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Micheal Phelps' new training regime

The Poojer

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Kids today and their fancy inventions!! Can one of you guys explain this vaporizer method for those of us whose smoking days are primarily in the past?


The Vaporizer burns the THC right off of the Bud essentially. It burns just hot enough for the THC to turn into a mist therefore sidestepping any smoke or toxins inhaled through smoking. It's a cleaner more natural feeling high.

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The Vaporizer burns the THC right off of the Bud essentially. It burns just hot enough for the THC to turn into a mist therefore sidestepping any smoke or toxins inhaled through smoking. It's a cleaner more natural feeling high.




It's great if you don't want everyone in your house to know what you're up to as well since there is almost no smell and the smell doesn't smell like the classic smell :w00t:


When you load it into your vap it starts green. You inhale or in my case and others with bigger vaps you turn them on. A small fan pushes hot air around the bud and the almost PURE THC gets pushed through a hose and you inhale it. You can also fill special bags instead of inhaling directly ( great for parties ). You can taste when the bud is done - the vapor tastes a bit like burned popcorn. When the bud is done you unload it - it is the same volume but it is brown and garbage - dump it, reload....


Like I said before, besides IMHO a bitter "high", the bud goes MUCH further. You get about double the bang for your buck. When a vap is idle so is the bud. The vap stays warm, but if air isn't being passed around the bud it will stay there for hours without going to waste.


Hope that makes sense.

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It's great if you don't want everyone in your house to know what you're up to as well since there is almost no smell and the smell doesn't smell like the classic smell


Yeah, except for there's a big 'ol electric dope smokin' deevice sittin' there. :w00t:

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Yeah, except for there's a big 'ol electric dope smokin' deevice sittin' there. :w00t:



One of the reasons, other than poverty, I had to opt for that pipe (which, if you had to, can be used as a regular pipe).


If I had the cash, and the ability to just stick a giant weed smoking device on the coffee table, I would get the Volcano or, perhaps, this:




I love the balloon option, for passing around.

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There was an advert on that pipe; twice as nice. $$



A word of warning: The pipe takes a little practice (especially if you have never vaporized before), as you are supplying the light, yourself, and it isn't controlled automatically. Sometimes, you light too much, and end up getting smoke, instead of vapor.


Of course, if that's the worst thing about it, then it ain't so bad.

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Holy crap, they've even got carrying cases!

Whatever happened to if you don't cough you don't get off? :w00t:



We always said, "if you cough, you know you'll get off"...pretty much the same thing. Also, "here comes the train" was a popular quip when someone was in the middle of a coughing tirade.


Honestly, I think it's a cleaner high, lighter on the head, but a little more fun. It's also better on the weed conservation...a bud lasts longer.


Also, they say you can smoke/cook with the spent remains (which look almost like regular pot), but I toss mine. The remains still have a little THC left in them.

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A word of warning: The pipe takes a little practice (especially if you have never vaporized before), as you are supplying the light, yourself, and it isn't controlled automatically. Sometimes, you light too much, and end up getting smoke, instead of vapor.


Of course, if that's the worst thing about it, then it ain't so bad.

it is all about temperature setting and the pack. It is good to start off around 6. Run a couple cycles, , go up to around 7. The right temperature is when there is smoke in the bag. If not, adjust heat up. Don't go above 7.0/7.5

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it is all about temperature setting and the pack. It is good to start off around 6. Run a couple cycles, , go up to around 7. The right temperature is when there is smoke in the bag. If not, adjust heat up. Don't go above 7.0/7.5



Yes, that's with an electronic machine. that's actually quite easy. My point was, for the pipe I linked to, you use a lighter, so you need to figure out how to vaporize without turning it to smoke.

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Yeah, except for there's a big 'ol electric dope smokin' deevice sittin' there. :w00t:



Dope smokin device?




Popuri air freshener is what I tell em <_<




(BTW: that is how it is marked when coming through customs - I had to giggle - I ordered from Canada )

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They did a poll last night on ESPN and the poll question was, "Have you lost any respect for Michael Phelps after the surfacing off the picture?"


75% said No, they hadn't.

25% said Yes, they had.


Pretty much shows how people in th country feel about marijuana.

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and his sponsors are dropping like flies. Dumb@ss




"USA Swimming also announced yesterday that they were suspending Phelps for three months.


He won't be allowed to compete until early May, which would give him little preparation before July's world championships in Rome."


What a punishment.....more time to train for a major event. And anyone else find the oddness of Kelloggs ending their sponsorship when they've missed a golden opportunity for marketing.


"Kelloggs - grab some Froot Loops when you got the Munchies!"


And dropping like flies? I wouldn't count one sponsor as "dropping like flies."


Stupid weed hypocracy. Someone of Foxsports Radio put it best. He shouldn't have apologized. He should have used this as an opportunity to point out how stupid it is that weed is illegal still. Of course, that might cost him sponsors and money talks but oh well. I'll be happy when they decriminalize it soon in Canada. I don't smoke but I see the potential for tax revenue it could provide.

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new avatar for me!


Hey if the guy wants to hit the tube, let him. Wasnt our former president a coke head? and Barack admitted to tokin the herb more than one occasion. How do you suspend somebody for something that happened three months ago? War Phelps drop kicking the guy who took that picture of him. And if marijuana isnt legalized in the next five years, i have lost all faith in humanity.

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Stupid weed hypocracy. Someone of Foxsports Radio put it best. He shouldn't have apologized. He should have used this as an opportunity to point out how stupid it is that weed is illegal still. Of course, that might cost him sponsors and money talks but oh well. I'll be happy when they decriminalize it soon in Canada. I don't smoke but I see the potential for tax revenue it could provide.



Fox Sports said that? Damn, so did I. I may have to re-think it, now. :thumbsup:


I just read that, in 2004, an underage Phelps was arrested for driving under the influence (of alcohol). I don't remember this kind of fuss being made over that. In that case, Phelps was actually arrested, was drinking before he was legal, and driving under the influence. That pretty clearly points out the hypocrisy of the current situation.


I think Phelps was also a victim of a relatively slow sports-news cycle, when it happened.

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