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Alaskan Volcano may erupt

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It will actually help towards global cooling volcanic ash blocks the sun's rays. If every volcano in the world erupted at the same time it could trigger another ice age.

If every volcano in the world erupted at the same time wouldn't the earth implode?

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It will actually help towards global cooling volcanic ash blocks the sun's rays. If every volcano in the world erupted at the same time it could trigger another ice age.


If only one Super Volcano like Yellowstone erupts that would probably be enough


If every volcano in the world erupted at the same time wouldn't the earth implode?


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If every volcano in the world erupted at the same time wouldn't the earth implode?


Volcanos erupt because of too much pressure, but once that pressure is relieved by an eruption, it levels off again, so the remaining magma would remain within the Earth. But if they all erupted, the Earth would likely get blanketed with ash in the atmosphere, which could cause nuclear winter type effects by blocking out the sun for a period of time, and then of course all that ash would eventually fall back to the ground.

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You got proof?


You are supposed to demand a link.


Everything you may say - according to some here - is a lie or is some sort of con job you are running...unless you provide a link.


Be bold - suffer the calumny - predict that the sun will rise tomorrow!


And do not provide a link! B-)

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If only one Super Volcano like Yellowstone erupts that would probably be enough


The Yellowstone Caldera ia actually a giant hotspot - think of an opening 35m by 45m whose skin has solidified (for now). If it blows (unlikely in our lifetimes, but there has been recent troubling movement), it would be cataclysmic to he US. According to wiki, the last time it blew was 640,000 years ago and released 240 cubic miles of goop.


There is a very entertaining account in Bill Bryson's book "A Brief History of Nearly Everything."

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