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A Woman Donates A Kidney

Steely Dan

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(CNN) -- In what is being heralded as a "first-ever procedure," surgeons removed a healthy kidney through a donor's vagina, the Johns Hopkins Medical Center has announced.



My brother is a likely donor of a kidney to my uncle .. I'll have to tell him that they can take it out via his vagina :D:D oh wait just called him a p877y all those years. Actually he is doing an admirable thing .. my uncle will die soon without a transplant.

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My brother is a likely doner of a kidney to my uncle .. I'll have to tell him that they can take it out via his vagina :w00t::w00t: oh wait just called him a p877y all those years. Actually he is doing an admirable thing .. my uncle will die soon without a transplant.


Your brother will be fine with only one. I had one of mine taken out when I was four from congenital reasons (back in 1961). No problems, I just couldn't play tackle football, hockey, or dive from a high board (sports the doc said could allow me to get hit in the back and possibly damage the remaining kidney).

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In the future, a lot of abdominal surgeries will be performed going through the stomach, vagina, etc.


Hey Rip Van Winkle, a lot are done through the bellybutton. Hernias, appendectomies, gall bladder removals. My father had his appendix out in 1963. He showed us his large healing incision at the time. My mother had her appendix out in 2007 (at the age of 80). She said they went through her bellybutton. She said she can't even see the two small incisions for the camera and light .

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