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Tricky Dick on Archie Bunker and fags

John Adams

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Oh yes he was. Just because he had some good days doesn't mean that he had a lot of bad ones. I've read 3 bios: he was a scary guy to have so near the button.


He was also one of our most brilliant Presidents. He was a smart guy. He opened the door with China and started the EPA. Those two things alone make his Presidency one of the better ones IMO.


Like him or not he was one of the smartest people to ever inhabit the office.

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Name one administration that that hasn't been the case for?



In recent history you are right (starting from say the LBJ years) ... the problem is that the situation just continues to get worse. Until there is a meaningful and enforceable way to eliminate PAC and special interest money from the system elected officials essentially have to whore themselves out to build election funds. I realize that much of this dilemma originates out of free speech rights (i.e. PAC and SI's have the right to express their views) but I abhor the thought that only those who play the money game get to or remain in Congress. It is slimy and not really within the vision that this country was built from.

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He was also one of our most brilliant Presidents. He was a smart guy. He opened the door with China and started the EPA. Those two things alone make his Presidency one of the better ones IMO.


Like him or not he was one of the smartest people to ever inhabit the office.


He may have had a high IQ but look at DC Tom: high IQ ain't all it's cracked up to be. He's nucking futs. Don't believe me? Just ask him.


As to the bolded statement, there is a plaque buildup in your brain. You don't overcome the damage he did with two good acts.

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It's a shame people don't know, or remember, or want to acknowledge Nixon's accomplishments. He effectively ended American involvement in Vietnam, opened relations with China, initiated detente with the Ruskies, abolished the gold standard, to protect the dollar, was a peace maker in the Middle East, and helped keep the peace between India and Pakistan. He took economic steps to curb inflation, implemented anti-crime measures, successfully accelerated desegregation, and reformed welfare. Started EPA, OSHA, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Reorganized the Post Office, implemented the first significant federal affirmative action program. Started the Space shuttle program......


Other presidents have caused more damage than Nixon. Unless you're referring to the fact that tons of Woodward and Bernstein inspired young people rushed to journalism schools, to later turn the once respectable profession into what it is today?

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