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I noticed there are a lot of Bills fans located all over. I wanted to see who might live the farthest from Orchard Park NY. Also, just to make it interesting, I'd like to see who lives closest to OBD.


To get it started, I'm in the military, but stationed in Fort Walton Beach, FL. That's approximately 1140 miles according to mapquest.


I'm in Bradenton, FL, which is almost 1,300 miles. I don't think anybody is going to beat the guy in Australia.


Back in 2001 when I made this account, I was doing a work-study on the island of Malta.


Now I'm living in Orchard Park, two minutes away from the stadium.


I think I might win for (at one time) farthest and (currently) closest. :lol:


Born, raised and living in San Jose, CA. I know I can not beat the Australia, New Zealand, Japan & Guam fans, but I could be the furthest in the continental U.S. I am 2681 miles from OBD.

If you ever need advice on immigration or anything else regarding NZ, please do not hesitate to contact me.

When does filming for "The Hobbit" begin there?


from Cannes, France.

I wish I could attend once in my life a Bills game, unfortunately I have the age of Jesus, 33 years old, and I (really, for a lot of reaons) expect my death coming soon. It's like that.

from Cannes, France.

I wish I could attend once in my life a Bills game, unfortunately I have the age of Jesus, 33 years old, and I (really, for a lot of reaons) expect my death coming soon. It's like that.

I'll send you a sponge filled with water

from Cannes, France.

I wish I could attend once in my life a Bills game, unfortunately I have the age of Jesus, 33 years old, and I (really, for a lot of reaons) expect my death coming soon. It's like that.

Well at least you can go to the film festival.

from Cannes, France.

I wish I could attend once in my life a Bills game, unfortunately I have the age of Jesus, 33 years old, and I (really, for a lot of reaons) expect my death coming soon. It's like that.

OK, but by Easter you'll be up and at em again.

Back in 2001 when I made this account, I was doing a work-study on the island of Malta.


Now I'm living in Orchard Park, two minutes away from the stadium.


I think I might win for (at one time) farthest and (currently) closest. B-)

Closest? Not unless you can look out your kitchen window and see One Bill's Drive.

Is the old Pastime Bar still there? (not the one on Grant corner Forest) Farmer?...Austin? I forget.



lol it was on grant and forest...thats long gone...it became "club blanco"

In a nutshell....

My parents are English so I wasn't indoctrinated into the local game.

A friend introduced me to American Football......the first game I watched was the Bills/Giants superbowl.

I picked a team to root for on the day.....my selection was mainly based upon helmet logo.....and Thurman Thomas.

I joined & played in a local league for a few years which catapulted my interest in the sport.

It was a great time to follow the Bills but my love for the team was cemented by the class of the organization(how they treated people compared to other teams) and players(though not saints, they had 'football character').......and the class of the fans. As example......the reception given to Scott Norwood(after wide right) by the Bills fans actually made the sports news coverage out here. Thousands of fans cheering him really highlighted what being a Bills fan is all about. I was & am proud to be a part of it.



Very cool. Though I live in Tokyo now, I spent a lot of my youth in Williamsville.


I've gotten to training camp 3 out of the last 4 years. That was very cool, too.

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