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Department Of Agriculture


$44,000,000 - Agriculture Buildings and Facilities and Rental Payments; $209,000,000 - Agricultural Research Service Buildings and Facilities; $245,000,000 - Farm Service Agency Salaries and Expenses; $350,000,000 - Natural Resources Conservation Service Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations; $50,000,000 - Watershed Rehabilitation Program; $5,838,000,000 - Rural Development Programs, Rural Community Advancement Program; $22,129,000,000 - Rural Housing Service, Rural Housing Insurance Fund Program Account; $2,825,000,000 - Rural Utilities Service, Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program; $100,000,000 - Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children; $150,000,000 - Emergency Food Assistance Program" (This includes grants for Puerto Rico and American Samoa); $300,000,000 - Administrative Expenses ($150,000,000 each in '09 & '10); $650,000,000 - Forest Service, Capital Improvement and Maintenance; $840,000,000 - Wildland Fire Management


Department Of Commerce


$250,000,000 - Economic Development Administration, Economic Development Assistance Program; $1,000,000,000 - Bureau of the Census, Periodic Censuses and Programs (additional funding); $350,000,000 - National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Salaries and Expenses; $2,825,000,000 - Wireless and Broadband Deployment Grant Programs; $650,000,000 - Digital-To-Analog Converter Box Program; $100,000,000 - National Institute of Standards and Technology Scientific and Technical Research and Services; $100,000,000 - Industrial Technology Services


$300,000,000 - Construction of Research Facilities; $400,000,000 - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Operations, Research and Facilities; $600,000,000 - Procurement, Acquisition and Construction (includes not less than $140,000,000 for "climate data modeling")


Department Of Justice (DoJ)


$3,000,000,000 - State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance; $1,000,000,000 - Community Oriented Policing Services


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)


$400,000,000 - Science (not less than $250,000,000 "shall be solely for accelerating the development of the tier 1 set of Earth science climate research missions); $150,000,000 - Aeronautics; $50,000,000 - Cross Agency Support Programs (restoration and mitigation of NASA infrastructure and facilities damaged during 2008 disasters)


I thought Global warming was settled!!! Why are now spending $250M on more research.


National Science Foundation


$2,500,000,000 - Research and Related Activities; $100,000,000 - Education and Human Resources; $400,000,000 - Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction


Department Of Defense


$4,500,000,000 - Facility Infrastructure Investments; $350,000,000 - Energy Research and Development; $920,000,000 - Military Construction, Army; $350,000,000 - Military Construction, Navy & Marine Corps; $260,000,000 - Military Construction, Air Force; $3,750,000,000 - Military Construction, Defense-Wide; $140,000,000 - Military Construction, Army National Guard; $70,000,000 - Military Construction, Air National Guard; $100,000,000 - Military Construction, Army Reserve; $30,000,000 - Military Construction, Navy Reserve; $60,000,000 - Military Construction, Air Force Reserve; $300,000,000 - Department of Defense Base Closure Account 1990


Department Of Veterans Affairs (VA)


$950,000,000 - Veterans Health Administration, Medical Facilities; $50,000,000 - National Cemetery Administration


Energy And Water


$2,000,000,000 - Army Corps of Engineers, Civil Construction; $250,000,000 - Mississippi River and Tributaries; $2,225,000,000 - Operation and Maintenance; $25,000,000 - Regulatory Program


Department Of Energy


$18,500,000,000 - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; $4,500,000,000 -; $1,000,000,000 - Advanced Battery Loan Guarantee Program; $500,000,000 - Institutional Loan Guarantee Program; $8,000,000,000 - Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program; $2,400,000,000 - Fossil Energy; $2,000,000,000 - Science (weird science?)


Environmental And Other Defense Activities


$500,000,000 - Defense Environmental Cleanup


Borrowing Authorities


$3,250,000,000 - Western Area Power Administration; $3,250,000,000 - Bonneville Power Administration


General Services Administration


$7,700,000,000 - Federal Buildings Fund; $600,000,000 - Energy Efficient Federal Motor Vehicle Fleet Procurement (no mention of buying only American cars)


Small Business Administration


$426,000,000 - Business Loans Program Account


Department Of Homeland Security


$100,000,000 - U.S. Customs and Border Protection (non-intrusive detection technology at sea ports of entry); $150,000,000 - Repair and Construct Inspections Facilities (at land border points of entry); $500,000,000 - Aviation Security; $150,000,000 - Coast Guard, (alteration of bridges); $200,000,000 - FEMA, Emergency Food & Shelter


Department Of The Interior


$500,000,000 - Bureau of Reclamation, Water and Related Resources; $325,000,000 - Bureau of Land Management, Construction (for priority road, bridge and trail repair or decommissioning); $300,000,000 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Construction (for priority road and bridge replacement and repair); $1,700,000,000 - National Park Service Construction; $200,000,000 - National Mall Revitalization Fund (half of that requires matching private funds); $100,000,000 - National Park Service Centennial Challenge (signature projects and programs); $200,000,000 - U.S. Geological Survey for Surveys, Investigations and Research; $500,000,000 - Bureau of Indian Affairs, Construction; $800,000,000 - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Hazardous Substance Superfund; $200,000,000 - EPA, Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Program; $8,400,000,000 - State and Tribal Assistance Grants ($6 bln, Clean Water State Revolving Funds; $2 bln, Drinking Water State Revolving Funds; $300 mil, Title VII, Subtitle G, Energy Policy Act of 2005; $100 mil, Comprehensive environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980)


Department Of Health And Human Services (HSS)


$550,000,000 - Indian Health Service; $2,188,000,000 - Health Resources and Services; $462,000,000 - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Disease Control, Research and Training; $1,500,000,000 - National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Center for Research Resources; $1,500,000,000 - NIH, Office of the Director; $500,000,000 - NIH, Buildings & Facilities; $700,000,000 - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; $400,000,000 - Discretionary Funds, Secretary of HHS (Tom Daschle won't have to pay taxes on this); $1,000,000,000 - Administration for Children and Families, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance; $2,000,000,000 - Payments to States for the Child Care and Development Block Grant; $3,200,000,000 - Children and Families Services Program; $200,000,000 - Administration on Aging, Aging Services Programs; $2,000,000,000 - Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology; $900,000,000 - Public Health & Social Services Emergency Fund (three parts for advanced R&D, prepare for influenza pandemic, improve IT at the Department of HHS); $3,000,000,000 - HHS Prevention and Wellness Fund


Department Of Education


$13,000,000,000 - Education for the Disadvantaged; $100,000,000 - Impact Aid (Title VII of the elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965); $1,000,000,000 - School Improvement Program; $200,000,000 - Innovation and Improvement; $13,000,000,000 - Special Education (ref. IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act); $16,126,000,000 - Student Financial Assistance; $50,000,000 - Student Aid Administration; $100,000,000 - Higher Education; $250,000,000 - Institute of Education Sciences; $14,000,000,000 - School Modernization, Renovation, and Repair; $6,000,000,000 - Higher Education Modernization, Renovation, and Repair; $79,000,000,000 - State Fiscal Stabilization Fund


Corporation For National And Community Service


$160,000,000 - Operating Expenses; $40,000,000 - National Service Trust


Social Security Administration


$900,000,000 - Limitation on Administrative Expenses


Smithsonian Institute


$150,000,000 - Facilities Capital


National Foundation For The Arts And The Humanities


$50,000,000 - National Endowment for the Arts


Department Of Labor


$4,000,000,000 - Employment and Training Administration; $120,000,000 - Community Service Employment For Older Americans; $500,000,000 - State Unemployment Insurance and Employment Service Operations; $80,000,000 - Departmental Management; $300,000,000 - Office of the Job Corps


Department Of State


$276,000,000 - Administration of Foreign Affairs, Capital Investment Fund; $224,000,000 - International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, Construction


Department Of Transportation


$3,000,000,000 - Federal Aviation Administration, Grants-in-Aid for Airports;


$30,000,000,000 - Federal Highway Administration, Highway Infrastructure Investment; $300,000,000 - Federal Railroad Administration, Capital Assistance for Intercity Passenger Rail Service; $800,000,000 - Capital and Debt Service Grant to the Railroad Passenger Corporation; $6,000,000,0000 - Federal Transit Administration, Transit Capital Assistance; $2,000,000,000 - Fixed Guideway Infrastructure Investment; $1,000,000,000 - Grants at the discretion of the Secretary of Transportation


Department Of Housing & Urban Development


$5,000,000,000 - Public & Indian Housing, Public Housing Capital Fund; $2,500,000,000 - Elderly, Disabled, and Section 8 Assisted Housing, Energy Retrofit; $500,000,000 - Native American Housing Block Grants; $1,000,000,000 - Community Planning & Development, Community Development Fund; $4,190,000,000 - Neighborhood Stabilization Activities (ACORN money here?); Community Development Fund; $1,500,000,000 - Home Investment Partnerships Program; $10,000,000 - Self-Help & Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program; $1,500,000,000 - Homeless Assistance Grants; $100,000,000 - Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control, Lead Hazard Reduction


NOTE: These amounts are above and beyond the funding they already get. So, what’s going to happen? I work in the government and know exactly what will happen. They will act like drunken sailors, hire more staff, and spend recklessly, spend for the sack of spending due to time constraints placed in the bill. Then when the money runs out, they will ask for more because they just grew their staff by 50% and they need to sustain them.

Absolutely ridiculous, our kids will pay a big price in the future for this disaster and so will we.


I understand there are administrative costs in there, plus, how would there be a need to hire more folks? Bush already raised the number of employees at those departments way above his father's levels, which Clinton drastically cut. Though I agree it is a boondoggle for some of those agencies and departments. Question how much of it is part of the total bill and is this just the House numbers?


As far as stimulative, it will be even with this crap a lot more stimulative than the (corporate loopholes) so called tax breaks the Republicans are pushing.


That being said, until the homeowners debt crisis is addressed non of this is going to do much long term good and it is going to take longer to break out of this mess. As housing prices fall, no one can sell and no one has any equity to buy or relocate.... I am stuck in a mortgage in Massachusetts for a House I can't sell. I moved to an area with more available cash and business near White Plains, NY. I am cash flowing the House luckily... renting it out, but I know folks that are getting laid off by the truck load right now and no one knows what to do. Because of this they are not spending and won't, they are just hoping to hold on to their homes... and this is Westchester, NY.


Maybe all this adjustment needs to happen, the problem is the recession/depression isn't going to end soon until people settle this debt, one way or another and right now it is all heading towards Bankruptcy on the slow torturous route.


So, other than the tax credit stuff for corporations, food stamps for the poor and tax breaks for working people, some of the infrastructure spending that can be done right away, the rest of this stuff is just fluff.


Yet, it is the House side and what can you expect, not much. I wish the President had a line-item veto.

It's amazing how much of this we could have paid for with the funds that went to invading and occupying Iraq.



Just stop. You aren't constructive and in fact represent the Dems poorly. You are an argument against the dems and not for them. You are the equivalent of Wacka. Now hush.

It's amazing how much of this we could have paid for with the funds that went to invading and occupying Iraq.

Actually, as this pace, we may be able to pay for everything with the back taxes owed by all the Obama appointees.

Just stop. You aren't constructive and in fact represent the Dems poorly. You are an argument against the dems and not for them. You are the equivalent of Wacka. Now hush.


Yeah, let's just sweep under the rug the huge financial cost of "Bush's Folly" and pretend it's paid for by the Iraqis.

It's amazing how much of this we could have paid for with the funds that went to invading and occupying Iraq.


Very little - but you'ld know that if you actually looked.


Current running tab for Iraq: $627 million.


TARP committment: $750 million

Est Stimulus Package: $850 million



Plus there is now talk of a 'bad bank' on the order of 3 more trillion, and whispers of this not being the only stimulus package needed over the next few years.


But unlike the Iraq War, some of the spending initiated by the stimulus bill will become recurring entitlements - things like increasing the earned income tax credit, funding for child care, etc. No politician is going to take away these services next year once granted.


Pelosi is doing in one year what took Bush five! Way to go!

Actually, as this pace, we may be able to pay for everything with the back taxes owed by all the Obama appointees.




Then again, we wouldn't get very much back, because dont we have a "right" to settle our debts/back taxes for next to nothing? That's what the commercials say. Welcome to America, where your problems are always someone else's fault.

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