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McGahee continues to impress!


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No offence, Campy, but joint reconstruction surgery has come a long way since you had it done. I can't speak from experience, but from what I've read, McGahee's knee should be as good as new. Some even say it could be better because the tendon they used to replace the shredded ligament is actually stronger and anchored better.

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This way the school will either produce or the kids will go elsewhere.


We couldn't possibly expect parents and students to be responsible for their education, could we? We'll make the government solve the problem, eh? You frickin' lib :lol:







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We couldn't possibly expect parents and students to be responsible for their education, could we?  We'll make the government solve the problem, eh?  You frickin' lib :lol:



Not to get into too much politics, but it would give the choice to the parents and make them responsible. If they feel the public schools gives them the best choice then the public school gets their voucher. If they don't they give it to the private school of their choice.

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You mean as lucky as me to send them to a private school? 


Don't work, as soon as the loser governer we have is gone next year, and funding levels put back where they should be, and voucher put in place, all will be better.  This way the school will either produce or the kids will go elsewhere.


Ithink the word you meant was GOVERNOR

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Not to get into too much politics, but it would give the choice to the parents and make them responsible.  If they feel the public schools gives them the best choice then the public school gets their voucher.  If they don't they give it to the private school of their choice.


So the government will have to get involved to supply vouchers to those that cannot afford private education

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<snip> ...from what I've read, McGahee's knee should be as good as new.  Some even say it could be better because the tendon they used to replace the shredded ligament is actually stronger and anchored better.


I can easily believe his knee is much better off now than it would be had he done it some 18 years ago, but there's no way I'll believe it won't be a source of chronic discomfort (and occassionally pain).


I've said before, and I'll say it again, McGahee has the potential to be a very good player for us. IMO, he's the best RB on the roster, he has some skills that TH just doesn't possess and Lord knows, it's a helluva lot more exciting while he's in there!

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Anyone who say the game saw Moulds basically hushing and carrying Mcgahee on the sideline after his 2nd TD.  The team loves as he brings a whole new playbook and opens the offense up.



VA, what are you saying here? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I just don't understand it. I didn't get to see the game so I didn't see what Moulds was doing...

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VA, what are you saying here? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I just don't understand it. I didn't get to see the game so I didn't see what Moulds was doing...


Sorry gushing over Mcgahee. He almost carried him back to the sideline, hugging him, congratulating him. It was obvious that Eric liked having Willis in there.

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I love his patience and vision.  Along with his reads, blocking, and open-field running, he's a dangerous offense weapon.





It's all about his vision. TH wouldn't have had any of those big runs MW had today because on each one of 'em WM started one way, saw a hole someplace else and jumped through it (including his TD run, which appeared to be designed to go inside). As long as he can take the punishment and stay healthy, WM is going to be a very very good back for us.

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