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The Magic Hockey Helmet


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Wish folks might view and ponder on. Would be interested to read opinions on....



Great video. Why can't people just love their kids and stop turning them into vessels to pour their own aggressions and vicarious thrills into? Start treating them as young folks who need to be taught how to behave in society, instead of treating them as some sort of project?



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Wish folks might view and ponder on. Would be interested to read opinions on....



Hey Millbank ... great video ... it is also sad and true ... kids need to have time to be kids. Only an insanely small percentage will become elite athletes so teach them about sportmanship and fun. If more comes of it then good for them.

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Great video. Why can't people just love their kids and stop turning them into vessels to pour their own aggressions and vicarious thrills into? Start treating them as young folks who need to be taught how to behave in society, instead of treating them as some sort of project?




In the old, old days... This was called Social Security.


I do agree with you Cincy. As much as I think it is great what Pat Kane became... Look what it took for his family to achieve that. Hockey is the worst possible game, IMO, with this regards... Because it takes a ton of money and personal commitment with very specialized skills (skating) that has to be continually honed or the skill can be lost.

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