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Ghost Hunters International


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But to the original point - assuming you want to talk to a ghost in Peru, why would you ask the question in English? And why would the ghost respond to an English question? It seems a bit foolish.


Fair enough point. I dont watch international, because i saw it once and didn't like the crew. If you at all interested, try watching the original Ghost Hunters with Jason and Grant. They are in between seasons now, but new episodes start again in march. You'll find the original so much better. Their process is much more thorough, and they debunk whatever they can. Give it a shot sometime. No one says you have to believe, but you'll definitely see some things that will make you scratch your head. You might not believe with all the evidence they get, because i don't, but you'll see some stuff that makes you raise your eyebrows.

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I don't know any more about the afterlife then the rest of you,but where would these so called ghosts go if the building was knocked down and turned into a parking lot?


Obviously nobody fully understands the afterlife and how energy continues long after the life has ended. If we did, then we wouldn't need theories and shows like this to try and educate and entertain us. I don't fully support everything on the show, I personally laugh at some of the evidence that i find unreal, but there are some interesting things that you can't fully explain. I personally think that people leave behind some sort of energy that continues on once the life has ended. There is a theory that activity will begin or increase once a person does construction or changes the site in any way. Nobody says that spirits just survive in houses and buildings, they are usually connected to a certain place, or a certain object. It is a crazy subject that I enjoy trying to learn more about.

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