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Did i ever mention how much i hate that !@#$ing whore nancy pelosi? Stupid, stupid, stupid.


The Democrats have got to figure out a way of dumping her if Obama is to have any kind of chance.

The Democrats have got to figure out a way of dumping her if Obama is to have any kind of chance.

I know a guy who knows a guy.


She needs to have an unfortunate accident that no one could have seen coming from a guy who everyone thought was kind and always kept to himself.

Did i ever mention how much i hate that !@#$ing whore nancy pelosi? Stupid, stupid, stupid.


Someone mentioned the reason I'm moving to SF is to be closer to her. It's true, I have to be very close to her............I'm a bad shot.

Someone mentioned the reason I'm moving to SF is to be closer to her. It's true, I have to be very close to her............I'm a bad shot.


Try to hit her in the hair. Tell her it was an accident. They hate that.

Did i ever mention how much i hate that !@#$ing whore nancy pelosi? Stupid, stupid, stupid.


I never thought it possible, but Pelosi is irritating me more know than she did earlier. Hey, B word...if anyone has a mandate, it's Obama, not you. And he's so far trying to govern in a bipartisan spirit.


I hope Obama, in the spirit of bipartisanism, has the sense to metaphorically slap her around for her cringing party politics. It's an even money chance that this ends up being played in a "It's the republicans,not us, who are being partisan" manner.

I never thought it possible, but Pelosi is irritating me more know than she did earlier. Hey, B word...if anyone has a mandate, it's Obama, not you. And he's so far trying to govern in a bipartisan spirit.


I hope Obama, in the spirit of bipartisanism, has the sense to metaphorically slap her around for her cringing party politics. It's an even money chance that this ends up being played in a "It's the republicans,not us, who are being partisan" manner.


52% is now a mandate???

It's the House, what do you expect... A circus no matter which party is running things, even Obama has to laughing at this point.


I doubt he's laughing. That is if he's serious about leading in a bipartisian manner. This is truly disgusting. The Democrats in Congress have no regard for the future of our country. Although the Republicans are almost as much to blame for letting the last bail out bill pass, this is beyond comprehension.


Well America, we're getting what we asked for. :lol:

"IF anyone has a mandate..." Don't respond to my posts if you can't be bothered to read them.have no idea what the !@#$ I'm talking about.


Sorry Tom but that just sounds better to me.

52% is now a mandate???

Reagan got 50.7% of the vote in 1980, Obama got 52.9%.

Reagan had 489 Electoral Votes and Obama 365.

Obama won by 9.6 million votes and Reagan 8.4 million

Obama got 25.5 million more total votes (which was about 50% more than Reagan.

Reagan's margin of victory was 2.4% more than Obama's.

Obama had an initial 68% approval rating and Reagan 51%


I'm sure you would consider Reagan's victory a mandate.

I'm reducing my prediction of it being 30 years until everybody works for the State and has all aspects of one's life controlled, or dies...to 20 years.


Lol. Dude, if things get even remotely close to that, I'll gladly march down to Washington, shotgun in hand, with you.

Lol. Dude, if things get even remotely close to that, I'll gladly march down to Washington, shotgun in hand, with you.


I'm already planning on that in Sacramento if I get an IOU for my tax refund. Typically I owe taxes but seeing your state taxes are a federal deduction I sent in a nice check to the state as a pre-payment. If I get an IOU to me that means I'll never get it so the in essence raised my taxes without a vote. Someone's gonna die.

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