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What Bledsoe's performance today shows

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A team certainly doesn't need a good QB performance to win a game and in fact was able to blow an opponent out today with a QB performance most Bledsoe haters on this board would judge to be bad and part of their argument on why to bench him.


Sure its great to have a great QB, but the draft of 1983 was 21 years ago, the co-incidental presence of great QBs like Montana is a rarity and under the salary cap, QB investments are best made in 6th round draft picks like Brady, cap casualties like Dilfer, double rejects like Brad Johnson and walk-on specials like Kurt Warner rather than blowing your salary cap wad overpaying folks like Harrington, Ryan Leaf, Akili Smith etcetera.


Even when they turn out to be the best QBs going like Peyton Manning, he finally won his first playoff game last year and today's episode is a snapshot showing you how great Manning can be and it still adding up to an L.


It was a mistake in my opinion to resign Bledsoe as I figured that we could find a couple of options on the market that would produce as well as he would if we did the necessary thing of resigning him to a cap friendly deal rather than honoring his contract.


I ain't in charge so the Bills went elsewhere and at least resigned Bledsoe to a cap friendly deal. He has not been productive at all this year, but as today's game shows the Bills can even win going away with mediocre production from Bledsoe if we have other factors like:


1. We were at home (THE 12TH MAN RULES!!!!!!!!!!)

2. AZ really sucks

3. The OL was pretty good and the blitz-pick-up was great.

4. The running game used WMs run and the blocking with authority.

5. The wind took away the passing game so rather than depend upon Bledsoe to win it for us, his job which he performed successfully (with the help of some lucky bounces on one Keystone cops fumble) was to not make mistakes, deliver a few timely plays and be a threat.


The Bills can win even with mediocre play at QB consistently (as opposed to today's episode which will not happen all the time) if:


1. MM and TC become at least good if not great coaches. Parcells and BB have already shown that it is possible to win consistently or in must win games with Bledsoe at QB if the coaching is great. No one is mistaking MM for Parcells orBB yet or TC for Weis, but if they choose to go down the Bledsoe road they need to be among the best.

2. They do not get pass-happy and depend on Bledsoe to win games for us. KG has shown this works until opponents get enought tape and the weather conspires against anyone having great passing day consistently. Bledsoe showed 2 weeks ago in bad weather against Miami he can be a threat, but he showed last week what happens when you depend on him.

3. The OL and the blitz pick-up have to work hard to override his limitations. i think folks overblow things to call him a statue but he is pretty slow and not a runner. He has actually shown the ability to occaisionally make a nifty move and to do the small sidesteps which buy enough time to throw. However, this should not be something we expect a lot of and days like today when there are 0 or 1 sack are a tribute to the OL and blitz pick-up, If you combine it with a constant emphasis (which Parcells achieved through his personality and MM seems to be doing with his alarm clock) a TEAM can win with Bledsoe's strengths and weaknesses.


TD made the Bills bed by not investing in having a quality backup (I doubt the oft tried Brown was it, Volek would have been cheap at even a lttle higher price and seems to come around for McNair though I have not inspected the stats today).


This TEAM can win with Bledsoe at the helm (though its gonna be darn hard and darn ugly to do). I wish we had other options but JP is at least a couple of weeks away from physically being able to play and mentally I hope he is great but it would not surprise me if like Pennington and Vick he needs to spend virtually all of his rookie season on the bench.


I still see no credible case being made for Shane Matthews bein our starter beyond folks frustration with Bledsoe. I wish we had a good option but we don't and in the absence of one, I'm most interested in how we can do the best we can with Bledsoe.


I know his limitations and failings please tell me something I don't know.

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A team certainly doesn't need a good QB performance to win a game and in fact was able to blow an opponent out today with a QB performance most Bledsoe haters on this board would judge to be bad and part of their argument on why to bench him.


Sure its great to have a great QB, but the draft of 1983 was 21 years ago,  the co-incidental presence of great QBs like Montana is a rarity and under the salary cap, QB investments are best made in 6th round draft picks like Brady, cap casualties like Dilfer, double rejects like Brad Johnson and walk-on specials like Kurt Warner rather than blowing your salary cap wad overpaying folks like Harrington, Ryan Leaf, Akili Smith etcetera.


Even when they turn out to be the best QBs going like Peyton Manning, he finally won his first playoff game last year and today's episode is a snapshot showing you how great Manning can be and it still adding up to an L.


It was a mistake in my opinion to resign Bledsoe as I figured that we could find a couple of options on the market that would produce as well as he would if we did the necessary thing of resigning him to a cap friendly deal rather than honoring his contract.


I ain't in charge so the Bills went elsewhere and at least resigned Bledsoe to a cap friendly deal.  He has not been productive at all this year, but as today's game shows the Bills can even win going away with mediocre production from Bledsoe if we have other factors like:


1. We were at home (THE 12TH MAN RULES!!!!!!!!!!)

2. AZ really sucks

3. The OL was pretty good and the blitz-pick-up was great.

4. The running game used WMs run and the blocking with authority.

5. The wind took away the passing game so rather than depend upon Bledsoe to win it for us, his job which he performed successfully (with the help of some lucky bounces on one Keystone cops fumble) was to not make mistakes, deliver a few timely plays and be a threat.


The Bills can win even with mediocre play at QB consistently (as opposed to today's episode which will not happen all the time) if:


1.  MM and TC become at least good if not great coaches.  Parcells and BB have already shown that it is possible to win consistently or in must win games with Bledsoe at QB if the coaching is great.  No one is mistaking MM for Parcells orBB yet or TC for Weis, but if they choose to go down the Bledsoe road they need to be among the best.

2. They do not get pass-happy and depend on Bledsoe to win games for us.  KG has shown this works until opponents get enought tape and the weather conspires against anyone having  great passing day consistently.  Bledsoe showed 2 weeks ago in bad weather against Miami he can be a threat, but he showed last week what happens when you depend on him.

3. The OL and the blitz pick-up have to work hard to override his limitations.  i think folks overblow things to call him a statue but he is pretty slow and not a runner.  He has actually shown the ability to occaisionally make a nifty move and to do the small sidesteps which buy enough time to throw.  However, this should not be something we expect a lot of and days like today when there are 0 or 1 sack are a tribute to the OL and blitz pick-up,  If you combine it with a constant emphasis (which Parcells achieved through his personality and MM seems to be doing with his alarm clock) a TEAM can win with Bledsoe's strengths and weaknesses.


TD made the Bills bed by not investing in having a quality backup (I doubt the oft tried Brown was it, Volek would have been cheap at even a lttle higher price and seems to come around for McNair though I have not inspected the stats today).


This TEAM can win with Bledsoe at the helm (though its gonna be darn hard and darn ugly to do).  I wish we had other options but JP is at least a couple of weeks away from physically being able to play and mentally I hope he is great but it would not surprise me if like Pennington and Vick he needs to spend virtually all of his rookie season on the bench.


I still see no credible case being made for Shane Matthews bein our starter beyond folks frustration with Bledsoe.  I wish we had a good option but we don't and in the absence of one, I'm most interested in how we can do the best we can with Bledsoe.


I know his limitations and failings please tell me something I don't know.




Yet again you waste your breath with hopelessly ignorant posts.


"Bills can even win going away with mediocre production from Bledsoe if we have other factors like:


1. We were at home (THE 12TH MAN RULES!!!!!!!!!!)

2. AZ really sucks

3. The OL was pretty good and the blitz-pick-up was great.

4. The running game used WMs run and the blocking with authority.

5. The wind took away the passing game so rather than depend upon Bledsoe to win it for us, his job which he performed successfully (with the help of some lucky bounces on one Keystone cops fumble) was to not make mistakes, deliver a few timely plays and be a threat."


Gee, with that situation every weekend we probably COULD win with some no talent clown like Jeff Blake (who does he start for?), or Dilfer (who does he start for?), or AVP (what NFL team is he even on at this point?). Thanks again for making my arguement and poin ting out the painfully obvious. THis team needs a stud QB to win games, period!


OK, the next part of your sillyness:


The Bills can win even with mediocre play at QB consistently (as opposed to today's episode which will not happen all the time) if:


1. MM and TC become at least good if not great coaches. Parcells and BB have already shown that it is possible to win consistently or in must win games with Bledsoe at QB if the coaching is great


Umm, coaching is great hasn been in the Bills equation umm ever! Probably nto even when we went to 4 straight! I give Kellys fiery never die QB sttitude just as much kudos for the Bills win as Marvs little poetic catch phrases!


2. They do not get pass-happy and depend on Bledsoe to win games for us.


Umm, again you clearly havent been watching this team in the last decade. If any team in the league screams of needing a tough minded stud at QB its this one! This is a team that does everything it can to lose games not win them.


3. The OL and the blitz pick-up have to work hard to override his limitations.


Again, welcome to planet Buffalo Bills, you may find things very different here than on your home planet.


Id love to have all the things you list, guess what we dont, and if the past 10 years means anything, we would run in the other direction when someone like you stood at the podium spouting this crap.


This team needs to make every single possible move in every single aspect of the game to add every single possible advantage to this team. Maybe, and I mean maybe, we can then finally win a SB.


Sorry, way too much Bills data makes you look really dumb at this point to even listen. Losman or whoever represents the next Manning on this team cant start soon enough for anyone who truly wants a SB ring for this team!


Lay back, dont think to much, youve been painfully (for you) wrong for too many years now. Brady, your 6th round wonder boy, is the savior to any team by many on this board. Too bad he would look like Rob Johnson if he started on THIS squad!


Hes nothing special, NE's coaches and scheme make him look good. You keep telling yourself that we can have coaching, etc... like NE and then a clown QB would be good enough. Hey, hold your breath while your at it! Ill arrange your funeral.

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Yet again you waste your breath with hopelessly ignorant posts.


"Bills can even win going away with mediocre production from Bledsoe if we have other factors like:


1. We were at home (THE 12TH MAN RULES!!!!!!!!!!)

2. AZ really sucks

3. The OL was pretty good and the blitz-pick-up was great.

4. The running game used WMs run and the blocking with authority.

5. The wind took away the passing game so rather than depend upon Bledsoe to win it for us, his job which he performed successfully (with the help of some lucky bounces on one Keystone cops fumble) was to not make mistakes, deliver a few timely plays and be a threat."


Gee, with that situation every weekend we probably COULD win with some no talent clown like Jeff Blake (who does he start for?), or Dilfer (who does he start for?), or AVP (what NFL team is he even on at this point?). Thanks again for making my arguement and poin ting out the painfully obvious. THis team needs a stud QB to win games, period!


OK, the next part of your sillyness:


The Bills can win even with mediocre play at QB consistently (as opposed to today's episode which will not happen all the time) if:


1. MM and TC become at least good if not great coaches. Parcells and BB have already shown that it is possible to win consistently or in must win games with Bledsoe at QB if the coaching is great


Umm, coaching is great hasn been in the Bills equation umm ever! Probably nto even when we went to 4 straight! I give Kellys fiery never die QB sttitude just as much kudos for the Bills win as Marvs little poetic catch phrases!


2. They do not get pass-happy and depend on Bledsoe to win games for us.


Umm, again you clearly havent been watching this team in the last decade. If any team in the league screams of needing a tough minded stud at QB its this one! This is a team that does everything it can to lose games not win them.


3. The OL and the blitz pick-up have to work hard to override his limitations.


Again, welcome to planet Buffalo Bills, you may find things very different here than on your home planet.


Id love to have all the things you list, guess what we dont, and if the past 10 years means anything, we would run in the other direction when someone like you stood at the podium spouting this crap.


This team needs to make every single possible move in every single aspect of the game to add every single possible advantage to this team. Maybe, and I mean maybe, we can then finally win a SB.


Sorry, way too much Bills data makes you look really dumb at this point to even listen. Losman or whoever represents the next Manning on this team cant start soon enough for anyone who truly wants a SB ring for this team!


Lay back, dont think to much, youve been painfully (for you) wrong for too many years now. Brady, your 6th round wonder boy, is the savior to any team by many on this board. Too bad he would look like Rob Johnson if he started on THIS squad!


Hes nothing special, NE's coaches and scheme make him look good. You keep telling yourself that we can have coaching, etc... like NE and then a clown QB would be good enough. Hey, hold your breath while your at it! Ill arrange your funeral.



I actually thought FFS post was very accurate. As a brief summary I imagine he feels we have no other options right now, because of this we are stuck with Drew at least until JP gets healthy. During that time it is still possible for us to notch a couple of wins but like today we have to take advantage of our opportunity's, run the ball well, and play good defense. Furthermore I don't understand how we can say beyond a reasonable doubt that JP can save our season. He is a rookie and rookies by nature tend to have very different learning curves. Times will tell if JP's is on the short end of the spectrum ala big Ben or on the longer end like a Joey Harrington.


For the record when JP is healthy I think he should be the starter. I felt the need to clarify FFS post because your response was a tad on the aggressive side for what I thought was a very logical summary of our current situation. The fact that your opinion may not be the same as other posters does not make their opinion ignorant. What is ignorant is blasting another poster simply because they have a different opinion then your own.

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