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Micheal Phelps' new training regime

The Poojer

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Just want to ask the question. I because of health reason's have moved into larger city. Where I live , the son and his friends use fathers house for their private club house to play games and smoke dope, skipping school on a regular bases. The smell of pot is a all day odor, young people turn on fans to rid house of smell as not to get found out by father. This group of young people are around 16 - 18 , high school students. Smoking pot is a daily occurrence. Actually it appears they smoke as often as they have money to pay for it.

In my travels back and forth to hospital , I encounter many groups of young people heading to school. What i have seen thus far is rather large numbers of young people sharing joints on way to school. The other day, no exaggeration , three groups of at least 25 young people, smoking pot. I is almost hard not to conclude almost everyone does it. Obviously this would not be so, but it is apparent many do.

Not having experience in this area, its a question not a judgment ( don't wish to fight this argument) as Mr. Hand once asked

"Are you all on dope" . Is it the norm to smoke pot these days. If so how old should a person be? Is it all right for folks to smoke their brains out, after all its just pot? I am amazed at the amount of people doing it and the apparent high and regular use. Am i just in a high use area, or is it the norm.

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If the worst thing my kid does is smoke weed on occasion, then I will be a proud papa. Especially if he wins 10 gold medals in any Olympic sport.

"It was on November 6, weeks after his Beijing triumph, that 23-year-old Phelps surprised students at the University Of South Carolina in Columbia by showing up unannounced at a house party." I would fault him for lack of imagination if anything else. With that kind of money and time, he could go anywhere in the world.

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Just want to ask the question. I because of health reason's have moved into larger city. Where I live , the son and his friends use fathers house for their private club house to play games and smoke dope, skipping school on a regular bases. The smell of pot is a all day odor, young people turn on fans to rid house of smell as not to get found out by father. This group of young people are around 16 - 18 , high school students. Smoking pot is a daily occurrence. Actually it appears they smoke as often as they have money to pay for it.

In my travels back and forth to hospital , I encounter many groups of young people heading to school. What i have seen thus far is rather large numbers of young people sharing joints on way to school. The other day, no exaggeration , three groups of at least 25 young people, smoking pot. I is almost hard not to conclude almost everyone does it. Obviously this would not be so, but it is apparent many do.

Not having experience in this area, its a question not a judgment ( don't wish to fight this argument) as Mr. Hand once asked

"Are you all on dope" . Is it the norm to smoke pot these days. If so how old should a person be? Is it all right for folks to smoke their brains out, after all its just pot? I am amazed at the amount of people doing it and the apparent high and regular use. Am it just in a high use area, or is it the norm.

Is it better that they waste their lives playing video games? Yeah pot is illegal and blah, blah. But, people waste their lives away doing all sorts of things. I call that their choice. But, that's just me.



I've literally come across zero people that have a problem with Phelps toking up, and yet because of the stupid PR machine, he has to apologize. I know he has to be a role model to kids and yada yada yada, but c'mon give the guy a break.

Potheads need a role model too, ya know.

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"Are you all on dope" . Is it the norm to smoke pot these days. If so how old should a person be? Is it all right for folks to smoke their brains out, after all its just pot? I am amazed at the amount of people doing it and the apparent high and regular use. Am it just in a high use area, or is it the norm.


Just to take a stab at answering your query...


Yes, it is the norm for folks to smoke weed.


In my experience the peak ages would be 16-25, after 25 folks tend to be more cautious in acquiring it, thereby leading to less smoking of weed. I know I am generalizing, but this has been the experience of myself and many friends who enjoy the occasional toke.


As to whetehr it is "all right...after all its just pot," that really is a matter of personal choice. I have many friends who have never smoked pot and some who still enjoy it, daily. In this country, weed was legal until the mid-1930s. The outlaw of marijuana is clouded by rascism and yellow journalism (see link below), in the US. I'm not certain of its history in Canada.


IMHO, I will see it legalized, taxed and regulated for recreational use in my lifetime. Given this history, I never had a problem enjoying a good toke.


Decent read below...



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Just want to ask the question. I because of health reason's have moved into larger city. Where I live , the son and his friends use fathers house for their private club house to play games and smoke dope, skipping school on a regular bases. The smell of pot is a all day odor, young people turn on fans to rid house of smell as not to get found out by father. This group of young people are around 16 - 18 , high school students. Smoking pot is a daily occurrence. Actually it appears they smoke as often as they have money to pay for it.

In my travels back and forth to hospital , I encounter many groups of young people heading to school. What i have seen thus far is rather large numbers of young people sharing joints on way to school. The other day, no exaggeration , three groups of at least 25 young people, smoking pot. I is almost hard not to conclude almost everyone does it. Obviously this would not be so, but it is apparent many do.

Not having experience in this area, its a question not a judgment ( don't wish to fight this argument) as Mr. Hand once asked

"Are you all on dope" . Is it the norm to smoke pot these days. If so how old should a person be? Is it all right for folks to smoke their brains out, after all its just pot? I am amazed at the amount of people doing it and the apparent high and regular use. Am it just in a high use area, or is it the norm.

You will encounter them 20 years from now, on the same street,with a will work for food sign.

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Potheads need a role model too, ya know.



Well said. Honestly, IMO, he would be a better role model by being honest about his pot use. I'm guessing Mike isn't a huge pothead, or he probably wouldn't be able to train the way he does. A message of "Treat pot responsibly, just as you should alcohol, or just about anything" is a far better, more believable and more powerful message to kids than the crap they already hear...and don't believe. Treating our youth as if they were stupid has never worked at convincing them not to drink, smoke, do drugs or have sex. Honesty and respect is an option that is way overdue.


Also, I don't watch the gossip/news shows...is anyone talking about what the huge piece of s#it who made the photo public (likely for $$$)? To me, HE is the person who should be vilified and forced to apologize.


If Phelps has anything to apologize for, it is lack of discretion, and/or being associated with a motherfuc#er like the person who sold the photo.

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Well said. Honestly, IMO, he would be a better role model by being honest about his pot use. I'm guessing Mike isn't a huge pothead, or he probably wouldn't be able to train the way he does. A message of "Treat pot responsibly, just as you should alcohol, or just about anything" is a far better, more believable and more powerful message to kids than the crap they already hear...and don't believe. Treating our youth as if they were stupid has never worked at convincing them not to drink, smoke, do drugs or have sex. Honesty and respect is an option that is way overdue.


Also, I don't watch the gossip/news shows...is anyone talking about what the huge piece of s#it who made the photo public (likely for $$$)? To me, HE is the person who should be vilified and forced to apologize.


If Phelps has anything to apologize for, it is lack of discretion, and/or being associated with a motherfuc#er like the person who sold the photo.

To be fair, he was probably too stoned to realize they were taking pictures.


But, I agree with you. The largest problem with the politically correct, 24/7 news world in which we live is that no one can speak honestly about anything. Everything has to be black and white, good and bad. And once something is determined to be bad, well you're screwed if you do so much as suggest that it's not.

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I think it is safe to say that virtually all adults have some type of vice in their life: Booze, Weed, Gambling, Porno, Coke, Heroin, Overeating, internet addiction, etc.

My question is: If your son or daughter grew up and had one bad habbit about them, what would you want it to be?


I pick weed myself. I’ve experienced all those vices first hand via family or friends and weed by far is the least harmful to ones self or others.


By the way: there is a semi-new way of “smoking” weed – its called vaporizing. When weed is vaporized and “smoked” this way it basically removes most if not all harmful things from the “smoke”, so it isn't nearly as unhealthy for your body if you do it this way as opposed to sparking.

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I think it is safe to say that virtually all adults have some type of vice in their life: Booze, Weed, Gambling, Porno, Coke, Heroin, Overeating, internet addiction, etc.

My question is: If your son or daughter grew up and had one bad habbit about them, what would you want it to be?


I pick weed myself. I’ve experienced all those vices first hand via family or friends and weed by far is the least harmful to ones self or others.


By the way: there is a semi-new way of “smoking” weed – its called vaporizing. When weed is vaporized and “smoked” this way it basically removes most if not all harmful things from the “smoke”, so it isn't nearly as unhealthy for your body if you do it this way as opposed to sparking.


Gets you high quicker too.

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By the way: there is a semi-new way of “smoking” weed – its called vaporizing. When weed is vaporized and “smoked” this way it basically removes most if not all harmful things from the “smoke”, so it isn't nearly as unhealthy for your body if you do it this way as opposed to sparking.



I am a recent convert. Much better, IMO.

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I think it is safe to say that virtually all adults have some type of vice in their life: Booze, Weed, Gambling, Porno, Coke, Heroin, Overeating, internet addiction, etc.

My question is: If your son or daughter grew up and had one bad habbit about them, what would you want it to be?


I pick weed myself. I’ve experienced all those vices first hand via family or friends and weed by far is the least harmful to ones self or others.


By the way: there is a semi-new way of “smoking” weed – its called vaporizing. When weed is vaporized and “smoked” this way it basically removes most if not all harmful things from the “smoke”, so it isn't nearly as unhealthy for your body if you do it this way as opposed to sparking.


I have also picked up the vaporizer method, I feel that it is definitely the safest way to smoke because it doesn't smell, doesn't smell up the room and you basically taste nothing except for a strange tasting vapor that just seems like air. I like it but i prefer bongs (seems like Phelps does as well).


I have a sister younger than me, who has admitted to smoke weed before, yet she has never drank alcohol (allegedly). As an older sibling, looking out for the well-being of my sister, I feel much more comfortable with her taking a few hits of a J once in a while then wandering around town drunk and possibly being caught in a driving situation. But hey, that's just me.

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Also, I don't watch the gossip/news shows...is anyone talking about what the huge piece of s#it who made the photo public (likely for $$$)? To me, HE is the person who should be vilified and forced to apologize.


If Phelps has anything to apologize for, it is lack of discretion, and/or being associated with a motherfuc#er like the person who sold the photo.


You made great points earlier in this post, but I left the last segment in the quote because it's exactly what I came here to mention.


Being Phelps' age, and now apparently having TWO pastimes in common with him, I'm trying to put him in the time and place this happened and in what company. Here's what I've gathered and here's what I already know:


  1. He's in someone's bedroom
  2. Phelps' watch reads approx 2:55.
  3. I'm assuming this in the AM because we also see beer bottles and Solo cups.
  4. He's standing.
  5. The room he's in is occupied by somebody close to his age.
  6. Phelps had close to 0 friends in high school because he was swimming, all the time.


Here's how I interpret: He was at a house--nay, apartment party, probably with people he went to high school or college with. The party was dying down--a couple of drunk chicks were still dancing with each other, and a few dudes were passing out on the couch--and Mike wanted to keep the night going. Now that he's Olympic champion, all these friends are coming out of the wood-work, trying to party with Michael Phelps. And he's loving it. Straight loving it.


And so Phelps--relishing in the celebrity he was so coolishly trying to shrug off with his backwards cap, plain white T, and beard (and too big of a p-ssy to take home any of the drunk chicks that were dying to double, TRIPLE team him)--snuck off with a few dudes to continue proving he's no longer the lame-ass he was when these highschool/college homeys originally knew him.


There were likely 4-6 guys in the room, including Phelps. And assuming this apartment party had a keg, AT LEAST one of the smokers is just some COMPLETELY random person, and it's likely he brought a friend who is also there smoking, but never before met anyone else smoking, or anyone else at the party for that matter. Most importantly, neither the random guy, nor his friend, have ever met Phelps before.


The other two guys in the room are moderately close friends with Phelps, but are just now (~2:54a) learning about Phelps' sudden taste for grass.


Phelps is blacked out. He acts like a complete idiot when he's high/drunk and is it at first upset about the picture being taken. Then he forgets about it when the thought Super Mario Bros 3's awesomeness makes him squeal and shake his hands like a 10-year old homo with down syndrome. Video pending.


So in the end, the random dude's friend got away with the picture because the guys who should of been watching out for Phelps got all excited about making a frozen Tombstone. The random dude's friend hasn't worked in six months, he gets him some mad bank, and then blackmails Phelps for twice as much to conceal the video of him tripping balls.


The End.


Or else, it was 2:55p, and Phelps is a straight fiend ripping that bong. :thumbdown:

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Wow, I'm really surprised at how many of you guys use a vap. :wallbash:


It was the best $300.00 I've ever spent. I started with a cheapie for around $100 - that didn't last long, but I got the idea. You can spend $500+ on the volcano and the like.


It is true - very little to no smell. Taste is REALLY good if you have a good strain + right temperature ( very important - this takes time to find out the sweet spot ), especially the first few hits. The buzz is much "cleaner" and here is the best part : NO WASTE!!! Since it's not burning you can take your sweet time. I find you get much more bang for your buck.


If anyone is curious just go to youtube and type in vaporizer - You can find plenty on eBay as well. Skip the cheap models though - they only last a month or two.

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Wow, I'm really surprised at how many of you guys use a vap. :wallbash:


It was the best $300.00 I've ever spent. I started with a cheapie for around $100 - that didn't last long, but I got the idea. You can spend $500+ on the volcano and the like.


It is true - very little to no smell. Taste is REALLY good if you have a good strain + right temperature ( very important - this takes time to find out the sweet spot ), especially the first few hits. The buzz is much "cleaner" and here is the best part : NO WASTE!!! Since it's not burning you can take your sweet time. I find you get much more bang for your buck.


If anyone is curious just go to youtube and type in vaporizer - You can find plenty on eBay as well. Skip the cheap models though - they only last a month or two.



If you have to go cheap, this is probably your best bet:




I hear bad things about the cheaper electronic units, and the really cheap pipe. This thing works pretty good, but it isn't a perfect vaporizer, by any means.

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Wow, I'm really surprised at how many of you guys use a vap. :thumbsup:


It was the best $300.00 I've ever spent. I started with a cheapie for around $100 - that didn't last long, but I got the idea. You can spend $500+ on the volcano and the like.


It is true - very little to no smell. Taste is REALLY good if you have a good strain + right temperature ( very important - this takes time to find out the sweet spot ), especially the first few hits. The buzz is much "cleaner" and here is the best part : NO WASTE!!! Since it's not burning you can take your sweet time. I find you get much more bang for your buck.


If anyone is curious just go to youtube and type in vaporizer - You can find plenty on eBay as well. Skip the cheap models though - they only last a month or two.


Volcano is the greatest invention of all time, including the lightbulb. My friend has one, and I'm constantly inventing excuses to head on over to her place. :wallbash:

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