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I have seen Bruce in concert. I prefer music to dancing. Bruce is almost as embarrassing as the Stones, these days. Old guys running around on stage, waving their arms, going into the audience, etc. is not my idea of an entertaining concert. I'm a jazz/classical fan...play the freakin music!


i understand the general population likes that crap, though. They also like Britney...'nuff said.

LMAO, you've gotta be kidding me. The music of today is the EXACT reason Bruce Springsteen in concert is still as popular as he is. Today's music and concerts are so dreadful, Bruce is a throwback.


Your comparisons for him are so far off the mark it's hilarious. I respect your opinion, but this one's easy to take because it's so stupid compared to how many people enjoy him, it's utterly ridiculous.


Now, back to the fuggin game........I hate the Steelers.

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