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HFBD to:

Bullpen--young pup resides somewhere in Colarado, living in a shack with no electricity or running water.


IDK MY BFF DJ aka Arkady Renko aka JohnnyB--HFBD, but stop changing your name already.


sweet baboo--HFBD Linus


The Senator--Damn, you're old! HFBD you pirate lovin sombitch.



In the four of yous honor a huge celebration will be held today. We'll decide the very best team in this past season's NFL and everyone will drink beer and consume brats & stuff. We'll call this game Super, also in your honor.

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HFBD to:

Bullpen--young pup resides somewhere in Colarado, living in a shack with no electricity or running water.


IDK MY BFF DJ aka Arkady Renko aka JohnnyB--HFBD, but stop changing your name already.


sweet baboo--HFBD Linus


The Senator--Damn, you're old! HFBD you pirate lovin sombitch.



In the four of yous honor a huge celebration will be held today. We'll decide the very best team in this past season's NFL and everyone will drink beer and consume brats & stuff. We'll call this game Super, also in your honor.

What does HFBD mean?

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Thank you all!


It was very nice of Mr. Goodell to schedule a super groovy football game on this day!


As far as the shack in Colorado goes... as Jimmy Buffett said, "I'm just glad I don't live in trailer"


HGDFBD Senator, Baboo and IDK!


Edit: Scored two Bills books for my birthday. "Then Levy Said to Kelly" and "The Bills are Due"

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HFBD to:

Bullpen--young pup resides somewhere in Colarado, living in a shack with no electricity or running water.


IDK MY BFF DJ aka Arkady Renko aka JohnnyB--HFBD, but stop changing your name already.


sweet baboo--HFBD Linus


The Senator--Damn, you're old! HFBD you pirate lovin sombitch.



In the four of yous honor a huge celebration will be held today. We'll decide the very best team in this past season's NFL and everyone will drink beer and consume brats & stuff. We'll call this game Super, also in your honor.



Happy b-day to all

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With age comes wisdom (and plagiarism), so I will offer this credo -


"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, dance like no-one is watching, screw like it's being filmed, and drink like a true Irishman!"


Thanks all, for the kind birthday wishes - much vino and vodka was consumed and, to the best of my recollection, I had a grand time!


A belated Happy Natal Anniversary to my fellow TBDers - Bullpen, IDK MY BFF DJ, and sweet baboo - and Happy Groundhog Day to all!


Cheers :thumbdown:

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