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Rochester officer shot in head with back turned


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Just got through watching a press conference here in Rochester, NY on TV..


23 year old rookie RPD officer responds to a drug complaint questions loitering kids on sidewalk finds no reason to question or detain them...walks away and for his trouble gets shot in the head while his back is turned by one of the 14 yr old cowardly kids.


NICE!! Hope this punk loser rots in prison for a long time.



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Just got through watching a press conference here in Rochester, NY on TV..


23 year old rookie RPD officer responds to a drug complaint questions loitering kids on sidewalk finds no reason to question or detain them...walks away and for his trouble gets shot in the head while his back is turned by one of the 14 yr old cowardly kids.


NICE!! Hope this punk loser rots in prison for a long time.



10 years max...




...should be back on the streets before his 25th birthday - that's f'd up.

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10 years max...




...should be back on the streets before his 25th birthday - that's f'd up.


Not in Hamilton County OH. He'd go to trial as an adult, without doubt.


BTW - Grand Juries here almost never indict folks who defend themselves against violent acts. You can use a firearm to defend yourself and others. There was a case last year, where a boss dropped off a worker at her home after dark. He witnessed an a-hole jump out of the bushes and proceed to pistol whip her. He gunned his car and crushed him into a tree - killed the crumb.


The Grand Jury citizens empaneled at the time refused to allow prosecution.

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Not in Hamilton County OH. He'd go to trial as an adult, without doubt.


BTW - Grand Juries here almost never indict folks who defend themselves against violent acts. You can use a firearm to defend yourself and others. There was a case last year, where a boss dropped off a worker at her home after dark. He witnessed an a-hole jump out of the bushes and proceed to pistol whip her. He gunned his car and crushed him into a tree - killed the crumb.


The Grand Jury citizens empaneled at the time refused to allow prosecution.

Unfortunately, this was in Monroe County, NY - but I like your way better. Wonder why the other 2 officers didn't unload their clips?

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Just got through watching a press conference here in Rochester, NY on TV..


23 year old rookie RPD officer responds to a drug complaint questions loitering kids on sidewalk finds no reason to question or detain them...walks away and for his trouble gets shot in the head while his back is turned by one of the 14 yr old cowardly kids.


NICE!! Hope this punk loser rots in prison for a long time.




What could have possibly been going through the kid's head when he pulled the trigger?

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Unfortunately, this was in Monroe County, NY - but I like your way better. Wonder why the other 2 officers didn't unload their clips?


I'm guessing the kid probably dropped the gun, and it sounds like he was standing amongst a group of people. I'm sure the other officers wanted to avoid any sort of shootout to preserve innocent lives.

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I'm guessing the kid probably dropped the gun, and it sounds like he was standing amongst a group of people. I'm sure the other officers wanted to avoid any sort of shootout to preserve innocent lives.

No doubt it went something like that, but still remarkable restraint by the RPD officers.

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Unfortunately, this was in Monroe County, NY - but I like your way better. Wonder why the other 2 officers didn't unload their clips?



Magazines, not clips. Tney would have violated the POS rights.

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10 years max...




...should be back on the streets before his 25th birthday - that's f'd up.



I read the same thing and it made me really angry.


It is beyond pathetic that a 14 year old even packs heat in the first place. I hate everything about the gun culture. A bunch of insecure, needle Richards who need to feel like a man. Cowards. 10 years is a joke.


I agree. Street life now for kids seems to involve packing a gun, to be cool, and it's pathetic.



$300K + to lock him up for 10 years - cost of trial - and immeasurable costs to the officer's family. Just sick ....


Somehow, IMO, the parents need to be charged with something on this too.



and yet he'll (the 14 year old) will recieve the full weight of the law in his defence.


"He was such a good boy, it was an accident, he didnt mean it"


Every criminal deserves a defense it's part of our justice system but I know exactly what you're saying. The mother and father will say he was a good kid who just "got mixed up with the wrong crowd" <_<


I've got news for you. If your kid shoots a cop in the back of the head unprovoked then your kid IS NOT A GOOD KID WHO FELL IN WITH THE WRONG CROWD AND YOU ARE PARTIALLY TO BLAME!!


I'd be willing to bet his family never set curfews for him or got on him about his studies and let him get away with a lot of :w00t: because "He was basically a good kid just going through some problems." :D

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14 is NOT a young age on the streets


Unless, your kept at home with a reasonable curfew and given punishment and structure in your life. If you've been allowed to run roughshod over your parents or they just don't give a damn then yes, a kid will be exposed to a lot of things he doesn't fully understand how to handle and may be mature beyond his years as to how to survive in a world he's gotten himself into.



According to some on this board, police officers can't question people loitering for drugs/prostitution. :w00t:


I am surprised this happened to a rookie officer. Usually their officer safety skills are better than their more experienced and complacent counterparts.


I can't see where he made a mistake. I wasn't there but it sounds like they questioned the kids and left without arresting anyone. Even if their tone was harsh I don't believe there was any reason for the cop to feel he was in danger. These confrontations happen millions of times in America and very rarely is a cop shot during one of these confrontations.

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Civil liability perhaps... Anytime you shoot someone you and your department are going to get sued. It doesn't matter if it was a good shoot or not.


The officers also need to have AOJ to use lethal force.


The attacker must have the ability to cause harm.

The attacker has to have the opportunity to cause harm.

The officer or someone's life has to be in "imminent jeopardy".


For example, if the kid shoots an officer and then drops his gun. The officers would not be able to use lethal force in taking him down.


I also believe they didn't know who shot him since their backs were to him. They can't turn around and just start firing indiscriminately.

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Just got through watching a press conference here in Rochester, NY on TV..


23 year old rookie RPD officer responds to a drug complaint questions loitering kids on sidewalk finds no reason to question or detain them...walks away and for his trouble gets shot in the head while his back is turned by one of the 14 yr old cowardly kids.


NICE!! Hope this punk loser rots in prison for a long time.



Gee, the cops should riot now. I mean, peoples rioted for that schmoe that got killed on the Bart

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