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Democrats love to raise taxes: Got it. Democrats dont like paying their taxes: Got it.




I'd bet every dollar I can get my hands on that 95% of the people on this board, including you, have skimmed or cheated or lied on their taxes at some time in some way. And I'd bet the same amount that 95% of the people on this board that say, not me, I pay all mine and never cheat" are bold faced liars.

I'd bet every dollar I can get my hands on that 95% of the people on this board, including you, have skimmed or cheated or lied on their taxes at some time in some way. And I'd bet the same amount that 95% of the people on this board that say, not me, I pay all mine and never cheat" are bold faced liars.



Do you think 95% have ignored tax liens on their homes for 16 years? How about owed over $30,000 in back taxes? Do you feel that politicians should be held to a higher standard when it comes to correctly filing taxes than the average mechanic, salesman, janitor, etc?

I'd bet every dollar I can get my hands on that 95% of the people on this board, including you, have skimmed or cheated or lied on their taxes at some time in some way. And I'd bet the same amount that 95% of the people on this board that say, not me, I pay all mine and never cheat" are bold faced liars.

When I was much less financially stable, I don't mind saying, I took several liberties with my tax returns for several years. Fortunately, I think you can only be audited for 5 or 7 years, and I'm in the clear on those now. Of course in recent years, I use Turbo Tax and they don't let you fudge much at all.

I'd bet every dollar I can get my hands on that 95% of the people on this board, including you, have skimmed or cheated or lied on their taxes at some time in some way. And I'd bet the same amount that 95% of the people on this board that say, not me, I pay all mine and never cheat" are bold faced liars.

Here's why you're wrong. I doubt that 95% of the people on this board have the ability to cheat, skim or lie on their taxes. For me, in most years, there's nothing I can do to cheat. Before I bought a house, it was basically income & the standard deduction. After I bought my house, my itemized deductions were interest, property taxes, and state income tax (and contributions to charity-which I don't make beyond a very small $ amount). A lot of people think there are things you can manufacture to deduct-it's simply not true. Deductions don't come from thin air. If more people realized this, places like H & R Block would be out of business, because unless you're rich enough to have a more complex return, there aren't deductions to be found.


It was her husband's business not her's and you Republicans are doing everyone a disservice with these ad-hominid attacks. So, he has cleared it up as it relates to his business and it is not uncommon to have tax disputes. It is what it is. We go through this every time with nominees of both parties. It does beg for tax code simplification in some form or another. We can debate that too. But is so nice to see Repugnicans crowing, gives them reason to vent all that angst.

Do you think 95% have ignored tax liens on their homes for 16 years? How about owed over $30,000 in back taxes? Do you feel that politicians should be held to a higher standard when it comes to correctly filing taxes than the average mechanic, salesman, janitor, etc?

No, I don't they should be held to a higher standard. Why would they? I think everyone should be held to the same standard, and that they shouldn't cheat on their taxes. I just think that about 95%, in big and small ways, at times, do. And I think most people throwing the biggest stink about this, are probably the biggest hypocrites and liars. Not anyone specific, just a general theory.

Do you think 95% have ignored tax liens on their homes for 16 years? How about owed over $30,000 in back taxes? Do you feel that politicians should be held to a higher standard when it comes to correctly filing taxes than the average mechanic, salesman, janitor, etc?


Here's the sad thing. I have consistently defended the tax system in this country because it works. By that I mean we pay taxes, and believe that everybody else does too. 'Cheating' is limited to questionable deductions - nickle and dime stuff - and paying youir accountant to find you every legal loophole he can. Nobody thinks they can get away with flat cheating, and that's important. The system works because everybody believes everybody else is paying what they are supposed to, more or less.


Now I'm not so sure.

I'd bet every dollar I can get my hands on that 95% of the people on this board, including you, have skimmed or cheated or lied on their taxes at some time in some way. And I'd bet the same amount that 95% of the people on this board that say, not me, I pay all mine and never cheat" are bold faced liars.



Usually you're better than this. This short history, is history of the "Change' mantra.


I'll agree that there are tax cheats of all colors races and creeds, dog. However, the picture that was painted by the " One " said this wasn't going to happen to his administration. "Change". Apologize, and make excuses as " you will' but there is a rising amongst the media that is almost salivating for him to fail. Disappointed folks from slate to Doudd (sic) is stirring to come together. Don't get me wrong I want him to succeed, he's my president weather I like him or not. His policies and his leadership have now come into question.

Even his own are starting to question his decision making. Should be interesting.


Its the tip of the iceberg.

Usually you're better than this. This short history, is history of the "Change' mantra.


I'll agree that there are tax cheats of all colors races and creeds, dog. However, the picture that was painted by the " One " said this wasn't going to happen to his administration. "Change". Apologize, and make excuses as " you will' but there is a rising amongst the media that is almost salivating for him to fail. Disappointed folks from slate to Doudd (sic) is stirring to come together. Don't get me wrong I want him to succeed, he's my president weather I like him or not. His policies and his leadership have now come into question.

Even his own are starting to question his decision making. Should be interesting.


Its the tip of the iceberg.

It isn't his fault ONE BIT that a few people of the dozens and dozens he has hired so far lied to him and his people about their taxes. That is not Obama's fault whatsoever. Defending Daschle WAS his fault. He is trying to change what he can about the way things work in Washington. He never said he would change everything. He never said it would happen immediately. He never said it would be perfect or that he wouldn't make big or small or few mistakes. In fact, he said completely the opposite. He said it would take a long time. Some things don't need change. He is not going to overhaul the way things work in two weeks, and you're a friggin' blowhard slimeball if you are trying to hold him to it.


He has made a few mistakes already. He realized some of his grandiose attempts at being transparent aren't going to possibly work. He realized that it's impossible to COMPLETELY eliminate lobbyists from all jobs. But any reasonable and any fair person anywhere of any stripe wouldn't hold him to the letter after two weeks. He is doing what he can to make it the highest standards he can. And he screwed up big time with Daschle and he admitted it. He has made other errors already. So what. It's like telling someone you're never going to lie to them again and mean it sincerely. You try as hard as you can to be perfect knowing full well you're not possibly going to be perfect. But the closer you are to perfect, the better person you are.


In two or four years, we will see whether his administration has changed Washington for the better or not, and is at a higher standard than his predecessors of the last 20-30-40 years. He's attempting to be at a much higher standard. He may or may not do it. He may fail miserably. We may find out he's more corrupt and a bigger liar than them all. But blaming things like other people lying to him about their taxes on him shows worse on you than it does him.


Let's say your boss puts you up for a pretty important job in the company you work for. Now lets say that someone of the committee looking at the candidates for that job finds out that your wife has an unpaid parking ticket from 16 years ago, and now they question whether you're qualified for the job. That's about the scope of what we're talking here, and it is about as relevant to whether Solis is qualified for Labor Secretary as this new "scandal."


The reason the GOP doesn't like Solis is because she's pro-labor. Imagine that. A Labor Secretary that's pro-labor. Solis will become the Labor Secretary. And the Employee Free Choice Act will eventually pass as legislation. You can only obstruct so long.

The reason the GOP doesn't like Solis is because she's pro-labor. Imagine that. A Labor Secretary that's pro-labor. Solis will become the Labor Secretary. And the Employee Free Choice Act will eventually pass as legislation. You can only obstruct so long.


Isn't it amazing what wordsmithing can do?


Sec'y of Labor's job is to look out for interests of all labor, not just the unions, who pretend to represent all labor. Last I checked, there were more non-unionized workers in the US than unionized. So what gives them the right to dictate over the majority?


Labor ≠ Union

Isn't it amazing what wordsmithing can do?


Sec'y of Labor's job is to look out for interests of all labor, not just the unions, who pretend to represent all labor. Last I checked, there were more non-unionized workers in the US than unionized. So what gives them the right to dictate over the majority?


Labor ≠ Union


Let's say your boss puts you up for a pretty important job in the company you work for. Now lets say that someone of the committee looking at the candidates for that job finds out that your wife has an unpaid parking ticket from 16 years ago, and now they question whether you're qualified for the job. That's about the scope of what we're talking here, and it is about as relevant to whether Solis is qualified for Labor Secretary as this new "scandal."


The reason the GOP doesn't like Solis is because she's pro-labor. Imagine that. A Labor Secretary that's pro-labor. Solis will become the Labor Secretary. And the Employee Free Choice Act will eventually pass as legislation. You can only obstruct so long.


If this were the only case nobody would care. But it is not - it is the fourth to emerge in days. Unpaid taxes going back years, then suddenly they decide to pay right before confirmation hearings.


There is a pattern emerging among these nominees that is very troubling.

And the Employee Free Choice Act will eventually pass as legislation. You can only obstruct so long.


Yeah that whole secret ballot thing has hamstrung America the last 233+ years

If this were the only case nobody would care. But it is not - it is the fourth to emerge in days. Unpaid taxes going back years, then suddenly they decide to pay right before confirmation hearings.


There is a pattern emerging among these nominees that is very troubling.

"They" being someone who isn't the actual nominee this time. Is there a particular line of association you are willing to stop at? Perhaps any inadvertent activity by a nominee's high school biology partner? The babysitter of a child the nominee's child plays with? The only troubling thing about this latest "scandal" is how far into the realm of the absurd some of you are willing to travel to to disqualify a nominee.

It isn't his fault ONE BIT that a few people of the dozens and dozens he has hired so far lied to him and his people about their taxes. That is not Obama's fault whatsoever. Defending Daschle WAS his fault. He is trying to change what he can about the way things work in Washington. He never said he would change everything. He never said it would happen immediately. He never said it would be perfect or that he wouldn't make big or small or few mistakes. In fact, he said completely the opposite. He said it would take a long time. Some things don't need change. He is not going to overhaul the way things work in two weeks, and you're a friggin' blowhard slimeball if you are trying to hold him to it.


He has made a few mistakes already. He realized some of his grandiose attempts at being transparent aren't going to possibly work. He realized that it's impossible to COMPLETELY eliminate lobbyists from all jobs. But any reasonable and any fair person anywhere of any stripe wouldn't hold him to the letter after two weeks. He is doing what he can to make it the highest standards he can. And he screwed up big time with Daschle and he admitted it. He has made other errors already. So what. It's like telling someone you're never going to lie to them again and mean it sincerely. You try as hard as you can to be perfect knowing full well you're not possibly going to be perfect. But the closer you are to perfect, the better person you are.


In two or four years, we will see whether his administration has changed Washington for the better or not, and is at a higher standard than his predecessors of the last 20-30-40 years. He's attempting to be at a much higher standard. He may or may not do it. He may fail miserably. We may find out he's more corrupt and a bigger liar than them all. But blaming things like other people lying to him about their taxes on him shows worse on you than it does him.




Part of my response was to see if would I'd be called a "blowhard' thanks for not disappointing. Look. I know how things work, Kelly. To think that this idiot/or any president can make any kind of change in washington in two weeks or 1 or 3 years is ludicrous. Though some of your ilk seem to think that he can. Your semi defending of him is just the way you are with your posts, giving yourself an out. An excuse for the " One". No need to defend him with me. I'm looking forward to you defending him in the media. As LA and I have said, the honeymoon is close to being over. I'll give it time. The media wont. They want the story.


I post these/those links to encourage posts, as you know. debate also. The underlining fact is that the media will turn on him. I hope your adult enough to understand that.


Kinda funny thing. I just got the pizza I ordered while I was writing this. I asked the young delivery man who he voted for. Well my pizza delivery dude said Obama. I said cool, why? He said because, In his dazed and confused state: " Because he'll make sure everyone has Health insurance and that there will be no tax increases , along with no further spending" I said, ( while I take a sip of my elitist glass of wine) Thanks for voting.

Isn't it amazing what wordsmithing can do?


Sec'y of Labor's job is to look out for interests of all labor, not just the unions, who pretend to represent all labor. Last I checked, there were more non-unionized workers in the US than unionized. So what gives them the right to dictate over the majority?


Labor ≠ Union



If Lux Interior, had sang " I'm so dizzy" we wouldn't be having this conversation.



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