8 year old sees and no one says a second word, or the same billboard where the parents freak out and try to block the 8 year old from seeing it and make a huge stink about it? An 8 year old seeing a nipple or boobs isn't a problem. Anal-retentive overbearing over protective parents are the problem.



I hear what you are saying but this is the catch 22 of it all ... how do you get everyone to relax at the same time? At the same time there probably do need to be standards of decency drawn somewhere. The problem is deciding where that line is.


As I said for myself personally, I could care less about what is pictured in an ad but I also do not have children.

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oh please...commercials aren't to blame for lowering us as a society...we have done a good job at that without them ;)

yes thats exactly what I said..that the commercials are to blame for lowering us as a society. nothing else. its alllll the commercials fault. it is none of our faults..

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lighten up francis...wasnt accusing you of saying that...you were just the convenient add reply button...sorry


yes thats exactly what I said..that the commercials are to blame for lowering us as a society. nothing else. its alllll the commercials fault. it is none of our faults..
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Ever stop to think that the only reason this is a problem is because the american society has decreed sex as this big taboo topic? Boobs are boobs. Big f'in deal. If our society wasn't so anal retentive about something so harmless as seeing a nipple, this wouldn't be a problem.


What causes the bigger problem? A billboard or ad with scantily clad women that an 8 year old sees and no one says a second word, or the same billboard where the parents freak out and try to block the 8 year old from seeing it and make a huge stink about it? An 8 year old seeing a nipple or boobs isn't a problem. Anal-retentive overbearing over protective parents are the problem.


Agreed 100%. The example I like to use is the MPAA ratings on movies. A film that portrays the bloodiest and most horrible deaths (think the Saw franchise) gets a rating of R. A film that tastefully portrays a sex scene with a woman nude from the waste up also gets a Rating of R. So essentially, we as a society have deemed gruesome violence to be on the exact same level as seeing a woman's nipple. Only in America.

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I can understand how parents feel, even though I am not one.


How would you like to explain to your 7 year old while watching the Daytona 500 what Viagra is? Or why the pretty girl in the Doritos Super Bowl commercial lost her clothes?


Believe me, I'm no prude, but I think that many of these commercials are in bad taste.

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