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Chris and Rihanna the next Bobby and Whitney?


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Awesome, another tough guy who beats up women. This will help him sell more records. He's straight gangsta!


You know it's only a matter of seconds until someone pulls out the victim card for poor old Chris and let's us know that its not his fault because he had a rough childhood. Counting down, 3,2,1...

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She's nice to look at but can't stand any of her songs...(the couple I've heard)


The Umbrella song could be the worst song in 20 years....


Rihanna turned "umbrella" into a 4-syllable word. I'll never forgive her.


But seriously, every girl I know absolutely loves that song...while every guy I know despises it. Come to think of it (and not trying to be sexist) the girls I know just have a general bad taste in music...all rap and R & B. My guy friends are into rock for the most part. I wonder what the reasoning behind that is.

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Rihanna turned "umbrella" into a 4-syllable word. I'll never forgive her.


But seriously, every girl I know absolutely loves that song...while every guy I know despises it. Come to think of it (and not trying to be sexist) the girls I know just have a general bad taste in music...all rap and R & B. My guy friends are into rock for the most part. I wonder what the reasoning behind that is.


I hate almost all standard pop songs and yet I have some affinity for that one.

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But seriously, every girl I know absolutely loves that song...while every guy I know despises it. Come to think of it (and not trying to be sexist) the girls I know just have a general bad taste in music...all rap and R & B. My guy friends are into rock for the most part. I wonder what the reasoning behind that is.

You forgot hip-hop. :rolleyes: It's all good.

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Supposedly he cheated on her too


Can you say brain-dead? Why the hell would you even consider cheating on her? Cheating is bad enough but you'd think that when you cheat on someone, you're trading up...Rihanna is one of the hottest women on the planet...how do you trade up from that?

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Well, the latest is that Jay-Z has said, "Chris is a dead man walking. He :w00t: ed with the wrong crew." This may very well be the incident that starts a string of violence in the Hip-Hop/R&B world again. The report is that Brown "pimp slapped" her, punched her in the face, and then choked her till she was pretty much unconsious. That's when he fled the scene. There's a rumor that says she slept with Hov, contracted Herpes, and in turn passed it to Brown. I don't believe it. Hov has the HOTTEST chick in the biz right now in Beyonce and married to her at that. I can't see Jay risking having to split his $800,000,000 in net worth over ANY other girl. There's also a report that Brown was breaking up with her and she refused to get out of the car after he ended the relationship. Then the violence took place. Unless Rihanna or Brown comes out and tells THE TRUTH, I doubt we'll ever know what really happened. All I know is that I'd hate to be Chris Brown right now. I bet you that dude is in a locked room like this :wallbash::cry::w00t::cry:

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