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Rochester officer shot in head with back turned


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That's awesome. What do they know about his ability to retain his full brain recovery?

Info not available to me at the moment.



I'm against the death penalty but not because I think scum like this, if he in fact did it, should live. I'm against it because mistakes are made.

For a clean cut case like this, the kid should be stoned by the family in Rich Stadium on PPV. I am for execution in the obvious cases, where the scumbag did it. This sh--head at the least should be sterilized so he cannot contaminate society with his defective genetic material.

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Info not available to me at the moment.




For a clean cut case like this, the kid should be stoned by the family in Rich Stadium on PPV. I am for execution in the obvious cases, where the scumbag did it. This sh--head at the least should be sterilized so he cannot contaminate society with his defective genetic material.



I think wasting away in jail for 70+ years is much more appropriate and worse of a sentence. If I was facing life in jail or death penalty, it would be a hard decision to make.

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Info not available to me at the moment.




For a clean cut case like this, the kid should be stoned by the family in Rich Stadium on PPV. I am for execution in the obvious cases, where the scumbag did it. This sh--head at the least should be sterilized so he cannot contaminate society with his defective genetic material.


The problem is that if you allow it for one you have to allow it for all and as posted above I believe torture for the rest of their lives in prison is better.

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The kid should rot in jail for life....he can NOT be rehabilitated. He is a thug and it is a crime that he will be out in 10 years and the officer will likely be in a vegitative state forever if he does live.

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Electric chair.

Game over.


You would really push for capital punishment on an attempted murder? In the words of Sideshow Bob, they don't give away a Noble Prize for attempted chemistry.


I'm morally against capital punishment in the first place, because I don't believe in the whole archaic "eye for an eye thing", but you would actually send a 14 year old who committed attempted murder to his death? Dude...

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You would really push for capital punishment on an attempted murder? In the words of Sideshow Bob, they don't give away a Noble Prize for attempted chemistry.


I'm morally against capital punishment in the first place, because I don't believe in the whole archaic "eye for an eye thing", but you would actually send a 14 year old who committed attempted murder to his death? Dude...

Punk shot a cop in the head, while he was walking away.


By all means, let's wait until he actually succeeds :D



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What happened to wanting justice for crimes? Torture and rotting in jail is not justice, its revenge. AS time goes on, the human race becomes more and more uncivilized.

You are so spot-on - true justice, by definition, would be shooting the punk in the back of the head as he turns and walks away :D

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You are so spot-on - true justice, by definition, would be shooting the punk in the back of the head as he turns and walks away :D

If he dies immediately from what is done- if proven guilty, fine. That is a lot closer to justice than some of thos esuggestions I have seen.

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If he dies immediately from what is done- if proven guilty, fine. That is a lot closer to justice than some of thos esuggestions I have seen.

Actually, no - a perfectly placed bullet that would not be fatal but cause extreme suffering and a lifetime of recovery would be justice.


But we can't do that - the best we can do is make the punk some prisoner's or multiple prisoners' beeyatch for the next 10 years. :D


Can we also somehow cause his family the same immense suffering and financial hardship of the type he caused the officer's?

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Actually, no - a perfectly placed bullet that would not be fatal but cause extreme suffering and a lifetime of recovery would be justice.


But we can't do that - the best we can do is make the punk some prisoner's or multiple prisoners' beeyatch for the next 10 years. :D


Can we also somehow cause his family the same immense suffering and financial hardship of the type he caused the officer's?


Why, in your opinion, would more suffering be a good thing in this situation?

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"Anyway?" [sic]


I guess you don't grasp the concepts of 'rhetorical question' and sarcasm.


How'd that google search go?


Ok I correct peoples' spelling and grammar enough to deserve that, and in my defense it didn't really feel like you were being sarcastic. I googled "attempted murder death penalty" and got no conclusive examples. Of course, I didn't open all the links because I have better things to do.

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Ok I correct peoples' spelling and grammar enough to deserve that, and in my defense it didn't really feel like you were being sarcastic. I googled "attempted murder death penalty" and got no conclusive examples. Of course, I didn't open all the links because I have better things to do.

All evidence to the contrary! :D

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