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Alaskan Volcano may erupt

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The Yellowstone Caldera ia actually a giant hotspot - think of an opening 35m by 45m whose skin has solidified (for now). If it blows (unlikely in our lifetimes, but there has been recent troubling movement), it would be cataclysmic to he US. According to wiki, the last time it blew was 640,000 years ago and released 240 cubic miles of goop.


There is a very entertaining account in Bill Bryson's book "A Brief History of Nearly Everything."


A Yellowstone mega-eruption is the one thing that could happen that truly scares me.


And there wouldn't be a damn thing we could do about it.

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It can't.


Think of it like trying to burp, fart and sneeze at the same time.


You can't. And if you could, think of the mess.


I take it you've never dined at Ryan's Steakhouse or heard stories?

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