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I was going through the mail over coffee this morning and suddenly came across the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition. Let me tell you after reviewing it the last hour and a half I have to say it is SHOCKING> :( These bikinis are so small you can't even blow your nose in them!!!! And in some of the pages the young ladies are clad only in BODY PAINT!!! What is the world coming to! :(:sick:


Needless to say I threw it in the garbage. I was so shocked I went back and picked it up. It was JUST as disgusting the second time. I left it by the shredder...wait a minute..I need to go back and be sure it really was that bad...



SICK...no wonder the world is in the condition its in. I'm going to review it again tomorrow and if its still so filthy I'm going to write Sports Illustrated. :w00t:

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Do any of the models have 'meat on their bones'? Some of them in recent years really are disgustingly skinny..


Give me curves!

I just retrieved it from the garbage again and spent the last 5 minutes reviewing it. Although scantily (or not even THAT) they are pretty good looking young ladies. Disgusting...I'm going to throw it away again.....later.

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I found it so disgusting, I promptly turned it over my 15-year-old son and asked him to throw it away before his mother saw it. :(


(It is nice to see Danica Patrick is doing so much to lend credibility to her "I want to be treated as just anothe driver campaign.")

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I found it so disgusting, I promptly turned it over my 15-year-old son and asked him to throw it away before his mother saw it. :(



He likely has some better mags stashed somewhere in his room ... :(


At 15 you are essentially a walking, eating growing hormone ... poor kid but he'll get through it as we all did

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He likely has some better mags stashed somewhere in his room ... :(


At 15 you are essentially a walking, eating growing hormone ... poor kid but he'll get through it as we all did


Do kids even "use" magazines anymore? Lord knows I've caught him not clearing the history on the computer a number of times, so I guess that replaces magazines now?

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Do kids even "use" magazines anymore? Lord knows I've caught him not clearing the history on the computer a number of times, so I guess that replaces magazines now?



good point ... I still laugh when I think about a classmate sneaking a mag into the cafeteria when we were in 5th grade ... one of those nudists playing volleyball type of things with black boxes across their eyes. We didn't even know what were looking at under the table ... not to mention thinking back what a piss poor way to get an introdution into the world of "entertainment." :(

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