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  Dan said:
I agree. Last September, I said pretty much the same thing. In the end, we saw just enough from Trent (IMO) to say... yeah maybe. While at the same time seeing just enough to also say.... ehhhh.. maaybe. He's a huge question mark, IMO.


Given that we're absolutely assured the coaches will not develop an effective game plan from week to week, the only way we win is if the players excel. And none more importantly than the QB - Trent. So, as I see it, next season pretty much rests on the arm of our 3rd year QB. Please, anyone, please, prove me wrong (seriously I want to be wrong). Because if that thought doesn't make you nervous, you haven't been watching.

I ain't gonna prove you wrong. Especially since no other part of the team seems to be able to pick up the slack. It would be different if we had a Baltimore type defense (for example) to compensate for the anemic offense. The receivers didn't kill themselves going out of their way to help Edwards out, either. That being said and given your correct assessment that the coaching staff bites the Big Barloonga, even if Trent's arm went all Elway on him, my money says Jauron will still find a way to coach this team into a vertical drop down a mine shaft.


Five wins max next season. If there is a God, and He's paying attention, Jauron will be gone by the end of October.

  buftex said:
Sorry Dean, not meaning to pick an argument with you. Just pointing out that, whenever people assume that Ralph starting his franchise was a noble move, it should be pointed out, Buffalo was not the economic wasteland back then, that we all know, and still love, now. Buffalo was still a "player" into the mid-seventies...



Perhaps, but KEEPING them in Buffalo is a different story.

  Sisyphean Bills said:
Actually, what I found curious was how Ralph threw the current team under the bus by saying they don't give the fans much to cheer about. While that is accurate, it strikes me as kind of odd (and ironic given the Bills decisions this off-season) for an owner to say things like that.



To tell you the truth, I am encouraged, slightly, by those remarks. It proves he isn't happy/satisfied with the season, still is aware enough to know the difference between a good and bad product, and honest enough to speak the truth, instead of hiding it with vague statements.


Of course, if he doesn't have his management team go out and make a big effort to rectify this issue, then it's just all talk.

  Mickey said:
It strikes me as kind of odd that we are parsing so closely a few idle, off the cuff comments by a very, very old man searching for a clever way to compliment a man who is probably the best player ever to play for the Bills.

That's what we do on this board. :thumbdown: Actually, I sort of agree that it may be straining to read between the words a bit too much here. On the other hand, it is also ironic that a guy that struggles to make constructive comments is the public face and holds all the trump cards in the front office decision making "inner circle". It's not that hard to compliment Bruce Smith on his own achievements, there were a plethora, without having to inject a twinge of sarcasm into the current sad state of affairs.

  The Dean said:
To tell you the truth, I am encouraged, slightly, by those remarks. It proves he isn't happy/satisfied with the season, still is aware enough to know the difference between a good and bad product, and honest enough to speak the truth, instead of hiding it with vague statements.


Of course, if he doesn't have his management team go out and make a big effort to rectify this issue, then it's just all talk.

Well, sure, I don't doubt Wilson can smell the odor or that he finds truly pathetic football less than extremely entertaining. I don't mistake him for a total fool. And, yes, recognizing that there is a problem is the first step. We'll see, but so far the steps to correct the problems and put together a better product have amounted to "keep on keeping on" and next to nothing (and I don't mean just since the end of the 08 season).


Ralph is content to offer his low-end product because he assumes (correctly) that people will attend games. He has no reason to change if fans do not demand it in huge numbers.


I simply don't trust OBD to make the right moves, whether it be in the front office, hiring coaches, in UFA, on draft day, or gameday. They always seem to make the wrong move, or not enough good decisions to succeed. Ralph's a big part of that, yet he's savvy enough to give the fans one nugget to keep them interested.

  Beerball said:
Last night's game magnified the Bills QB woes.


Ben Rs pass to Miller after shifting around in the pocket never happens in Buff. Edwards would have taken off running or thrown the ball away long before that pass took place.


The final TD pass was the third option. Edwards would not have gotten to his third read and if he had...he can't make that throw.


The long option route that Boldin ran would have been for naught in Buff. Edwards would have checked down long before the receiver came open.


The 3rd down pass that was negated by the safety...fergetabotit.


I could go on and on and on, but those throws clearly stand out as ones that Edwards is unable or unwilling to make.


A big step forward is necessary, hope it can happen.


I don't know. I saw the Cardinals get flagged twice or call a time out to prevent a flag for delay of game at least twice. That happens in Buffalo a lot.

  The Dean said:
To tell you the truth, I am encouraged, slightly, by those remarks. It proves he isn't happy/satisfied with the season, still is aware enough to know the difference between a good and bad product, and honest enough to speak the truth, instead of hiding it with vague statements.


Of course, if he doesn't have his management team go out and make a big effort to rectify this issue, then it's just all talk.

Awareness is one thing, action is another. Nice to see #1 but rather irrelevant without #2. I'm not sure what or who can kickstart Ralph into action. Maybe a 2-6 record at mid season, media howling and tanking ticket sales?

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